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a near-miracle

  • 1 near

    1. adverb
    1) (at a short distance) nah[e]

    stand/live [quite] near — [ganz] in der Nähe stehen/wohnen

    come or draw near/nearer — [Tag, Zeitpunkt:] nahen/näherrücken

    near at handin Reichweite (Dat.); [Ort] ganz in der Nähe

    be near at hand[Ereignis:] nahe bevorstehen

    so near and yet so farso nah und doch so fern

    2) (closely)

    near to = 2 a, b, c; we were near to being drowned — wir wären fast od. beinah[e] ertrunken

    2. preposition
    1) (in space) (position) nahe an/bei (+ Dat.); (motion) nahe an (+ Akk.); (fig.) nahe (geh.) nachgestellt (+ Dat.); in der Nähe (+ Gen.)

    keep near mehalte dich od. bleib in meiner Nähe

    near where... — in der Nähe od. unweit der Stelle (Gen.), wo...

    move it nearer herrücke es näher zu ihr

    don't stand so near the firegeh nicht so nahe od. dicht an das Feuer

    when we got nearer Oxfordals wir in die Nähe von Oxford kamen

    wait till we're nearer home — warte, bis wir nicht mehr so weit von zu Hause weg sind

    the man near/nearest you — der Mann, der bei dir/der dir am nächsten steht

    nobody comes anywhere near him at swimmingim Schwimmen kommt bei weitem keiner an ihn heran

    3) (in time)

    near the end/the beginning of something — gegen Ende/zu Anfang einer Sache (Gen.)

    4) in comb. Beinahe[unfall, -zusammenstoß, -katastrophe]

    be in a state of near-collapsekurz vor dem Zusammenbruch stehen

    a near-miraclefast od. beinahe ein Wunder

    3. adjective
    1) (in space or time) nahe
    2) (closely related) nahe [Verwandte]; eng [Freund]
    3) (in nature) fast richtig [Vermutung]; groß [Ähnlichkeit]

    £30 or near/nearest offer — 30 Pfund oder nächstbestes Angebot

    this is the nearest equivalentdies entspricht dem am ehesten

    near escapeEntkommen mit knapper Not

    round it up to the nearest pennyrunde es auf den nächsthöheren Pfennigbetrag

    be a near miss[Schuss, Wurf:] knapp danebengehen

    that was a near miss (escape) das war aber knapp!


    the near side(Brit.) (travelling on the left/right) die linke/rechte Seite

    5) (direct)
    4. transitive verb
    sich nähern (+ Dat.)
    * * *
    [niə] 1. adjective
    1) (not far away in place or time: The station is quite near; Christmas is getting near.) nahe
    2) (not far away in relationship: He is a near relation.) nahe
    2. adverb
    1) (to or at a short distance from here or the place mentioned: He lives quite near.) nahe
    2) ((with to) close to: Don't sit too near to the window.) nahe
    3. preposition
    (at a very small distance from (in place, time etc): She lives near the church; It was near midnight when they arrived.) nahe
    4. verb
    (to come near (to): The roads became busier as they neared the town; as evening was nearing.) sich nähren
    - academic.ru/49300/nearly">nearly
    - nearness
    - nearby
    - nearside
    - near-sighted
    - a near miss
    * * *
    [nɪəʳ, AM nɪr]
    I. adj
    1. (close in space) nahe, in der Nähe
    where's the \nearest phone box? wo ist die nächste Telefonzelle?
    in the \near distance [ganz] in der Nähe
    in the \near future in der nahen Zukunft
    3. (most similar)
    \nearest am nächsten
    walking in these boots is the \nearest thing to floating on air in diesen Stiefeln läuft man fast wie auf Watte
    this was the \nearest equivalent to cottage cheese I could find von allem, was ich auftreiben konnte, ist das hier Hüttenkäse am ähnlichsten
    he rounded up the sum to the \nearest dollar er rundete die Summe auf den nächsten Dollar auf
    4. attr (close to being)
    he was in a state of \near despair er war der Verzweiflung nahe
    that's a \near certainty/impossibility das ist so gut wie sicher/unmöglich
    a \near catastrophe/collision eine Beinahekatastrophe/ein Beinahezusammenstoß m
    5. attr (person) nahe, eng
    he's a \near neighbour er gehört zu der unmittelbaren Nachbarschaft
    \near relative enge[r] [o nahe[r]] Verwandte[r]
    his \nearest and dearest ( hum) seine Lieben hum
    6. attr BRIT, AUS AUTO, TRANSP (nearside) auf der Beifahrerseite präd, nach n
    a \near thing:
    that was a \near thing! it could have been a disaster das war aber knapp! es hätte ein Unglück geben können
    she won in the end but it was a \near thing am Ende hat sie doch noch gewonnen, aber es war knapp
    II. adv
    do you live somewhere \near? wohnst du hier irgendwo in der Nähe?
    I wish we lived \nearer ich wünschte, wir würden näher beieinanderwohnen
    I was standing just \near enough to hear what he was saying ich stand gerade nah genug, um zu hören, was er sagte
    \near at hand object in [unmittelbarer] Reichweite; place [ganz] in der Nähe
    to draw [or get] \near näher rücken
    the time is drawing \nearer die Zeit rückt näher
    3. (almost) beinahe, fast
    a \near perfect performance eine fast perfekte Vorstellung
    I \near fell out or the chair ich wäre beinahe vom Stuhl gefallen
    as \near as:
    as \near as he could recall, the burglar had been tall soweit er sich erinnern konnte, war der Einbrecher groß gewesen
    I'm as \near certain as can be ich bin mir so gut wie sicher
    there were about 60 people at the party, as \near as I could judge ich schätze, es waren so um die 60 Leute auf der Party
    \near enough ( fam) fast, beinahe
    she's been here 10 years, \near enough sie ist seit 10 Jahren hier, so ungefähr jedenfalls
    they're the same age or \near enough sie haben so ungefähr dasselbe Alter
    nowhere [or not anywhere] \near bei Weitem nicht
    his income is nowhere \near enough to live on sein Einkommen reicht bei Weitem nicht zum Leben [aus]
    he's not anywhere \near as [or so] tall as his sister er ist längst nicht so groß wie seine Schwester
    as \near as dammit [or damn it] BRIT ( fam)
    it will cost £200, or as \near as dammit so Pi mal Daumen gerechnet wird es etwa 200 Pfund kosten
    III. prep
    1. (in proximity to)
    \near [to] nahe [bei] + dat
    he stood \near her er stand nahe [o dicht] bei ihr
    do you live \near here? wohnen Sie hier in der Nähe?
    we live quite \near [to] a school wir wohnen in unmittelbarer Nähe einer Schule
    the house was nowhere \near the port das Haus lag nicht mal in der Nähe des Hafens
    don't come too \near me, you might catch my cold komm mir nicht zu nahe, du könntest dich mit meiner Erkältung anstecken
    which bus stop is \nearest [to] your house? welche Bushaltestelle ist von deinem Haus aus die nächste?
    go and sit \nearer [to] the fire komm, setz dich näher ans Feuer
    there's a car park \near the factory bei [o in der Nähe] der Fabrik gibt es einen Parkplatz
    I shan't be home till some time \near midnight ich werde erst so um Mitternacht zurück sein
    it's nowhere \near time for us to leave yet es ist noch längst nicht Zeit für uns zu gehen
    I'm nowhere \near finishing the book ich habe das Buch noch längst nicht ausgelesen
    details will be given \near the date die Einzelheiten werden kurz vor dem Termin bekanntgegeben
    his birthday is very \near Easter er hat kurz vor Ostern Geburtstag
    I'll think about it \nearer [to] the time wenn die Zeit reif ist, dann werde ich drüber nachdenken
    \near the end of the war gegen Kriegsende
    we came \near to being killed wir wären beinahe getötet worden
    they came \near to blows over the election results sie hätten sich fast geprügelt wegen der Wahlergebnisse
    \near to starvation/dehydration nahe dem Verhungern/Verdursten
    \near to tears den Tränen nahe
    4. (similar in quantity or quality)
    he's \nearer 70 than 60 er ist eher 70 als 60
    this colour is \nearest [to] the original diese Farbe kommt dem Original am nächsten
    nobody else comes \near him in cooking was das Kochen angeht, da kommt keiner an ihn ran
    5. (about ready to)
    to be \near to doing sth nahe daran sein, etw akk zu tun
    I am \near to losing my temper ich verliere gleich die Geduld
    he came \near to punching him er hätte ihn beinahe geschlagen
    6. (like)
    he felt something \near envy er empfand so etwas wie Neid
    what he said was nothing \near the truth was er sagte, entsprach nicht im Entferntesten der Wahrheit
    7. (almost amount of) annähernd, fast
    it weighed \near to a pound es wog etwas weniger als ein Pfund
    temperatures \near 30 degrees Temperaturen von etwas unter 30 Grad
    profits fell from £8 million to \nearer £6 million die Gewinne sind von 8 Millionen auf gerade mal 6 Millionen zurückgegangen
    IV. vt
    to \near sth sich akk etw dat nähern, etw dat näher kommen
    we \neared the top of the mountain wir kamen dem Gipfel des Berges immer näher
    to \near completion kurz vor der Vollendung stehen
    sb \nears his/her end ( liter) jds Ende naht euph
    V. vi sich akk nähern, näher kommen [o rücken]
    lunchtime is \nearing es ist bald Mittagszeit
    as Christmas \neared, little Susan became more and more excited als Weihnachten nahte, wurde die kleine Susan immer aufgeregter
    * * *
    [nɪə(r)] (+er)
    1. ADVERB
    1) = close in space or time nahe

    don't sit/stand so near — setzen Sie sich/stehen Sie nicht so nahe (daran)

    you live nearer/nearest — du wohnst näher/am nächsten

    to move/come nearer — näher kommen

    that was the nearest I ever got to seeing himda hätte ich ihn fast gesehen

    the nearer it gets to the election, the more they look like losing — je näher die Wahl kommt or rückt, desto mehr sieht es danach aus, dass sie verlieren werden __diams; to be near at hand zur Hand sein; (shops) in der Nähe sein; (help) ganz nahe sein; (event) unmittelbar bevorstehen

    2) = closely, accurately genau

    as near as I can tell —

    (that's) near enough — so gehts ungefähr, das haut so ungefähr hin (inf)

    ... no, but near enough —... nein, aber es ist nicht weit davon entfernt

    3) = almost fast, beinahe; impossible nahezu, fast; dead nahezu

    in negative statements it's nowhere near enough — das ist bei Weitem nicht genug

    we're nowhere or not anywhere near finishing the book —

    you are nowhere or not anywhere near the truth — das ist weit gefehlt, du bist weit von der Wahrheit entfernt

    (also ADV: near to)
    1) = close to position nahe an (+dat), nahe (+dat); (with motion) nahe an (+acc); (= in the vicinity of) in der Nähe von or +gen; (with motion) in die Nähe von or +gen

    move the chair near/nearer (to) the table — rücken Sie den Stuhl an den/näher an den Tisch

    to get near/nearer (to) sb/sth — nahe/näher an jdn/etw herankommen

    to stand near/nearer (to) the table — nahe/näher am Tisch stehen

    he won't go near anything illegal —

    near here/there — hier/dort in der Nähe

    near (to) where I had seen him — nahe der Stelle, wo ich ihn gesehen hatte

    to be nearest to stheiner Sache (dat) am nächsten sein

    take the chair nearest (to) you/the table — nehmen Sie den Stuhl direkt neben Ihnen/dem Tisch

    that's nearer it —

    to be near (to) sb's heart or sb — jdm am Herzen liegen

    to be near (to) the knuckle or bone (joke) — gewagt sein; (remark) hart an der Grenze sein

    2) = close in time with time stipulated gegen

    near (to) the appointed time — um die ausgemachte Zeit herum

    come back nearer (to) 3 o'clock —

    to be nearer/nearest (to) sth — einer Sache (dat) zeitlich näher liegen/am nächsten liegen

    near (to) the end of my stay/the play/the book — gegen Ende meines Aufenthalts/des Stücks/des Buchs

    as it drew near/nearer (to) his departure — als seine Abreise heranrückte/näher heranrückte


    = on the point of to be near (to) doing sth — nahe daran sein, etw zu tun

    to be near (to) tears/despair etc — den Tränen/der Verzweiflung etc nahe sein

    she was near (to) laughing out loud — sie hätte beinahe laut gelacht

    the project is near/nearer (to) completion —

    he came near to ruining his chances — er hätte sich seine Chancen beinahe verdorben, es hätte nicht viel gefehlt, und er hätte sich seine Chancen verdorben

    we were near to being drowned — wir waren dem Ertrinken nahe, wir wären beinahe ertrunken

    4) = similar to ähnlich (+dat)

    German is nearer (to) Dutch than English is — Deutsch ist dem Holländischen ähnlicher als Englisch

    it's the same thing or near it —

    1) = close in space or time nahe

    to be near (person, object) — in der Nähe sein; (danger, end, help) nahe sein; (event, departure, festival) bevorstehen

    to be very near — ganz in der Nähe sein; (in time) nahe or unmittelbar bevorstehen; (danger etc) ganz nahe sein

    to be nearer/nearest — näher/am nächsten sein; (event etc) zeitlich näher/am nächsten liegen

    it looks very near —

    his answer was nearer than mine/nearest — seine Antwort traf eher zu als meine/traf die Sachlage am ehesten

    when death is so nearwenn man dem Tod nahe ist

    these events are still very near —

    the hour is near (when...) (old) her hour was near (old) — die Stunde ist nahe(, da...) (old) ihre Stunde war nahe (old)

    2) fig escape knapp

    a near disaster/accident — beinahe or fast ein Unglück nt/ein Unfall m

    his nearest rival — sein schärfster Rivale, seine schärfste Rivalin

    to be in a state of near collapse/hysteria — am Rande eines Zusammenbruchs/der Hysterie sein

    £50 or nearest offer (Comm) — Verhandlungsbasis £ 50

    we'll sell it for £50, or nearest offer — wir verkaufen es für £ 50 oder das nächstbeste Angebot

    this is the nearest translation you'll getbesser kann man es kaum übersetzen, diese Übersetzung trifft es noch am ehesten

    that's the nearest thing you'll get to a compliment/an answer — ein besseres Kompliment/eine bessere Antwort kannst du kaum erwarten

    3) = closely related, intimate relation nah; friend nah, vertraut
    sich nähern (+dat)

    to be nearing sth (fig)auf etw (acc) zugehen

    (time, event) näher rücken

    the time is nearing when... — die Zeit rückt näher, da...

    * * *
    near [nıə(r)]
    A adv
    1. nahe, (ganz) in der Nähe, dicht dabei
    2. nahe (bevorstehend) (Zeitpunkt, Ereignis etc)
    3. nahe (heran), näher:
    4. nahezu, beinahe, fast:
    £1,000 is not anywhere near enough 1000 Pfund sind bei Weitem nicht genug oder sind auch nicht annähernd genug;
    not anywhere near as bad as nicht annähernd so schlecht wie, bei Weitem nicht so schlecht wie
    5. obs sparsam:
    live near sparsam oder kärglich leben
    6. fig eng (verwandt, befreundet etc)
    7. SCHIFF hart (am Winde):
    B adj (adv nearly)
    1. nahe (gelegen), in der Nähe:
    the nearest place der nächstgelegene Ort
    2. kurz, nahe:
    the nearest way der kürzeste Weg
    3. nahe (Zeitpunkt, Ereignis etc):
    4. nahe (verwandt):
    the nearest relations die nächsten Verwandten
    5. eng (befreundet oder vertraut):
    a near friend ein guter oder enger Freund;
    my nearest and dearest friend mein bester Freund;
    6. knapp:
    we had a near escape wir sind mit knapper Not entkommen;
    near miss FLUG, AUTO Beinahe-, Fastzusammenstoß m;
    a) knapp danebengehen (Schuss etc),
    b) fig knapp scheitern;
    that was a near thing umg das hätte ins Auge gehen können, das ist gerade noch einmal gut gegangen
    7. genau, wörtlich, wortgetreu (Übersetzung etc)
    8. umg knaus(e)rig
    C präp
    1. nahe (dat), in der oder die Nähe von (oder gen), nahe an (dat) oder bei, unweit (gen):
    near sb in jemandes Nähe;
    a house near the station ein Haus in Bahnhofsnähe;
    get near the end of one’s career sich dem Ende seiner Laufbahn nähern;
    near completion der Vollendung nahe, nahezu fertiggestellt;
    a) nicht weit von hier,
    b) hier in der Nähe;
    his opinion is very near my own wir sind fast der gleichen Meinung;
    be near doing sth nahe daran sein, etwas zu tun; bone1 A 1
    2. (zeitlich) nahe, nicht weit von
    D v/t & v/i sich nähern, näher kommen (dat):
    be nearing completion der Vollendung entgegengehenBesondere Redewendungen: near at hand
    a) A 1,
    b) A 2 near by nearby A;
    a) sich ungefähr belaufen auf (akk),
    b) einer Sache sehr nahe oder fast gleichkommen, fast etwas sein she came near to tears sie war den Tränen nahe, sie hätte fast geweint;
    come ( oder go) near to doing sth etwas fast oder beinahe tun;
    not come near to sth in keinem Verhältnis stehen zu etwas; draw near, nowhere A 3
    nr abk near
    * * *
    1. adverb

    stand/live [quite] near — [ganz] in der Nähe stehen/wohnen

    come or draw near/nearer — [Tag, Zeitpunkt:] nahen/näherrücken

    near at handin Reichweite (Dat.); [Ort] ganz in der Nähe

    be near at hand[Ereignis:] nahe bevorstehen

    near to = 2 a, b, c; we were near to being drowned — wir wären fast od. beinah[e] ertrunken

    2. preposition
    1) (in space) (position) nahe an/bei (+ Dat.); (motion) nahe an (+ Akk.); (fig.) nahe (geh.) nachgestellt (+ Dat.); in der Nähe (+ Gen.)

    keep near mehalte dich od. bleib in meiner Nähe

    near where... — in der Nähe od. unweit der Stelle (Gen.), wo...

    wait till we're nearer home — warte, bis wir nicht mehr so weit von zu Hause weg sind

    the man near/nearest you — der Mann, der bei dir/der dir am nächsten steht

    ask me again nearer the time — frag mich, wenn der Zeitpunkt etwas näher gerückt ist, noch einmal

    near the end/the beginning of something — gegen Ende/zu Anfang einer Sache (Gen.)

    4) in comb. Beinahe[unfall, -zusammenstoß, -katastrophe]

    a near-miraclefast od. beinahe ein Wunder

    3. adjective
    2) (closely related) nahe [Verwandte]; eng [Freund]
    3) (in nature) fast richtig [Vermutung]; groß [Ähnlichkeit]

    £30 or near/nearest offer — 30 Pfund oder nächstbestes Angebot

    be a near miss[Schuss, Wurf:] knapp danebengehen

    that was a near miss (escape) das war aber knapp!


    the near side(Brit.) (travelling on the left/right) die linke/rechte Seite

    4. transitive verb
    sich nähern (+ Dat.)
    * * *
    nah adj. prep.
    nächst präp.

    English-german dictionary > near

  • 2 Wunder

    n; -s, -
    1. übernatürlich: miracle; erstaunlich: auch wonder; bewundernswert: marvel; ein Wunder der Natur / Technik a miracle of nature / engineering; Wunder wirken oder tun perform miracles; fig. work wonders; es grenzt an ein Wunder it’s a near-miracle; auf ein Wunder hoffen be hoping for a miracle; wenn nicht ein Wunder geschieht barring a miracle; wie durch ein Wunder miraculously; ( es ist) kein Wunder(, dass...) (it’s) no wonder (that...); ist es ein Wunder, dass... oder was Wunder, wenn...? is it any wonder that...?; er ist ein Wunder an Ausdauer he’s got amazing stamina; er wird sein blaues Wunder erleben umg. he’s got a surprise coming, he’s in for a (big) surprise; oh Wunder oder Wunder über Wunder! iro. wonders will never cease!
    2. umg.: Wunder was / wer etc. something / someone absolutely fantastic, the greatest thing since sliced bread; sie glaubt Wunder was sie getan hat she thinks what she’s done is absolutely fantastic; er glaubt, er sei Wunder wer auch he thinks he’s the bee’s knees; Wunder wie klug / schön etc. ever so clever (Am. smart)/ beautiful etc., as clever (Am. smart)/ beautiful etc. as anything; das stellte sie sich Wunder wie einfach vor she thought it was going to be ever so easy ( oder as easy as anything oder as easy as pie)
    * * *
    das Wunder
    portent; wonder; miracle
    * * *
    Wụn|der ['vʊndɐ]
    nt -s, -
    1) (=übernatürliches Ereignis AUCH REL) miracle; (= wunderbare Erscheinung) wonder; (= Leistung) marvel, miracle; (= erstaunlicher Mensch) marvel

    das grenzt an ein Wunder — it verges on the miraculous, it's almost a miracle

    die Wunder der Natur/dieser Welt — the wonders of nature/this world


    meine Eltern denken Wunder was passiert ist/Wunder was über mein Privatleben — my parents think goodness knows what has happened/goodness knows what about my private life

    er glaubt, Wunder wer zu sein/Wunder was geleistet zu haben — he thinks he's marvellous (Brit) or marvelous (US)/done something marvel(l)ous

    er meint, Wunder wie schön das sei — he thinks it's fantastic


    (= überraschendes Ereignis) Wunder tun or wirken — to do wonders

    es ist ein/kein Wunder, dass... — it's a wonder/no wonder or small wonder that...

    ist es ein Wunder, dass er dick ist? — is it any wonder that he's fat?

    was Wunder, wenn... — it's no wonder or surprise if...

    * * *
    1) (something or someone astonishing or wonderful: the marvels of the circus; She's a marvel at producing delicious meals.) marvel
    2) (something which man is not normally capable of making happen and which is therefore thought to be done by a god or God: Christ's turning of water into wine was a miracle.) miracle
    3) (a fortunate happening that has no obvious natural cause or explanation: It's a miracle he wasn't killed in the plane crash.) miracle
    4) (something strange and wonderful: A very clever child is sometimes called a child prodigy; prodigies of nature.) prodigy
    5) (the quality of being strange or unexpected: The wonder of the discovery is that it was only made ten years ago.) wonder
    * * *
    <-s, ->
    \Wunder was/wer/wie (fam) who knows what/who/how
    er möchte \Wunder was erreichen goodness knows what he wants to achieve
    das hat er sich \Wunder wie einfach vorgestellt he imagined it would be ever so easy
    \Wunder tun [o wirken] to work [or perform] a miracle sing
    an ein \Wunder grenzen to be almost a miracle
    ein/kein \Wunder sein, dass... (fam) to be a/no wonder, that...
    ist es ein \Wunder, dass ich mich so aufrege? (fig fam) is it any wonder that I'm so upset?
    es ist kein \Wunder, dass... (fam) it's no [or little] [or small] wonder that...
    wie durch ein \Wunder miraculously
    \Wunder über \Wunder (fam) wonders will never cease
    er kann nur durch ein \Wunder gerettet werden only a miracle can save him
    was \Wunder[, dass] no wonder
    was \Wunder, dass sie jetzt eingeschnappt ist no wonder she's in a huff; (Phänomen) wonder
    das \Wunder des Lebens the miracle of life
    die \Wunder der Natur the wonders of nature
    ein \Wunder an etw dat sein to be a miracle of sth
    diese Uhr ist ein \Wunder an Präzision this watch is a miracle of precision
    sein blaues \Wunder erleben (fam) to be in for a nasty surprise
    * * *
    das; Wunders, Wunder

    Wunder wirken(fig. ugs.) work wonders

    ein/kein Wunder sein — (ugs.) be a/no wonder

    was Wunder, wenn...? — small or no wonder that...

    er wird sein blaues Wunder erleben(ugs.) he's in for a nasty shock

    2) (etwas Erstaunliches) wonder

    ein Wunder an... — (Dat.) a miracle of...

    * * *
    Wunder n; -s, -
    1. übernatürlich: miracle; erstaunlich: auch wonder; bewundernswert: marvel;
    ein Wunder der Natur/Technik a miracle of nature/engineering;
    tun perform miracles; fig work wonders;
    es grenzt an ein Wunder it’s a near-miracle;
    auf ein Wunder hoffen be hoping for a miracle;
    wie durch ein Wunder miraculously;
    (es ist) kein Wunder(, dass …) (it’s) no wonder (that …);
    ist es ein Wunder, dass … oder
    was Wunder, wenn …? is it any wonder that …?;
    er ist ein Wunder an Ausdauer he’s got amazing stamina;
    er wird sein blaues Wunder erleben umg he’s got a surprise coming, he’s in for a (big) surprise;
    Wunder über Wunder! iron wonders will never cease!
    2. umg:
    Wunder was/wer etc something/someone absolutely fantastic, the greatest thing since sliced bread;
    sie glaubt, Wunder was sie getan hat she thinks what she’s done is absolutely fantastic;
    er glaubt, er sei Wunder wer auch he thinks he’s the bee’s knees;
    Wunder wie klug/schön etc ever so clever (US smart)/beautiful etc, as clever (US smart)/beautiful etc as anything;
    das stellte sie sich Wunder wie einfach vor she thought it was going to be ever so easy ( oder as easy as anything oder as easy as pie)
    * * *
    das; Wunders, Wunder

    Wunder wirken(fig. ugs.) work wonders

    ein/kein Wunder sein — (ugs.) be a/no wonder

    was Wunder, wenn...? — small or no wonder that...

    er wird sein blaues Wunder erleben(ugs.) he's in for a nasty shock

    2) (etwas Erstaunliches) wonder

    ein Wunder an... — (Dat.) a miracle of...

    * * *
    - n.
    marvel n.
    miracle n.
    wonder n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Wunder

  • 3 ἐπί

    ἐπί prep. w. gen., dat., or acc.; s. the lit. on ἀνά, beg. (Hom.+). The basic idea is ‘upon’ (opp. ὑπό) Kühner-G. I 495; s. also Rob 600–605. (In the foll. classifications case use is presented seriatim; in earlier editions of this lexicon all sections, except 13, 17, and 18 [of time], were included under the general rubric ‘Place’.)
    marker of location or surface, answering the question ‘where?’ on, upon, near
    w. gen., marking a position on a surface ἐ. (τῆς) γῆς on (the) earth (cp. En 9:1; 98:1; ἐ. γῆς 25:6; PsSol 17:2) Mt 6:10, 19; 9:6; 23:9; Mk 6:47 al. (Ar. 12, 1; Just., A I, 54, 7 al.). ἐ. τῆς θαλάσσης on the sea (cp. Job 9:8; Dio Chrys. 10 [11], 129 βαδίζειν ἐ. τῆς θαλ.; Lucian, Philops. 13 βαδίζειν ἐφʼ ὕδατος, VH 2, 4; Artem. 3, 16 ἐ. τ. θαλάσσης περιπατεῖν; schol. on Nicander, Ther. 15 p. 5, 26ff relying on the testimony of Hesiod: Orion was given a gift [δωρεά] by the gods καὶ ἐ. κυμάτων πορεύεσθαι καὶ ἐ. τῆς γῆς) Mt 14:26; Mk 6:48f; J 6:19 (w. acc. P75; s. 4bβ below). ἐ. τῶν νεφελῶν on the clouds Mt 24:30; 26:64 (Da 7:13; cp. Philo, Praem. 8). ἐ. κλίνης 9:2; Lk 17:34. ἐ. τοῦ δώματος on the roof vs. 31; Mt 24:17; 10:27 foll. by pl. W. verbs: κάθημαι ἐ. τινος sit on someth. (Job 2:8; ἐ. τοῦ ἅρματος GrBar 6:2; cp. JosAs 27:1 ἐ. τοῦ ὀχήματος καθεζόμενος; Just., D. 90, 5 ἐ. λίθου καθεζόμενος) Mt 24:3; 27:19; Ac 8:28; Rv 6:16; 9:17 (the same prep. used in Rv w. κάθημαι and dat. s. bα below, and w. acc. cα). ἑστηκέναι ἐ. τινος stand on someth. Ac 21:40; Rv 10:5, 8 (Just., D. 86, 2 ἐστηρίχθαι). With parts of the body: ἐ. χειρῶν αἴρειν carry on (i.e. in/with) their hands Mt 4:6; Lk 4:11 (both Ps 90:12). ἐ. κεφαλῆς on the head (Hdt. 5, 12, 4) J 20:7; 1 Cor 11:10; Rv 12:1. ἐ. τοῦ μετώπου Rv 7:3; 9:4. ἐ. γυμνοῦ on the naked body Mk 14:51. Cp. use of ἐπί w. καθίζω and gen., and ἐπί w. κάθημαι and acc. Mt 19:28.—In a gener. and fig. sense Ac 21:23.
    w. dat., gener. suggesting contiguity on, in, above.
    α. answering the question ‘where?’ (Hom. et al.; ins, pap, LXX; Just., D. 105, 5 ἐ. τῷ σταυρῷ; Tat., 9:1 ἐ. τοῖς ὄρεσι; Ath. 20, 1 ἐ. τῷ μετώπῳ; Mel., P. 19, 131 ἐ. σάκκῳ καὶ σποδῷ) ἐ. πίνακι on a platter Mt 14:8, 11; Mk 6:25, 28. ἀνακλῖναι ἐ. τῷ χλωρῷ χόρτῳ on the green grass 6:39. ἐ. τοῖς κραβάττοις vs. 55. ἐπέκειτο ἐπʼ αὐτῷ lay on it (or before it) J 11:38. καθήμενος ἐ. τῷ θρόνῳ Rv 4:9 (cp. gen. w. καθ. 1a above, and acc. cα below) 5:13; 7:10 and oft. ἐφʼ ἵπποις λευκοῖς on white horses 19:14. ἐ. σανίσιν on planks Ac 27:44. ἐ. τῇ στοᾷ in the colonnade 3:11. τὰ ἐ. τοῖς οὐρανοῖς what is above (or in) the heavens Eph 1:10. ἐπʼ αὐτῷ above him, at his head Lk 23:38 (=Mt 27:37 ἐπάνω τ. κεφαλῆς αὐτοῦ).
    β. answering the question ‘whither?’ on, upon (Hom. et al.) w. verbs that indicate a direction: οἰκοδομεῖν ἐ. τινι build upon someth. Mt 16:18. ἐποικοδομεῖν Eph 2:20. ἐπιβάλλειν ἐπίβλημα ἐ. ἱματίῳ παλαιῷ put a patch on an old garment Mt 9:16. ἐπιπίπτειν ἐ. τινι Ac 8:16. ἐκάθισεν ἐ. τῷ θρόνῳ he sat down on the throne GJs 11:1. λίθον ἐπʼ αὐτῇ βαλέτω J 8:7 v.l. (cp. 12a below).
    w. acc., answering the question ‘where?’ (Hom. et al.; LXX; JosAs 29:2 φορῶν ἐ. τὸν μηρὸν αὐτοῦ ῥομφαίαν; Just., D. 53, 1 ζυγὸν ἐ. αὐχένα μὴ ἔχων)
    α. on, over someth. καθεύδειν ἐ. τι sleep on someth. Mk 4:38. καθῆσθαι ἐ. τι sit on someth. Mt 19:28 (in the same vs. καθίζω w. gen., s. a above) J 12:15; Rv 4:4; 6:2; 11:16 al.; cp. Lk 21:35b; κεῖσθαι ἐ. τι lie upon someth. 2 Cor 3:15. κατακεῖσθαι Lk 5:25. ἑστηκέναι ἐ. τὸν αἰγιαλόν stand on the shore Mt 13:2; cp. Rv 14:1. ἑστῶτας ἐ. τὴν θάλασσαν standing beside the sea 15:2. ἔστη ἐ. τὴν κεφαλὴν τοῦ παιδίου (the star) remained stationary over the head of the child GJs 21:3. σκηνοῦν ἐ. τινα spread a tent over someone Rv 7:15. ἐ. τὴν δεξιάν at the right hand 5:1. λίθος ἐ. λίθον stone upon stone Mt 24:2.
    β. ἐ. τὸ αὐτό at the same place, together (Ps.-X., Respublica Athen. [The Old Oligarch] 2, 2; Pla., Rep. 329a; SIG 736, 66 [92 B.C.]. In pap=‘in all’: PTebt 14, 20 [114 B.C.]; PFay 102, 6.—2 Km 2:13; En 100:2) εἶναι ἐ. τὸ αὐτό be together Lk 17:35; Ac 1:15; 2:1, 44. In 1 Cor 7:5 it is a euphemistic expr. for sexual union. κατοικεῖν ἐ. τὸ αὐτό live in the same place (Dt 25:5) Hm 5, 1, 4. Also w. verbs of motion (Sus 14 Theod.) συνέρχεσθαι ἐ. τὸ αὐτό come together to the same place 1 Cor 11:20; 14:23; cp. B 4:10 (Just., A I, 67, 3 συνέλευσις γίνεται). συνάγεσθαι (Phlegon of Tralles [Hadr.]: 257 Fgm. 36 III 9 Jac.; PsSol 2:2; TestJob 28:5 Jos., Bell. 2, 346) Mt 22:34; Ac 4:26 (Ps 2:2); 1 Cl 34:7. ἐ. τὸ αὐτὸ μίγνυσθαι be mixed together Hm 10, 3, 3. προσετίθει ἐ. τὸ αὐτό added to their number Ac 2:47.
    γ. at, by, near someone or someth. καθῆσθαι ἐ. τὸ τελώνιον sit at the tax-office Mt 9:9 (ἐ. τὰς ὡραίας πύλας GrBar prol. 2); Mk 2:14. ἑστηκέναι ἐ. τὴν θύραν stand at the door Rv 3:20. σὺ ἔστης ἐ. τὸ θυσιαστήριον you are standing (ἕστηκας deStrycker) as priest at the altar GJs 8:2. ἐφʼ ὑμᾶς among you 2 Th 1:10; cp. Ac 1:21.—Of pers., over whom someth. is done ὀνομάζειν τὸ ὄνομα Ἰησοῦ ἐ. τινα speak the name of Jesus over someone Ac 19:13. ἐπικαλεῖν τὸ ὄνομά τινος ἐ. τινα=to claim someone for one’s own (Jer 14:9; 2 Ch 7:14; 2 Macc 8:15) Ac 15:17 (Am 9:12); Js 2:7; Hs 8, 6, 4. προσεύχεσθαι ἐ. τινα pray over someone Js 5:14.
    marker of presence or occurrence near an object or area, at, near
    w. gen., of immediate proximity to things at, near (Hdt. 7, 115; X., An. 4, 3, 28 al.; LXX, Just.) ἐ. τ. θυρῶν at the gates (Plut., C. Gracch. 841 [14, 3]; PRyl 127, 8f [29 A.D.] κοιμωμένου μου ἐ. τῆς θύρας; 1 Macc 1:55; Just., D. 111, 4) Ac 5:23 (s. b below for dat. in 5:9). ἐ. τῆς θαλάσσης near the sea (Polyb. 1, 44, 4; Ex 14:2; Dt 1:40; 1 Macc 14:34) J 21:1. ἐ. τῆς ὁδοῦ by the road Mt 21:19. ἐσθίειν ἐ. τῆς πραπέζης τινός eat at someone’s table Lk 22:30 (cp. POxy 99, 14 [55 A.D.] τράπεζα, ἐφʼ ἧς Σαραπίων καὶ μέτοχοι; Da 11:27 LXX ἐ. μιᾶς τραπέζης). ἐ. τοῦ (τῆς) βάτου at the thornbush = in the passage about the thornbush (i.e. Ex 3:1ff) Mk 12:26; Lk 20:37.
    with dat., of immediate proximity at, near by (Hom.+) ἦν ἔτι ἐ. τῷ τόπῳ ὅπου was still at the place, where J 11:30 v.l. (for ἐν; cp. Just., D. 402). ἐ. τῇ θύρᾳ (ἐ. θύραις) at the door (Hom. et al.; Wsd 19:17; Jos., Ant. 17, 90; Just., D. 32, 3) Mt 24:33; Mk 13:29; Ac 5:9 (s. a above). ἐ. τοῖς πυλῶσιν Rv 21:12. ἐ. τῇ πηγῇ J 4:6 (Jos., Ant. 5, 58 ἐ. τινι πηγῇ; Just., A I, 64, 1 ἐ. ταῖς … πηγαῖς). ἐ. τῇ προβατικῇ (sc. πύλῃ) near the sheepgate 5:2; cp. Ac 3:10. ἐ. τῷ ποταμῷ near the river (since Il. 7, 133; Jos., Ant. 4, 176 ἐ. τ. Ἰορδάνῳ) Rv 9:14.—Of pers. (Diod S 14, 113, 6; Just., A I, 40, 7) ἐφʼ ὑμῖν among you 2 Cor 7:7; cp. Ac 28:14 v.l.
    marker of involvement in an official proceeding, before, w. gen., of pers., esp. in the language of lawsuits (Pla., Leg. 12, 943d; Isaeus 5, 1 al.; UPZ 71, 15; 16 [152 B.C.]; POxy 38, 11; Mitt-Wilck. I/2, 382, 23=BGU 909, 23; Jos., Vi. 258; Just., A II, 1, 1 ἐ. Οὐρβίκου). ἐ. τοῦ ἡγεμόνος in the governor’s presence Mt 28:14. ἐ. ἡγεμόνων καὶ βασιλέων Mk 13:9. ἐ. σου before you (the procurator) Ac 23:30. ἐ. Τερτούλλου Phlm subscr. v.l.; στάντος μου ἐ. τοῦ συνεδρίου Ac 24:20 (cp. Diod S 11, 55, 4 ἐ. τοῦ κοινοῦ συνεδρίου τ. Ἑλλήνων). γυναικὸς … διαβληθείσης ἐ. τοῦ κυρίου Papias (2:17). κρίνεσθαι ἐ. τῶν ἀδίκων go to law before the unrighteous 1 Cor 6:1. κριθήσεται ἐφʼ ὑμῶν before your tribunal D 11:11. μαρτυρεῖν ἐ. Ποντίου Πιλάτου testify before Pontius Pilate 1 Ti 6:13 (s. μαρτυρέω 1c). ἐ. τοῦ βήματος (POxy 37 I, 3 [49 A.D.]) ἑστὼς ἐ. τοῦ βήματος Καίσαρός εἰμι I am standing before Caesar’s tribunal Ac 25:10 (Appian says Prooem. c. 15 §62 of himself: δίκαις ἐν Ῥώμῃ συναγορεύσας ἐ. τῶν βασιλέων=I acted as attorney in lawsuits in Rome before the emperors).—Gener. in someone’s presence (Appian, Syr. 61 §324 ἐφʼ ὑμῶν=in your presence) ἐ. Τίτου before Titus 2 Cor 7:14. Cp.10 below.
    marker of movement to or contact w. a goal, toward, in direction of, on
    w. gen., marking contact with the goal that is reached, answering the question ‘whither?’ toward, on, at w. verbs of motion (Appian, Iber. 98 §427 ἀπέπλευσεν ἐπʼ οἴκου=he sailed [toward] home; PGM 4, 2468f ἀναβὰς ἐ. δώματος; JosAs 27:1 ἀνέδραμε … ἐ. πέτρας; Jos., Ant. 4, 91 ἔφευγον ἐ. τ. πόλεων; Tat. 33:3 Εὐρώπην ἐ. τοῦ ταύρου καθιδρύσαντος) βάλλειν τὸν σπόρον ἐ. τῆς γῆς Mk 4:26; also σπείρειν vs. 31. πίπτειν (Wsd 18:23; TestAbr A 3 p. 80, 11 [Stone p. 8]; JosAs 9:1) 9:20; 14:35. καθιέναι Ac 10:11. τιθέναι (Sir 17:4) Lk 8:16; J 19:19; Ac 5:15. ἔρχεσθαι Hb 6:7; Rv 3:10; γίνεσθαι ἐ. reach, be at J 6:21. γενόμενος ἐ. τοῦ τόπου when he reached the place Lk 22:40. καθίζειν take one’s seat ἐ. θρόνου (JosAs 7:1 al.) Mt 19:28 (s. 1a end); 23:2; 25:31; J 19:13 (ἐ. βήματος of Pilate as Jos., Bell. 2, 172; of Jesus Just., A I, 35, 6). κρεμαννύναι ἐ. ξύλου hang on a tree (i.e. cross) (Gen 40:19; cp. Just., D. 86, 6 σταυρωθῆναι ἐ. τοῦ ξύλου) Ac 5:30; 10:39; cp. Gal 3:13 (Dt 21:23).
    w. acc.
    α. specifying direction (En 24:2 ἐ. νότον ‘southward’ of position of the mountain) of motion that takes a particular direction, to, toward ἐκτείνας τ. χεῖρα ἐ. τοὺς μαθητάς Mt 12:49; cp. Lk 22:53 (JosAs 12:8). πορεύεσθαι ἐ. τὸ ἀπολωλός go after the one that is lost 15:4. ἐ. τὴν ῏Ασσον in the direction of Assos Ac 20:13. ἐπιστρέφειν ἐ. τι turn to someth. 2 Pt 2:22 (cp. Pr 26:11; En 99:5). ὡς ἐ. λῃστήν as if against a robber Mt 26:55; Mk 14:48; Lk 22:52.
    β. from one point to another across, over w. motion implied (Hom.+; LXX) περιπατεῖν, ἐλθεῖν ἐ. τ. θάλασσαν or ἐ. τ. ὕδατα Mt 14:25, 28f; J 6:19 P75. Of spreading across the land (PsSol 17:10): famine Ac 7:11; 11:28; darkness Mt 27:45; Lk 23:44. ἐ. σταδίους δώδεκα χιλιάδων across twelve thousand stades Rv 21:16 v.l. (Polyaenus 5, 44, 4 ἐ. στάδια δέκα); ἐ. πλεῖον further (1 Esdr 2:24; 2 Macc 10:27) Ac 4:17.
    γ. of goal attained (Hom. et al.; LXX) on, upon someone or someth. πέσατε ἐφʼ ἡμᾶς Lk 23:30 (Hos 10:8). ἔπεσεν ἐ. τὰ πετρώδη Mt 13:5; cp. Lk 13:4. ἔρχεσθαι ἐ. τινα come upon someone Mt 3:16; also καταβαίνειν fr. above J 1:33; cp. Rv 16:21. ἀναβαίνειν (Jos., Ant. 13, 138; Just., A II, 12, 7) Lk 5:19. ἐπιβαίνειν Mt 21:5 (Zech 9:9).—Ac 2:3; 9:4 al.; διασωθῆναι ἐ. τ. γῆν be brought safely to the land 27:44; cp. vs. 43; Lk 8:27. ἐ. τὸ πλοῖον to the ship Ac 20:13. ἀναπεσεῖν ἐ. τὴν γῆν lie down or sit down on the ground Mt 15:35. ἔρριψεν αὐτὸν χαμαὶ ἐ. τὸν σάκκον he threw himself down on the sackcloth GJs 13:1. τιθέναι τι ἐ. τι put someth. on someth. (JosAs 16:11) Mt 5:15; Lk 11:33; Mk 8:25 v.l.; likew. ἐπιτιθέναι (JosAs 29:5) Mt 23:4; Mk 8:25; Lk 15:5; J 9:6, 15; Ac 15:10. ἐπιβάλλειν τ. χεῖρας ἐ. τινα (Gen 22:12 al.) Mt 26:50; Lk 21:12; Ac 5:18. Mainly after verbs of placing, laying, putting, bringing, etc. on, to: ἀναβιβάζω, ἀναφέρω, βάλλω, γράφω, δίδωμι, ἐγγίζω, ἐπιβιβάζω, ἐπιγράφω, ἐποικοδομέω, ἐπιρ(ρ)ίπτω, θεμελιόω, ἵστημι, κατάγω, οἰκοδομέω, σωρεύω; s. these entries. Sim. βρέχειν ἐ. τινα cause rain to fall upon someone Mt 5:45 (cp. PsSol 17:18); also τ. ἥλιον ἀνατέλλειν ἐ. τινα cause the sun to rise so that its rays fall upon someone *ibid. τύπτειν τινὰ ἐ. τὴν σιαγόνα strike on the cheek Lk 6:29. πίπτειν ἐ. (τὸ) πρόσωπον (Jdth 14:6) on the face Mt 17:6; 26:39; Lk 5:12; 17:16; 1 Cor 14:25; Rv 7:11.To, upon w. acc. of thing πορεύεσθαι ἐ. τὴν ὁδόν go to the road Ac 8:26; cp. 9:11. ἐ. τὰς διεξόδους Mt 22:9. ἵνα μὴ πνέῃ ἄνεμος ἐ. πᾶν δένδρον so that no wind should blow upon any tree Rv 7:1.
    δ. of closeness to someth. or someone to, up to, in the neighborhood of, on ἐ. τὸ μνημεῖον up to the tomb Mk 16:2; Lk 24:1 v.l., 22, 24; cp. ἐ. τὸ μνῆμα Mk 16:2 v.l.; Lk 24:1. ἔρχεσθαι ἐ. τι ὕδωρ come to some water Ac 8:36. ἐ. τὴν πύλην τὴν σιδηρᾶν to the iron gate 12:10. καταβαίνειν ἐ. τὴν θάλασσαν go down to the sea J 6:16. ἐ. τὸν Ἰορδάνην Mt 3:13 (Just., D. 88, 3 al.). ἀναπίπτειν ἐ. τὸ στῆθος he leaned back on (Jesus’) breast J 13:25; 21:20. πίπτειν ἐ. τοὺς πόδας fall at (someone’s) feet Ac 10:25 (JosAs 14:10 ἔπεσεν ἐ πρόσωπον ἐ. τοὺς πόδας αὐτοῦ). ἐ. τ. ἀκάνθας among the thorns Mt 13:7.—W. acc. of pers. to someone ἐ. τὸν Ἰησοῦν ἐλθόντες they came to Jesus J 19:33; cp. Mt 27:27; Mk 5:21.
    ε. in imagery of goal or objective to, toward (Just., A II, 7, 6 ἐπʼ ἀμφότερα τρέπεσθαι) ἐπιστρέφειν, ἐπιστρέφεσθαι ἐ. τινα turn to (Dt 30:10; 31:20 al.; Ar. 2, 1 ἔλθωμεν καὶ ἐ. τὸ ἀνθρώπινον γένος ‘let us now turn to …’; Just., D. 56, 11 ἐ. τὰς γραφὰς ἐπανελθών) Lk 1:17; Ac 9:35; 11:21; 14:15; 26:20; Gal 4:9; 1 Pt 2:25.
    marker of manner, corresponding to an adv., w. dat. (Aeschyl., Suppl. 628 ἐπʼ ἀληθείᾳ; UPZ 162 VI, 3 [117 B.C.] κακοτρόπως καὶ ἐ. ῥαδιουργίᾳ; POxy 237 VI, 21 ἐ. τῇ τῶν ἀνθρ. σωτηρίᾳ; ἐφʼ ὁράσει En 14:8; Just., A I, 9, 3 ἐφʼ ὕβρει; 55, 7 ἐ. τούτῳ τῷ σχήματι ‘in this form’; Tat. 17, 1 ἐπʼ ἀκριβείᾳ; Ath. 33, 2 ἐφʼ ἑνὶ γάμῳ) ὁ σπείρων ἐπʼ εὐλογίαις (in contrast to ὁ σπείρων φειδομένως one who sows sparingly) one who sows in blessing (i.e. generously) 2 Cor 9:6. ἐπʼ εὐλογίαις θερίζειν reap generously ibid.
    marker of basis for a state of being, action, or result, on, w. dat. (Hom. et al.)
    ἐπʼ ἄρτῳ ζῆν live on bread Mt 4:4; Lk 4:4 (both Dt 8:3. cp. Ps.-Pla., Alcib. 1, 105c; Plut., Mor. 526d; Alciphron 3, 7, 5; SibOr 4, 154). ἐ. τῷ ῥήματί σου depending on your word Lk 5:5. οὐ συνῆκαν ἐ. τοῖς ἄρτοις they did not arrive at an understanding (of it) (by reflecting) on (the miracle of) the loaves Mk 6:52 (cp. Demosth. 18, 121 τί σαυτὸν οὐκ ἐλλεβορίζεις ἐ. τούτοις [sc. λόγοις];=why do you not come to an understanding concerning these words?). ἐ. τῇ πίστει on the basis of faith Ac 3:16; Phil 3:9. ἐπʼ ἐλπίδι on the basis of hope, supporting itself on hope Ac 2:26 (? s. ἐλπίς 1bα); Ro 4:18; 8:20; 1 Cor 9:10; Tit 1:2.—Ac 26:6 ἐπʼ ἐλπίδι gives the basis of the trial at law, as does ἐ. εὐεργεσίᾳ 4:9. ἀπολύειν τ. γυναῖκα ἐ. πορνείᾳ Mt 19:9 (cp. Dio Chrys. 26 [43], 10 ἀπολύειν ἐπʼ ἀργυρίῳ; Ath. 2, 3 κρίνεσθαι … μὴ ἐ. τῷ ὀνόματι, ἐ. δὲ τῷ ἀδικήματι). γυναικὸς ἐ. πόλλαις ἁμαρτίαις διαβληθείσης Papias (2:17). On the basis of the testimony of two witnesses (cp. Appian, Iber. 79 §343 ἤλεγχον ἐ. μάρτυσι) Hb 10:28 (Dt 17:6); sim. use of ἐ. τινί on the basis of someth.: 8:6; 9:10, 15 (here it may also be taken in the temporal sense; s. 18 below), 17. ἁμαρτάνειν ἐ. τῷ ὁμοιώματι τ. παραβάσεως Ἀδάμ Ro 5:14 (ὁμοίωμα 1). δαπανᾶν ἐ. τινι pay the expenses for someone Ac 21:24. ἀρκεῖσθαι ἐ. τινι be content w. someth. 3J 10.
    w. verbs of believing, hoping, trusting: πεποιθέναι (Wsd 3:9; Sus 35; 1 Macc 10:71; 2 Macc 7:40 and oft.) Lk 11:22; 18:9; 2 Cor 1:9; Hb 2:13 (2 Km 22:3). πιστεύειν Lk 24:25; Ro 9:33; 10:11; 1 Pt 2:6 (the last three Is 28:16). ἐλπίζειν (2 Macc 2:18; Sir 34:7) Ro 15:12 (Is 11:10); 1 Ti 4:10; 6:17; cp. 1J 3:3. παρρησιάζεσθαι Ac 14:3.
    after verbs which express feelings, opinions, etc.: at, because of, from, with (Hom. et al.) διαταράσσεσθαι Lk 1:29. ἐκθαυμάζειν Mk 12:17. ἐκπλήσσεσθαι Mt 7:28; Mk 1:22; Lk 4:32; Ac 13:12. ἐξίστασθαι (Jdth 11:16; Wsd 5:2 al.) Lk 2:47. ἐπαισχύνεσθαι (Is 1:29) Ro 6:21. εὐφραίνεσθαι (Sir 16:1; 18:32; 1 Macc 11:44) Rv 18:20. θαμβεῖσθαι Mk 10:24; cp. Lk 5:9; Ac 3:10. θαυμάζειν (Lev 26:32; Jdth 10:7 al.; Jos., Ant. 10, 277) Mk 12:17 v.l. μακροθυμεῖν (Sir 18:11; 29:8; 35:19) Mt 18:26, 29; Lk 18:7; Js 5:7. μετανοεῖν (Plut., Ag. 803 [19, 5]; Ps.-Lucian, Salt. 84; Prayer of Manasseh [=Odes 12] 7; Just., A I, 61, 10; D. 95, 3 al.) 2 Cor 12:21. ὀδυνᾶσθαι (cp. Tob 6:15) Ac 20:38. ὀργίζεσθαι Rv 12:17. σπλαγχνίζεσθαι Mt 14:14; Lk 7:13. συλλυπεῖσθαι Mk 3:5. στυγνάζειν 10:22. χαίρειν (PEleph 13, 3; Jos., Ant. 1, 294; Tob 13:15; Bar 4:33; JosAs 4:2; Ar. 15, 7) Mt 18:13; Lk 1:14; 13:17; Ro 16:19 al. χαρὰν καὶ παράκλησιν ἔχειν Phlm 7. χαρὰ ἔσται Lk 15:7; cp. vs. 10 (Jos., Ant. 6, 116 ἡ ἐ. τῇ νίκῃ χαρά). Also w. verbs that denote aroused feelings παραζηλοῦν and παροργίζειν make jealous and angry at Ro 10:19 (Dt 32:21). παρακαλεῖν 1 Th 3:7a (cp. Just., D. 78:8 παράκλησιν ἐχουσῶν ἐ.), as well as those verbs that denote an expression of the emotions ἀγαλλιᾶσθαι (cp. Tob 13:15; Ps 69:5) Lk 1:47; Hs 8, 1, 18; 9, 24, 2. καυχᾶσθαι (Diod S 16, 70; Sir 30:2) Ro 5:2. κοπετὸν ποιεῖν (cp. 3 Macc 4:3) Ac 8:2. ὀλολύζειν Js 5:1. αἰνεῖν (cp. X., An. 3, 1, 45 al.) Lk 2:20. δοξάζειν (Polyb. 6, 53, 10; cp. Diod S 17, 21, 4 δόξα ἐ. ἀνδρείᾳ=fame because of bravery) Ac 4:21; 2 Cor 9:13. εὐχαριστεῖν give thanks for someth. (s. εὐχαριστέω 2; UPZ 59, 10 [168 B.C.] ἐ. τῷ ἐρρῶσθαί σε τ. θεοῖς εὐχαρίστουν) 1 Cor 1:4; cp. 2 Cor 9:15; 1 Th 3:9.—ἐφʼ ᾧ = ἐπὶ τούτῳ ὅτι for this reason that, because (Diod S 19, 98; Appian, Bell. Civ. 1, 112 §520; Ael. Aristid. 53 p. 640 D.; Synes., Ep. 73 p. 221c; Damasc., Vi. Isid. 154; Syntipas p. 12, 9; 127, 8; Thomas Mag. ἐφʼ ᾧ ἀντὶ τοῦ διότι; cp. W-S. §24, 5b and 12f. S. WKümmel, D. Bild des Menschen im NT ’48, 36–40) Ro 5:12 (SLyonnet, Biblica 36, ’55, 436–56 [denies a causal sense here]. On the probability of commercial idiom s. FDanker, FGingrich Festschr. ’72, 104f, also Ro 5:12, Sin under Law: NTS 14, ’68, 424–39; against him SPorter, TynBull 41, ’90, 3–30, also NTS 39, ’93, 321–33; difft. JFitzmyer, Anchor Bible Comm.: Romans, ad loc. ‘w. the result that all have sinned’); 2 Cor 5:4; Phil 3:12; for, indeed 4:10.
    marker of addition to what is already in existence, to, in addition to. W. dat. (Hom. et al.; PEleph 5, 17 [284/283 B.C.] μηνὸς Τῦβι τρίτῃ ἐπʼ εἰκάδι; Tob 2:14; Sir 3:27; 5:5) προσέθηκεν τοῦτο ἐ. πᾶσιν he added this to everything else Lk 3:20 (cp. Lucian, Luct. [On Funerals], 24). ἐ. τ. παρακλήσει ἡμῶν in addition to our comfort 2 Cor 7:13. λύπη ἐ. λύπῃ grief upon grief Phil 2:27 v.l. (cp. Soph., Oed. C. 544, also Polyb. 1, 57, 1 πληγὴ ἐ. πληγῇ; Plut., Mor. 123f; Polyaenus 5, 52 ἐ. φόνῳ φόνον; Quint. Smyrn. 5, 602 ἐ. πένθει πένθος=sorrow upon sorrow; Sir 26:15). ἐ. τῇ σῇ εὐχαριστίᾳ to your prayer of thanks 1 Cor 14:16. So perh. also Hb 8:1. ἐ. πᾶσι τούτοις to all these Col 3:14; Lk 16:26 v.l. (X., Mem. 1, 2, 25 al.; Sir 37:15; cp. 1 Macc 10:42; Just., D. 133, 1 ἐ. τούτοις πᾶσι).—W. acc.: addition to someth. of the same kind Mt 6:27; Lk 12:25; Rv 22:18a. λύπην ἐ. λύπην sorrow upon sorrow Phil 2:27 (cp. Is 28:10, 13; Ezk 7:26; Ps 68:28).
    marker of perspective, in consideration of, in regard to, on the basis of, concerning, about, w. gen. (Antig. Car. 164 ἐ. τῶν οἴνων ἀλλοιοῦσθαι; 4 Macc. 2:9 ἐ. τῶν ἑτέρων … ἔστιν ἐπιγνῶναι τοῦτο, ὅτι …; Ath. 29, 2 τὰ ἐ. τῆς μανίας πάθη) ἐ. δύο ἢ τριῶν μαρτύρων on the evidence of two or three witnesses 1 Ti 5:19 (cp. TestAbr A 13 p. 92, 22ff. [Stone p. 32]). Sim. in the expr. ἐ. στόματος δύο μαρτύρων (Dt 19:15) Mt 18:16; 2 Cor 13:1. ἐπʼ αὐτῆς on the basis of it Hb 7:11. ἐπʼ ἀληθείας based on truth = in accordance w. truth, truly (Demosth. 18, 17 ἐπʼ ἀληθείας οὐδεμιᾶς εἰρημένα; POxy 255, 16 [48 A.D.]; Da 2:8; Tob 8:7; En 104:11) Mk 12:14, 32; Lk 4:25; 20:21; Ac 4:27. ἐφʼ ἑαυτοῦ based on himself = to or by himself (X., An. 2, 4, 10; Demosth. 18, 224 ἐκρίνετο ἐφʼ ἑαυτοῦ; Dionys. Hal., Comp. Verb. 16 ἐ. σεαυτοῦ. Cp. Kühner-G. I 498e) 2 Cor 10:7.—To introduce the object which is to be discussed or acted upon λέγειν ἐ. τινος speak of, about someth. (Pla., Charm., 155d, Leg. 2, 662d; Isocr. 6, 41; Aelian, VH 1, 30; Jer 35:8; EpArist 162; 170; Ath. 5:1 ἐ. τοῦ νοητοῦ … δογματίζειν) Gal 3:16. Do someth. on, in the case of (cp. 1 Esdr 1:22) σημεῖα ποιεῖν ἐ. τῶν ἀσθενούντων work miracles on the sick J 6:2.—On B 13:6 s. τίθημι 1bζ.—In ref. to someth. (Aristot., Pol. 1280a, 17; 4 Macc 12:5 τῶν ἐ. τῆς βασιλείας … πραγμάτων; Just., A I, 5, 1 ἐφʼ ἡμῶν ‘in our case’, D. 131, 4; Ath. 15, 3 ἐ. τῆς ὕλης καὶ τοῦ θεοῦ ‘as respects God and matter, so …’) ἐ. τινων δεῖ ἐγκρατεύεσθαι in certain matters one must practice self-control Hm 8:1. οὔτε … οἴδασι τὸν ἐ. τοῦ πυροῦ σπόρον nor do they comprehend (the figurative sense of) the sowing of wheat AcPlCor 2:26 (cp. 1 Cor 15:36f).
    marker of power, authority, control of or over someone or someth., over
    w. gen. (Hdt. 5, 109 al.; Mitt-Wilck. I/1, 124, 1=BGU 1120, 1 [5 B.C.] πρωτάρχῳ ἐ. τοῦ κριτηρίου; 287, 1; LXX; AscIs 2:5 τοῦ ἐ. τῶν πραγματε[ι] ῶν=Denis p. 109) βασιλεύειν ἐ. τινος (Judg 9:8, 10; 1 Km 8:7) Rv 5:10. ἔχειν βασιλείαν ἐ. τῶν βασιλέων 17:18. ἐξουσίαν ἔχειν ἐ. τινος have power over someone 20:6. διδόναι ἐξουσίαν ἐ. τινος 2:26. καθιστάναι τινὰ ἐ. τινος set someone over, put someone in charge, of someth. or someone (Pla., Rep. 5, 460b; Demosth. 18, 118; Gen 39:4f; 1 Macc 6:14; 10:37; 2 Macc 12:20 al.; EpArist 281; τεταγμένος En 20:5) Mt 24:45; Lk 12:42; Ac 6:3. εἶναι ἐ. τινος (Synes., Ep. 79 p. 224d; Tob 1:22; Jdth 14:13; 1 Macc 10:69) ὸ̔ς ἦν ἐ. πάσης τῆς γάζης αὐτῆς who was in charge of all her treasure 8:27. Of God ὁ ὢν ἐ. πάντων (Apollonius of Tyana [I A.D.] in Eus., PE 4, 13) Ro 9:5; cp. Eph 4:6. ὁ ἐ. τινος w. ὤν to be supplied (Demosth. 18, 247 al.; Diod S 13, 47, 6; Plut., Pyrrh. 385 [5, 7], Aemil. Paul. 267 [23, 6]; PTebt 5, 88 [118 B.C.] ὁ ἐ. τ. προσόδων; 1 Macc 6:28; 2 Macc 3:7; 3 Macc 6:30 al.; EpArist 110; 174) ὁ ἐ. τοῦ κοιτῶνος the chamberlain Ac 12:20.
    w dat. (X., Cyr. 1, 2, 5; 2, 4, 25 al., An. 4, 1, 13; Demosth. 19, 113; Aeschines 2, 73; Esth 8:12e; Just., A II, 5, 2 ἀγγέλοις οὓς ἐ. τούτοις ἔταξε; cp. Ath. 24, 3; Ath. 6, 4 τὸν ἐ. τῇ κινήσει τοῦ σώματος λόγον) Mt 24:47; Lk 12:44.
    w. acc. (X., Hell. 3, 4, 20 al.; Dionys. Byz. §56 θεῷ ἐ. πάντα δύναμις; LXX; PsSol 17:3, 32) βασιλεύειν ἐ. τινα rule over someone (Gen 37:8; Judg 9:15 B al.) Lk 1:33; 19:14, 27; Ro 5:14. καθιστάναι τινὰ ἐ. τινα set someone over someone (X., Cyr. 4, 5, 58) κριτὴν ἐφʼ ὑμᾶς as judge over you Lk 12:14; ἡγούμενον ἐπʼ Αἴγυπτον Ac 7:10; cp. Hb 2:7 v.l. (Ps 8:7); 3:6; 10:21. ἐξουσίαν ἔχειν ἐ. τι Rv 16:9. ἐξουσίαν διδόναι ἐ. τι (Sir 33:20) Lk 9:1; 10:19; Rv 6:8; cp. 22:14. φυλάσσειν φυλακὰς ἐ. τι Lk 2:8 (cp. En 100:5). ὑπεραίρεσθαι ἐ. τινα exalt oneself above someone 2 Th 2:4 (cp. Da 11:36); but here the mng. against is also poss. (s. 12b below). πιστὸς ἐ. τι faithful over someth. Mt 25:21, 23.
    marker of legal proceeding, before, w. acc. in the lang. of the law-courts ἐ. ἡγεμόνας καὶ βασιλεῖς ἄγεσθαι be brought before governors and kings Mt 10:18; cp. Lk 21:12 (cp. BGU 22, 36 [114 A.D.] ἀξιῶ ἀκθῆναι [=ἀχθῆναι] τ. ἐνκαλουμένους ἐ. σὲ πρὸς δέουσαν ἐπέξοδον; Just., A II, 2, 12 ἐ. Οὔρβικον). ὑπάγεις ἐπʼ ἄρχοντα you are going before the magistrate Lk 12:58; cp. Ac 16:19. ἤγαγον αὐτὸν ἐ. τὸν Πιλᾶτον Lk 23:1. ἐ. τοὺς ἀρχιερεῖς Ac 9:21. ἐ. Καίσαρα πορεύεσθαι come before the emperor 25:12. ἐ. τὰς συναγωγάς Lk 12:11. ἐ. τὸ βῆμα Ac 18:12. Cp. 3 above. Here the focus is on transfer to the judiciary.
    marker of purpose, goal, result, to, for, w. acc. (Demetr.: 722 Fgm. 2, 3 Jac. ἐ. κατοικίαν) ἐ. τὸ βάπτισμα for baptism=to have themselves baptized Mt 3:7 (cp. Just., A I, 61, 10 ἐ. τὸ λουτρόν; D. 56, 1 ἐ. τὴν … κρίσιν πεμφθεῖσι). ἐ. τὴν θεωρίαν ταύτην for (i.e. to see) this sight Lk 23:48 (sim. Hom. et al.; POxy 294, 18 [22 A.D.]; LXX; Tat. 23, 2 ἐ. τὴν θέαν). ἐ. τὸ συμφέρον to (our) advantage Hb 12:10 (cp. Tat. 6, 1; 34, 2 οὐκ ἐ. τι χρήσιμον ‘to no purpose’). ἐ. σφαγήν Ac 8:32 (Is 53:7); cp. Mt 22:5; ἐ. τ. τελειότητα Hb 6:1. ἐ. τοῦτο for this (X., An. 2, 5, 22; Jos., Ant. 12, 23) Lk 4:43. ἐφʼ ὅ; for what (reason)? Mt 26:50 v.l. (s. ὅς 1bα and 1iβ). Cp. 16.
    marker of hostile opposition, against
    w. dat. (Hom. et al.; 2 Macc 13:19; Sir 28:23 v.l.; fig. Ath. 22, 7 τοὺς ἐπʼ αὐτοῖς λόγους ‘counter-evidence’) Lk 12:52f (s. use of acc. b below); Ac 11:19. Cp. J 8:7 v.l. (1bβ above).
    w. acc. (Hdt. 1, 71; X., Hell. 3, 4, 20 al.; Jos., Ant. 13, 331; LXX; En; TestJud 3:1 al.; JosAs 19:2; Just., D. 103, 7; Tat. 36, 2) ὥρμησαν ἐ. αὐτόν Ac 7:57. ἔρχεσθαι Lk 14:31. ἐπαναστήσονται τέκνα ἐ. γονεῖς Mt 10:21; Mk 13:12; cp. ἔθνος ἐ. ἔθνος Mt 24:7; Mk 13:8. ἐφʼ ἑαυτόν divided against himself Mt 12:26; Mk 3:24f, 26; Lk 11:17f; cp. J 13:18 (s. Ps 40:10); Ac 4:27; 13:50 al.—Lk 12:53 (4 times; the first and third occurrences w. the acc. are prob. influenced by usage in Mic 7:6; the use of the dat. Lk 12:52f [s. a above] w. a verb expressing a circumstance is in accord with older Gk. [Il. et al.], which prefers the acc. with verbs of motion in ref. to hostility). Cp. 15.
    marker of number or measure, w. acc. (Hdt. et. al.; LXX; GrBar 3:6) ἐ. τρίς (CIG 1122, 9; PHolm α18) three times Ac 10:16; 11:10. So also ἐ. πολύ more than once Hm 4, 1, 8. ἐ. πολύ (also written ἐπιπολύ) in a different sense to a great extent, carefully (Hdt., Thu. et al.; Lucian, D. Deor. 6, 2; 25, 2; 3 Macc 5:17; Jos., Ant. 17, 107) B 4:1. ἐ. πλεῖον to a greater extent, further (Hdt., Thu. et al.; Diod S 11, 60, 5 al.; prob. 2 Macc 12:36; TestGad 7:2; Ar. 4, 3; Ath. 7, 1 ἐ. το πλεῖστον) 2 Ti 3:9; 1 Cl 18:3 (Ps 50:4). ἐ. τὸ χεῖρον 2 Ti 3:13. ἐφʼ ὅσον to the degree that, in so far as (Diod S 1, 93, 2; Maximus Tyr. 11, 3c ἐφʼ ὅσον δύναται; Hierocles 14 p. 451) Mt 25:40, 45; B 4:11; 17:1; Ro 11:13.
    marker indicating the one to whom, for whom, or about whom someth. is done, to, on, about
    w. dat. πράσσειν τι ἐ. τινι do someth. to someone Ac 5:35 (thus Appian, Bell. Civ. 3, 15 §51; cp. δρᾶν τι ἐ. τινι Hdt. 3, 14; Aelian, NA 11, 11); about γεγραμμένα ἐπʼ αὐτῷ J 12:16 (cp. Hdt. 1, 66). προφητεύειν ἐ. τινι Rv 10:11. μαρτυρεῖν bear witness about Hb 11:4; Rv 22:16. ἐ. σοὶ … φανερώσει κύριος τὸ λύτρον the Lord will reveal the salvation to you GJs 7:2.
    w. acc.
    α. ὁ ἄνθρωπος ἐφʼ ὸ̔ν γεγόνει τὸ σημεῖον the man on whom the miracle had been performed Ac 4:22 (cp. Just., D. 128, 1 κρίσεως γεγενημένης ἐ. Σόδομα). ἐφʼ ὸ̔ν λέγεται ταῦτα the one about whom this was said Hb 7:13 (cp. ἐ. πόρρω οὖσαν [γενεὰν] ἐγὼ λαλῶ En 1:2). γέγραπται ἐπʼ αὐτόν Mk 9:12f; cp. Ro 4:9; 1 Ti 1:18; βάλλειν κλῆρον ἐ. τι for someth. Mk 15:24; J 19:24 (Ps 21:19). ἀνέβη ὁ κλῆρος ἐ. Συμεών the lot came up in favor of Simeon GJs 24:4.
    β. of powers, conditions, etc., which come upon someone or under whose influence someone is: on, upon, to, over ἐγένετο ῥῆμα θεοῦ ἐ. Ἰωάννην the word of God came to John Lk 3:2 (cp. Jer 1:1). Of divine blessings (cp. En 1:8; ParJer 5:28) Mt 10:13; 12:28; Lk 10:6; 11:20; cp. 10:9; Ac 10:10. ἵνα ἐπισκηνώσῃ ἐπʼ ἐμὲ ἡ δύναμις τ. Χριστοῦ that the power of Christ may rest upon me 2 Cor 12:9. χάρις θεοῦ ἦν ἐπʼ αὐτό Lk 2:40. Various verbs are used in ref. to the Holy Spirit, either in pass. or act. role, in connection w. ἐ. τινα: ἐκχεῖν Ac 2:17f (Jo 3:1f); cp. 10:45; Tit 3:6. ἀποστέλλειν (ἐξαποστέλλειν v.l.) Lk 24:49. ἐπέρχεσθαι 1:35; Ac 1:8 (Just., D. 87, 3; cp. ἔρχεσθαι A I, 33, 6; D. 49, 7 ἀπὸ τοῦ Ἠλίου ἐ. τὸν Ἰωάννην ἐλθεῖν). ἐπιπίπτειν 10:44. καταβαίνειν Lk 3:22; J 1:33. τίθεσθαι Mt 12:18 (cp. Is 42:1). Also εἶναι Lk 2:25. μένειν J 1:32f. ἀναπαύεσθαι 1 Pt 4:14. Of unpleasant or startling experiences Lk 1:12, 65; 4:36; Ac 13:11; 19:17; Rv 11:11.—Lk 19:43; 21:35, cp. vs. 34; J 18:4; Eph 5:6; cp. Rv 3:3.—Ro 2:2, 9; 15:3 (Ps 68:10). Of the blood of the righteous, that comes over or upon the murderers Mt 23:35; 27:25; Ac 5:28. Of care, which one casts on someone else 1 Pt 5:7 (Ps 54:23).
    marker of feelings directed toward someone, in, on, for, toward, w. acc., after words that express belief, trust, hope: πιστεύειν ἐ. τινα, w. acc. (Wsd 12:2; Just., D. 16:4 al.) Ac 9:42; 11:17; 16:31; 22:19; Ro 4:24. πίστις Hb 6:1. πεποιθέναι (Is 58:14) Mt 27:43; 2 Th 3:4; 2 Cor 2:3. ἐλπίζειν (1 Ch 5:20; 2 Ch 13:18 al.; PsSol 9:10; 17:3; Just., D. 16:4 al.) 1 Pt 1:13; 1 Ti 5:5. After words that characterize an emotion or its expression: for κόπτεσθαι (Zech 12:10) Rv 1:7; 18:9. κλαίειν Lk 23:28; Rv 18:9 (cp. JosAs 15:9 χαρήσεται ἐ. σέ). σπλαγχνίζεσθαι Mt 15:32; Mk 8:2; 9:22; Hm 4, 3, 5; Hs 9, 24, 2. χρηστός toward Lk 6:35. χρηστότης Ro 11:22; Eph 2:7; cp. Ro 9:23. Esp. also if the feelings or their expressions are of a hostile nature: toward, against (cp. λοιδορεῖν Just., D. 137, 2) ἀποτομία Ro 11:22. μαρτύριον Lk 9:5. μάρτυς ἐ. τ. ἐμὴν ψυχήν a witness against my soul (cp. Dssm., LO 258; 355 [LAE 304; 417]) 2 Cor 1:23. ἀσχημονεῖν 1 Cor 7:36. μοιχᾶσθαι Mk 10:11. τολμᾶν 2 Cor 10:2 (En 7:4). βρύχειν τ. ὀδόντας Ac 7:54. Cp. 12.
    marker of object or purpose, with dat. in ref. to someth. (Hom., Thu. et al.; SIG 888, 5 ἐ. τῇ τῶν ἀνθρ. σωτηρίᾳ; PTebt 44, 6 [114 B.C.] ὄντος μου ἐ. θεραπείᾳ ἐν τῷ Ἰσιείω; LXX; TestJob 3:5 ὁ ἐ. τῇ σωτηρίᾳ τῆς ἐμῆς ψυχῆς ἐλθών; Jos., Ant. 5, 101; Just., A I, 29, 1 ἐ. παίδων ἀναστροφῇ; D. 91, 4 ἐ. σωτηρίᾳ τῶν πιστευόντων) καλείν τινα ἐ. τινι call someone for someth. Gal 5:13 (on ἐπʼ ἐλευθερίᾳ cp. Demosth. 23, 124; [59], 32); ἐ. ἀκαθαρσίᾳ for impurity, i.e. so that we should be impure 1 Th 4:7. κτισθέντες ἐ. ἔργοις ἀγαθοῖς for good deeds Eph 2:10. λογομαχεῖν ἐ. καταστροφῇ τῶν ἀκουόντων for the ruin of those who hear 2 Ti 2:14 (cp. Eur., Hipp. 511; X., Mem. 2, 3, 19 ἐ. βλάβη; Hdt. 1, 68 ἐ. κακῷ ἀνθρώπου; Polyb. 27, 7, 13 and PGM 4, 2440 ἐπʼ ἀγαθῷ=‘for good’). Cp. 11.
    marker in idiom of authorization, w. dat.: the formula ἐ. τῷ ὀνοματί τινος, in the name of someone, used w. many verbs (Just., D. 39, 6 w. γίνεσθαι, otherw. ἐ. ὀνόματος, e.g. A I, 61, 13; w. διὰ τοῦ ὀ. and in oaths κατὰ τοῦ ὀ. A II, 6, 6, D. 30, 3; 85, 2.—Ath. 23, 1 ἐ. ὀνόματι εἰδώλων.—ἐν τῷ ὀνόματι LXX; JosAs 9:1), focuses on the authorizing function of the one named in the gen. (cp. WHeitmüller [‘Im Namen Jesu’ 1903, 13ff], ‘in connection with, or by the use of, i.e. naming, or calling out, or calling upon the name’ [88]): βαπτίζειν Ac 2:38. δέχεσθαί τινα Mt 18:5; Mk 9:37; Lk 9:48. διδάσκειν Ac 4:18; 5:28. δύναμιν ποιεῖν Mk 9:39. ἐκβάλλειν δαιμόνια Lk 9:49 v.l. ἔρχεσθαι Mt 24:5; Mk 13:6; Lk 21:8. κηρύσσειν 24:47. λαλεῖν Ac 4:17; 5:40. Semantically divergent from the preceding, but formulaically analogous, is καλεῖν τινα ἐ. τῷ ὀν. τινος name someone after someone (2 Esdr 17:63) Lk 1:59.—ὄνομα 1dγג.—M-M.
    marker of temporal associations, in the time of, at, on, for
    w. gen., time within which an event or condition takes place (Hom.+) in the time of, under (kings or other rulers): in the time of Elisha Lk 4:27 (cp. Just., D. 46, 6 ἐ. Ἠλίου). ἐ. τῆς μετοικεσίας at the time of the exile Mt 1:11. Under=during the rule or administration of (Hes., Op. 111; Hdt. 6, 98 al.; OGI 90, 15; PAmh 43, 2 [173 B.C.]; UPZ 162 V, 5 [117 B.C.]; 1 Esdr 2:12; 1 Macc 13:42; 2 Macc 15:22; Jos., Ant. 12, 156 ἐ. ἀρχιερέως Ὀ.) ἐ. Ἀβιαθὰρ ἀρχιερέως under, in the time of, Abiathar the high priest Mk 2:26. ἐ. ἀρχιερέως Ἅννα καὶ Καιάφα Lk 3:2. ἐ. Κλαυδίου Ac 11:28 (Just., A I, 26, 2). ἐ. τῶν πατέρων in the time of the fathers 1 Cl 23:3. ἐπʼ ἐσχάτων τῶν ἡμερῶν in the last days (Gen 49:1; Num 24:14; Mi 4:1; Jer 37:24; Da 10:14) 2 Pt 3:3; Hs 9, 12, 3; cp. Hb 1:2. ἐπʼ ἐσχάτου τοῦ χρόνου in the last time Jd 18. ἐπʼ ἐσχάτου τῶν χρόνων at the end of the times/ages 1 Pt 1:20. ἐ. τῶν προσευχῶν μου when I pray, in my prayers (cp. PTebt 58, 31 [111 B.C.] ἐ. τ. διαλόγου, ‘in the discussion’; 4 Macc 15:19 ἐ. τ. βασάνων ‘during the tortures’; Sir 37:29; 3 Macc 5:40; Demetr.: 722, Fgm. 1, 14 Jac. ἐ. τοῦ ἀρίστου; Synes., Ep. 121 p. 258c ἐ. τῶν κοινῶν ἱερῶν) Ro 1:10; Eph 1:16; 1 Th 1:2; Phlm 4.
    w. dat., time at or during which (Hom. et al.; PTebt 5, 66 [118 B.C.]; PAmh 157; LXX; Just., A I, 13, 3 ἐ. χρόνοις Τίερίου) at, in, at the time of, during: ἐ. τοῖς νῦν χρόνοις in these present times 2 Cl 19:4. ἐ. τῇ πρώτῃ διαθήκῃ at the time of the first covenant Hb 9:15. ἐ. συντελείᾳ τ. αἰώνων at the close of the age 9:26 (Tat. 13, 1 ἐ. ς. τοῦ κόσμου; cp. Sir 22:10 and PLond III, 954, 18 p. 154 [260 A.D.] ἐ. τέλει τ. χρόνου; POxy 275, 20 [66 A.D.] ἐ. συνκλεισμῷ τ. χρόνου; En 27:3 ἐπʼ ἐσχάτοις αἰώσιν). ἐ. τῇ θυσίᾳ at the time of, together with, the sacrifice Phil 2:17. ἐ. πάσῃ τῇ μνείᾳ ὑμῶν at every remembrance of you Phil 1:3. ἐ. παροργισμῷ ὑμῶν during your wrath, i.e. while you are angry Eph 4:26. ἐ. πάσῃ τῇ ἀνάγκῃ in all (our) distress 1 Th 3:7b. ἐ. πάσῃ τῇ θλίψει 2 Cor 1:4. ἐ. τούτῳ in the meanwhile J 4:27 (Lucian, Dial. Deor. 17, 2, cp. Philops. 14 p. 41; Syntipas p. 76, 2 ἐφʼ ἡμέραις ἑπτα; 74, 6).
    w. acc.
    α. answering the question ‘when?’ on: ἐ. τὴν αὔριον (Sb 6011, 14 [I B.C.]; PRyl 441 ἐ. τὴν ἐπαύριον) (on) the next day Lk 10:35; Ac 4:5. ἐ. τὴν ὥραν τ. προσευχῆς at the hour of prayer 3:1 (Polyaenus 8, 17 ἐ. ὥραν ὡρισμένην).
    β. answering the qu. ‘how long?’ for, over a period of (Hom. et al.; Mitt-Wilck. II/2, 170, 8=BGU 1058, 9 [13 B.C.]; POxy 275, 9; 15 ἐ. τὸν ὅλον χρόνον; PTebt 381, 19 ἐφʼ ὸ̔ν χρόνον περίεστιν ἡ μήτηρ; LXX; En 106:15; TestJob 30:2 ἐ. ὥρας τρεῖς; TestJud 3:4; TestGad 5:11; Jos., Ant. 11, 2; Just., D. 142, 1 ἐ. ποσόν ‘for awhile’) ἐ. ἔτη τρία for three years (Phlegon: 257 Fgm. 36, 2, 1 Jac.) Lk 4:25. ἐ. τρεῖς ἡμέρας for three days (Diod S 13, 19, 2; Arrian, Anab. 4, 9, 4; GDI 4706, 119 [Thera] ἐπʼ ἀμέρας τρεῖς) GPt 8:30 al. ἐ. ἡμέρας πλείους over a period of many days (Jos., Ant. 4, 277) Ac 13:31.—16:18 (ἐ. πολλὰς ἡμέρας as Appian, Liby. 29 §124; cp. Diod S 3, 16, 4); 17:2; 19:8, 10, 34; 27:20; Hb 11:30. ἐ. χρόνον for a while (cp. Il. 2, 299; Hdt. 9, 22, 1; Apollon. Rhod. 4, 1257; Jos., Vi. 2) Lk 18:4. ἐ. πλείονα χρόνον (Diod S 3, 16, 6; Hero Alex. I p. 344, 17) Ac 18:20. ἐφʼ ὅσον χρόνον as long as Ro 7:1; 1 Cor 7:39; Gal 4:1. Also ἐφʼ ὅσον as long as Mt 9:15; 2 Pt 1:13 (for other mngs. of ἐφʼ ὅσον s. above under 13). ἐφʼ ἱκανόν (sc. χρόνον) for a considerable time (EpArist 109) Ac 20:11. ἐ. χρόνον ἱκανόν Qua. ἐ. πολύ for a long time, throughout a long period of time (Thu. 1, 7; 1, 18, 1; 2, 16, 1 al.; Appian, Liby. 5 §21; Arrian, Cyneg. 23, 1; Lucian, Toxar. 20; Wsd 18:20; Sir 49:13; JosAs 19:3; Jos., Vi. 66: Just., A I, 65, 3) Ac 28:6. ἐ. πλεῖον the same (schol. on Pind., N. 7, 56b; PLille 3, 16 [III B.C.]; Jdth 13:1; Sir prol. l. 7; Jos., Ant. 18, 150) Ac 20:9; any longer (Lucian, D. Deor. 5, 3; Appian, Hann. 54 §227; 3 Macc 5:8; Wsd 8:12; Ath. 12, 3) Ac 24:4; 1 Cl 55:1.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > ἐπί

  • 4 nothing

    nothing ['nʌθɪŋ]
    ne… rien;
    she forgets nothing elle n'oublie rien;
    nothing has been decided rien n'a été décidé;
    nothing can beat French cooking il n'y a rien de mieux que la cuisine française;
    I have nothing to drink je n'ai rien à boire;
    what are you doing? - nothing que faites-vous? - rien;
    it's better than nothing c'est mieux que rien;
    to have nothing to do with sb/sth n'avoir rien à voir avec qn/qch;
    it's got nothing to do with you ça ne te concerne absolument pas;
    I told them nothing at all je ne leur ai rien dit du tout;
    I have nothing else to say je n'ai rien d'autre à dire;
    it looks like nothing on earth c'est ridicule;
    nothing serious rien de grave;
    that's nothing new ce n'est pas nouveau;
    that's nothing unusual cela n'a rien d'anormal;
    there's nothing exceptional about him arriving late il n'y a rien d'exceptionnel à ce qu'il arrive en retard;
    nothing much pas grand-chose;
    there is nothing more to be said il n'y a plus rien à dire;
    nothing could be simpler rien de plus simple, c'est tout ce qu'il y a de plus simple;
    they're always fighting over nothing ils passent leur temps à se disputer pour des broutilles ou des riens;
    she gets angry about nothing elle se fâche pour un rien;
    reduced to nothing réduit à néant;
    you can't live on nothing on ne peut pas vivre de rien;
    there's nothing to cry/worry about il n'y a pas de quoi pleurer/s'inquiéter;
    there's nothing for it but to start again il n'y a plus qu'à recommencer;
    there's nothing in it (no difference) il n'y a aucune différence; (in choosing between two candidates) ils se valent, il n'y a aucune différence entre eux; (in race) ils sont à égalité;
    there's nothing in or to these rumours ces rumeurs sont dénuées de tout fondement;
    there's nothing to it! (it's easy) c'est simple (comme bonjour)!;
    there's nothing like a nice hot bath rien de tel qu'un bon bain chaud;
    she says he's nothing or he means nothing to her elle dit qu'il n'est rien pour elle;
    the name means nothing to me le nom ne me dit rien;
    a thousand pounds is nothing to her mille livres, ce n'est rien pour elle;
    it's nothing to me either way cela m'est égal;
    that's nothing to what mum will say ce n'est rien par rapport à ce que maman va dire;
    in those days it was nothing to see… en ce temps-là on voyait facilement…;
    to think nothing of doing sth (not hesitate to do) ne pas hésiter à faire qch;
    she thinks nothing of walking 10 kilometres pour elle 10 kilomètres à pied, ce n'est rien;
    I can make nothing of it je n'y comprends rien du tout;
    I'll take what's due to me, nothing more, nothing less je prendrai mon dû, ni plus ni moins;
    to have nothing on (no engagement) être libre; (no clothes) être tout nu;
    familiar what a physique! Charles Atlas has got nothing on you! quel physique! tu n'as rien à envier à Charles Atlas ou Charles Atlas peut aller se rhabiller!;
    literary our sacrifices were as nothing compared to his nos sacrifices ne furent rien auprès des siens;
    familiar nothing doing! pas question!
    2 noun
    (a) (trifle) rien m, vétille f;
    $500 may be a mere nothing to you 500 dollars ne représentent peut-être pas grand-chose pour vous
    (b) familiar (person) nullité f, zéro m
    (c) Mathematics zéro m
    it's a nothing play! c'est une pièce nulle!
    (a) (gratis) pour rien;
    I got it for nothing at the flea market je l'ai eu pour (trois fois) rien aux puces
    (b) (for no purpose) pour rien;
    all that work for nothing! tout ce travail pour rien ou en pure perte!;
    are you telling me I gave up my day off for nothing? est-ce que tu veux dire que j'ai sacrifié ma journée de vacances pour rien?;
    to count for nothing ne compter pour rien
    the police say they don't arrest people for nothing la police dit qu'elle n'arrête personne sans raison;
    it's not for nothing that… ce n'est pas pour rien que…;
    they don't call him Einstein for nothing ce n'est pas pour rien qu'on le surnomme Einstein
    that car's been nothing but trouble cette voiture ne m'a attiré que des ennuis;
    nothing but a miracle can save us seul un miracle pourrait nous sauver;
    she wants nothing but the best elle ne veut que ce qu'il y a de meilleur;
    they do nothing but sleep ils ne font que dormir
    rien de moins que;
    she's nothing if not honest elle n'est rien de moins qu'honnête
    (a) (undoubtedly) rien de moins que, tout bonnement;
    it was nothing less than miraculous/a miracle c'était tout simplement miraculeux/un miracle;
    he was nothing less than overjoyed at the news il fut absolument ravi de la nouvelle
    (b) (only) seul;
    nothing less than outright victory would satisfy him seule une victoire écrasante le satisferait
    she's nothing like her mother elle ne ressemble en rien à sa mère
    there's nothing like a nice cup of tea! rien de tel qu'une bonne tasse de thé!;
    there's nothing like a cold shower for freshening or to freshen you up rien de tel qu'une douche froide pour se rafraîchir
    this box is nothing like big enough cette boîte est beaucoup trop ou bien trop petite ;
    nothing like as big loin d'être aussi grand ;
    London is nothing like as near as that Londres est bien plus loin que ça
    I want nothing more than a word of thanks from time to time tout ce que je demande, c'est un petit mot de remerciement de temps à autre;
    he's nothing more than a petty crook il n'est rien d'autre qu'un vulgaire escroc

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > nothing

  • 5 HAFA

    * * *
    (hefi; hafða, höfðum; hafðr), v.
    1) to have (þeir höfðu sjau skip ok flest stór);
    hafa elda, to keep up a five;
    2) to hold, celebrate (hafa vinaboð, blót, þing);
    3) to keep, retain (rifu þær vefinn í sundr, ok hafði hverr þat er hélt á);
    4) to use (tvau net eru rý, ok hafa eigi höfð verit);
    orð þau sem hann hafði um haft, which he had made use of;
    hafa fagrmæli við e-n, to flatter one;
    hafa hljóðmæli við e-n, to speak secretly to one;
    hafa tvimæli á e-u, to speak doubtfully of a thing;
    hafa viðrmæli um e-t, to use mocking words;
    hann var mjök hafðr við mál manna, much used to, versed in, lawsuits;
    5) to have, hold, maintain;
    hafa vináttu við e-n, to maintain friendship with one;
    hafa hættumikit, to run a great risk;
    hafa heilindi, to have good health;
    6) to bring, carry;
    hafa e-n heim með sér, to bring one home;
    hann hafði lög, út hingat ór Noregi, he brought laws hither from Norway;
    hafa sik (to betake oneself) til annara landa;
    7) to take, carry off;
    troll hafi þik, the trolls take thee;
    8) to get, gain, win;
    hann hafði eigi svefn, he got no sleep;
    hefir sá jafnan, er hættir, he wins that ventures;
    hafa gagn, sigr, to gain victor;
    hafa meira hlut, to get the upper hand, gain the day;
    hafa sitt mál, to win one’s suit;
    hafa tafl, to win the game;
    hafa erendi, to do one’s errand, succeed;
    hafa bana, to suffer death, to die;
    hafa sigr, to be worsted;
    hafa góðar viðtökur, to be well received;
    hafa tíðindi af e-m, to get tidings of, or from, one;
    hafa sœmd, óvirðing af e-m, to get honour, disgrace from one;
    with gen., hafa e-s ekki, to fail to catch one (hann kemst á skóg undan, ok höfðu þeir hans ekki);
    ekki munu vér hans hafa at sinni, we shall not catch him at present;
    9) to wear carry (clothes, weapons);
    hann hafði blán kyrtil, he wore a blue kirtle;
    hafa kylfu í hendi sér, to have a club in one’s hand;
    10) to behave, do, or fare, so an so esp. with an adv.;
    hafa vel, illa, vetr, to behave (do) well, badly, be worse;
    hafa sik vel, to behave;
    11) with infin., hafa at varðveita, to have in keeping at selja, to have on sale;
    lög hafið þér at mæla, you are right;
    12) hafa e-n nær e-u, to expose one to (þú hafðir svá nær haft oss úfœru);
    hafa nær e-u, to come near to, esp. impers.;
    nær hafði okkr nú, it was a narrow escape;
    svá nær hafði hausinum, at, the shot so nearly touched the head, that;
    ok er nær hafði, skipit mundi fljóta, when the ship was on the point of flloating;
    13) as an auxiliary verb, in the earliest time with the pp. of transitive verbs in acc.;
    hefir þú hamar um fólginn, hast thou hidden the hammer?;
    ek hefi sendan mann, I have sent a man;
    later with indecl. neut. pp.;
    hefir þú eigi sét mik, hast thou not seen me?;
    14) with preps.:
    hafa e-t at, to do, act;
    hann tók af þér konuna, en þú hafðir ekki at, but thou didst not stir, didst take it tamely;
    absol., viltu þess freista, ok vita hvat at hafi, wilt thou try and see what happens?;
    hafa e-t at hlífiskildi (skotspœni), to use as a shield (as a target);
    hafa e-n háði, hlátri, to mock, laugh at;
    hafa e-t at engu, vettugi, to hold for naught, take no notice of;
    hafa sakir á e-n have charges against one;
    hafa á rás, to take to one’s heels, run off;
    hafa e-t fram, to produce (vápn þorgils vóru fram höfð); to carry out, hold forth;
    hafa mál fram, to proceed with a suit;
    var um búit, ekki fram haft, all was made ready but nothing done;
    hafa e-t frammi, í frammi, to use, make use of (hafa í frammi kúgan);
    ok öll lögmæt skil frammi hafa, and discharge all on official duties;
    hafa e-t fyrir satt, to hold for true;
    eigi em ek þar fyrir sönnu hafðr, I am not truly aimed for that, it is a false charge;
    hafa e-n fyrir sökum um e-t, to charge one with;
    hafa í hótum við e-n, to threaten one;
    hafa e-t með höndum, to have in hand;
    höfum eiai sigrinn ór hendi, let not victory slip out of our hands;
    hafa ór við e-n, to behave so and so towards one (hefir þú illa ór haft við mik);
    hafa e-t til e-s to use for (höfðu þeir til varnar skot ok spjót); to be a reason or ground for;
    vér hyggjum þat til þess haft vera, at þar hafi menn sézt, we believe the foundation of the story is that men have been seen there;
    hafa mikit (lítit) til síns máls, to have much (little) in support of one’s case;
    hafa e-t til, to have at hand, possess;
    orð þau, sem hann hafði um haft, the words which he had used;
    keisari hafði fátt um, did not say much;
    hafa e-n undir, to get one under, subdue one;
    hafa e-t uppi, to take (heave) up (hafa uppi fœri, net);
    Skarpheðinn hafði uppi øxina, S. heaved up the axe;
    hafa flokk uppi, to raise a party, to rebel;
    hafa uppi tafl, to play at a game;
    hafa e-n uppi, to bring one to light;
    hafa uppi rœður, to begin a discussion;
    hafa e-t úti, to have done, finished (hafa úti sitt dagsverk);
    hafa við e-m, to be a match for one;
    hafa sik við, to exert oneself;
    hafa mikit (lítit) við, to make a great (little) display;
    hann söng messu ok bafði mikit við, and made much of it;
    hann bad jarl leita, bann hafði lítit við þat, he did it lightly;
    haf ekki slíkt við, do not say so;
    haf þú lítit við at eggja sonu þina, refrain from egging on thy sons;
    15) refl., hafast.
    * * *
    pret. hafði; subj. hefði; pres. sing. hefi (less correctly hefir), hefir, hefir; plur. höfum, hafit, hafa: the mod. pres. sing. is monosyllabic hefr or hefur, and is used so in rhymes—andvara engan hefur | … við glys heims gálaus sefur, Pass. 15. 6, but in print the true old form hefir is still retained; the monosyllabic present is used even by old writers in the 1st pers. before the personal or negative suffix, e. g. hef-k and hef-k-a ek for hefi-g and hefig-a ek, see e. g. Grág. (Kb.) 79, 82, in the old oath formula, hef-k eigi, Hallfred; hef ek, Fms. iii. 10 (in a verse); but not so in 3rd pers., e. g. hefir-a or hefir-at, Grág. l. c.: imperat. haf, hafðu: part. pass. hafðr, neut. haft;—hafat is an απ. λεγ., Vsp. 16, and is prob. qs. hafit from hefja, to heave, lift: [Ulf. haban; A. S. habban; Engl. have; Hel. hebben; Germ. haben; Dutch hebben; Dan. have, Swed. hafva: it is curious the Lat. form habere retains the consonant unchanged, cp. the Romance forms, Ital. avere, Fr. avoir, Span. haber, etc. ☞ Hafa is a weak verb, and thus distinguished from hefja (to lift, begin), which is a strong verb, answering to Lat. capere, incipere; but in sundry cases, as will be seen below, it passes into the sense of this latter word; as also in some instances into that of another lost strong verb, hafa, hóf, to behave, and hœfa, to hit]:—to have.
    A. To have; hann hafði með sér ekki meira lið, Fms. i. 39; hafði hverr hirð um sik, 52; höfðu þeir áttján skip, viii. 42; Sverrir hafði tvau hundrað manna, … þeir höfðu annan samnað á landi, 328; hann hafði mikit lið ok frítt, x. 36; þeir höfðu sjau skip ok flest stór, 102; hafa fjölmennar setur, Eb. 22; hann hafði menn sína í síldveri, Eg. 42; mun ek naut hafa þar sem mér þykkir hagi beztr, 716.
    II. to hold:
    1. to keep, celebrate; hafa ok halda, Dipl. i. 6; hafa átrúnað, 10; hafa dóma, 12; hafa blót, Fms. iv. 254; hafa vina-veizlu, id.; hafa vina-boð, Nj. 2; hafa Jóla-boð, Eg. 516; hafa þing, Fms. ix. 449; hafa haust-boð, Gísl. 27; hafa drykkju, Eb. 154; hafa leik, Fms. x. 201, passim.
    2. to hold, observe; hlýðir þat hvergi at hafa eigi lög í landi, Nj. 149; skal þat hafa, er stendr …, Grág. i. 7; skal þat allt hafa er finsk á skrá þeirri …, id.; en hvatki es mis-sagt es í fræðum þessum, þá es skylt at hafa þat (to keep, hold to be true) es sannara reynisk, Íb. 3; ok hafða ek (I kept, selected) þat ór hvárri er framarr greindi, Landn. 320, v. l.
    3. to hold, keep, retain; ef hann vill hafa hann til fardaga, Grág. i. 155; skal búandinn hafa hann hálfan mánuð, 154; ok hafði hvárr þat er hélt á, Nj. 279; hitt skal hafa er um fram er, Rb. 56; kasta í burt þrjátigi ok haf þat sem eptir verðr, 494.
    4. to hold an office; hafa lögsögu, to hold the office of lögsaga, Íb. passim; hafa jarldóm, konungdóm, passim; þat höfðu haft at fornu Dana-konungar, Eg. 267; þér berit konunga-nöfn svá sem fyrr hafa haft ( have had) forfeðr yðrir, en hafit lítið af ríki, Fms. i. 52; hafa ríki, to reign, Hkr. pref.
    5. phrases, hafa elda, to keep a fire, cook, Fms. xi. 129; hafa fjárgæzlu, to tend sheep, Eg. 740; hafa embætti með höndum, Stj. 204; hafa gæzlur á e-u, Fms. ix. 313; hafa … vetr, to have so many winters, be of such an age (cp. Fr. avoir … ans), Íb. 15; margir höfðu lítið fátt þúsund ára, Ver. 7: hafa vörn í máli, Nj. 93; hafa e-t með höndum, to have in hand, Fms. viii. 280, ix. 239; hafa e-t á höndum, Grág. i. 38; hafa fyrir satt, to hold for true, Fms. xi. 10; hafa við orð, to intimate, suggest, Nj. 160; hafa e-t at engu, vettugi, to hold for naught, take no notice of, Fas. i. 318.
    6. with prepp. or infin.,
    α. with prep.; hafa til, to have, possess; ef annarr þeirra hefir til enn annarr eigi, þá er sá skyldr til at fá honum er til hefir, Grág. i. 33; ef annarr hefir til …, id.; þér ætlið at ek muna eigi afl til hafa, Ld. 28.
    β. with infin.; hafa at varðveita, to have in keeping, Eg. 500; lög hafit þér at mæla, you have the law on your tongue, i. e. you are right, Nj. 101; hörð tíðindi hefi ek at segja þér, 64; sá er gripinn hefir at halda, Grág. i. 438; hafa at selja, to have on sale, Ld. 28.
    III. to use; var haft til þess sker eitt, Eb. 12; þá höfðu þeir til varnar skot ok spjót, Fms. vii. 193; er þín ráð vóru höfð, that thy advice was taken, Fs. 57; Gríss hafði þessi ráð, Fms. iii. 21; ek vil at þat sé haft er ek legg til, x. 249; þykki mér þú vel hafa ( make good use of) þau tillög er ek legg fyrir þik, xi. 61; til þess alls er jarli þótti skipta, þá hafði hann þessa hluti, 129; tvau ný (net), ok hafa eigi höfð verit ( which have not been used), haf þú ( take) hvárt er þú vilt, Háv. 46; þær vil ek hafa enar nýju, en ek vil ekki hætta til at hafa enar fornu, id.; önnur er ný ok mikil ok hefir ( has) til einskis höfð ( used) verið, id.; buðkr er fyrir húslker er hafðr, Vm. 171; gjalda vápn þau er höfð eru, N. G. L. i. 75; þat hafði hann haft ( used) fyrir skála, Edda 29; þeir vóru hafðir til at festa með hús jafnan, Nj. 118; sá hólmr var hafðr til at …, Fms. i. 218; hann skyldi hafa hinn sama eið, x. 7; orð þau sem hann hafði ( had) um haft ( used), Nj. 56; orð þau er hann hafði ( made use of) í barnskírn, K. Þ. K. 14.
    2. more special phrases; hafa fagrmæli við e-n, to flatter one, Nj. 224; hafa hljóðmæli við e-n, to speak secretly to one, 223; allmikil fjölkyngi mun vera við höfð áðr svá fái gört, Edda 27; hafa mörg orð um e-t, Ld. 268; hafa tvímæli á e-u, to discuss, doubt, speak diffidently of a thing, Lv. 52; hafa viðrmæli um e-t, to use mocking words, Nj. 89; hafa nafn Drottins í hégóma, to take the Lord’s name in vain, Fms. i. 310; (hann var) mjök hafðr við mál manna, much used to, versed in lawsuits, Dropl. 8: hafa sik til e-s, to use oneself to a thing, i. e. to do a mean, paltry thing; þeir er til þess vilja hafa sik, at ganga í samkundur manna úboðit, Gþl. 200; ef hann vill sik til þessa hafa, Fms. i. 99: hafa sik við, to exert oneself; skaltú ok verða þik við at hafa um þetta mál, ef þú getr þat af þér fært, Grett. 160: hafa e-n at skotspæni, to use one as a target, Nj. 222; hafa e-n at hlífi-skildi sér, to use one as a shield, 262; hafa e-n at ginningar-fifli, auga-bragði, háði, hlátri, Hm. 133, Nj. 224, passim.
    IV. to have, hold, maintain, of a state or condition; hafa vináttu við e-n, to maintain friendship with one, Sks. 662; hafa vanmátt, to continue sick, Eg. 565; hafa hættu-mikit, to run a great risk, Nj. 149; hafa vitfirring, to be insane, Grág. i. 154; hafa heilindi, to have good health, 26, Hm. 67; hafa burði til e-s, to have the birthright to a thing. Eg. 479; hafa hug, áræði, hyggindi, to have the courage …, Hom. 28; hafa vit ( to know), skyn, greind … á e-u, to have understanding of a thing; hafa gaman, gleði, skemtun, ánægju af e-u, to have interest or pleasure in a thing; hafa leiða, ógeð, andstygð, hatr, óbeit á e-u, to dislike, be disgusted with, hate a thing; hafa elsku, mætr, virðing á e-u, to love, esteeem … a thing; hafa allan hug á e-u, to bend the mind to a thing; hafa grun á e-m, to suspect one; hafa ótta, beyg af e-u, to fear a thing; and in numberless other phrases.
    2. with prepp.:
    α. hafa e-t frammi (fram), to carry out, hold forth; hafa frammi róg, Nj. 166; hafa mál fram, to proceed with a suit, 101; stefnu-för, 78; heitstrengingar, Fms. xi. 103; ok öll lögmælt skil frammi hafa, and discharge all one’s official duties, 232; var um búit en ekki fram haft, all was made ready, but nothing done, viii. 113; beini má varla verða betri en hér er frammi hafðr, xi. 52; hafðú í frammi ( use) kúgan við þá uppi við fjöllin, Ísl. ii. 215; margir hlutir, þó at hann hafi í frammi, Sks. 276.
    β. hafa mikit, lítið fyrir e-u, to have much, little trouble about a thing; (hence fyrir-höfn, trouble.)
    γ. hafa við e-m (afl or the like understood), to be a match for one, Fms. vii. 170, Lv. 109, Nj. 89, Eg. 474, Anal. 176; hafa mikit, lítið við, to make a great, little display; (hence við-höfn, display, pomp); hann söng messu ok hafði mikit við, he sang mass and made a great thing of it, Nj. 157; þú hefir mikit við, thou makest a great show of it, Boll. 351; hann bað jarl leita, hann hafði lítið við þat, he did it lightly, Nj. 141; haf ekki slíkt við, do not say so, Ld. 182.
    B. To take, carry off, win, wield, [closely akin to Lat. capere]:
    I. to catch, take, esp. in the phrase, hafa ekki e-s, to miss one; hann kemsk á skóg undan, ok höfðu þeir hans ekki, he took to the forest and they missed him, Nj. 130; ekki munu vér hans hafa at sinni, we sha’nt catch him at present, Fms. vi. 278; hafða ek þess vætki vífs, Hm. 101; þeygi ek hana at heldr hefik, 95: in swearing, tröll, herr, gramir hafi þik, the trolls, ghosts, etc. take thee! tröll hafi líf, ef …, Kormak; tröll hafi Trefót allan! Grett. (in a verse); tröll hafi þína vini, tröll hafi hól þitt, Nj.; herr hafi Þóri til slægan, confound the wily Thorir! Fms. vi. 278, v. l. (emended, as the phrase is wrongly explained in Fms. xii. Gloss.); gramir hafi þik! vide gramr.
    II. to carry, carry off, bring; hafði einn hjartað í munni sér, one carried the heart off in his mouth, Nj. 95; hann hafði þat ( brought it) norðan með sér, Eg. 42; hafði Þórólfr heim marga dýrgripi, 4; hann hafði með sér skatt allan, 62; skaltú biðja hennar ok hafa hana heim hingat, Edda 22; fé þat er hann hafði ( had) út haft ( carried from abroad), Gullþ. 13; á fimm hestum höfðu þeir mat, Nj. 74; bókina er hann hafði ( had) út haft, Fms. vii. 156; konungr hafði biskup norðr til Björgynjar með sér, viii. 296; biskup lét hann hafa með sér kirkju-við ok járn-klukku, Landn. 42; hann hafði með sér skulda-lið sitt ok búferli, Eb. 8; hann tók ofan hofit, ok hafði með sér flesta viðu, id.; ok hafa hana í brott, Fms. i. 3; tekr upp barnit, ok hefir heim með sér, Ísl. ii. 20; hann hafði lög út hingat ór Noregi, he brought laws hither from Norway, Íb. 5; haf þú heim hvali til bæjar, Hým. 26; ok hafa hann til Valhallar, Nj. 119.
    III. to take, get; hann hafði þá engan mat né drykk, he took no food nor drink, Eg. 602; hann hafði eigi svefn, he got no sleep, Bs. i. 139.
    2. to get, gain, win; öfluðu sér fjár, ok höfðu hlutskipti mikit, Eg. 4; eigi þarftú at biðja viðsmjörs þess, þvíat hann mun þat alls ekki hafa, né þú, for neither he nor thou shall get it, Blas. 28; jarl vill hafa minn fund, he will have a meeting with me, 40, Skv. 1. 4: the sayings, hefir sá jafnan er hættir, he wins that risks, ‘nothing venture, nothing have,’ Hrafn. 16; sá hefir krás er krefr, Sl. 29.
    3. phrases, hafa meira hlut, to get the better lot, gain the day, Nj. 90, Fms. xi. 93; hafa gagn, sigr, to gain victory, ix. 132, Eg. 7, Hkr. i. 215, Ver. 38; hafa betr, to get the better; hafa verr, miðr, to have the worst of it, Fms. v. 86, Þorst. S. St. 48, passim; hafa mál sitt, to win one’s suit, Grág. i. 7, Fms. vii. 34; hafa kaup öll, to get all the bargain, Eg. 71; hafa tafl, to win the game, Fms. vii. 219; hafa erendi, to do one’s errand, succeed, Þkv. 10, 11, Fas. ii. 517: hafa bana, to have one’s bane, to die, Nj. 8; hafa úsigr, to be worsted, passim; hafa úfrið, to have no peace; hafa gagn, sóma, heiðr, neisu, óvirðing, skömm, etc. af e-u, to get profit, gain, honour, disgrace, etc. from a thing; hafa e-n í helju, to put one to death, Al. 123; hafa e-n undir, to get one under, subdue him, Nj. 95, 128; höfum eigi, sigrinn ór hendi, let not victory slip out of our hands, Fms. v. 294.
    4. to get, receive; hann hafði góðar viðtökur, Nj. 4; hón skal hafa sex-tigi hundraða, 3; skyldi Högni hafa land, 118; selja skipit, ef hann hafði þat fyrir ( if he could get for it) sem hann vildi; Flosi spurði í hverjum aurum hann vildi fyrir hafa, hann kvaðsk vildu fyrir hafa land, 259; hafa tíðindi, sögur af e-m, to have, get tidings of or from one, Ld. 28; hafa sæmd, metorð óvirðing, to get honour, disgrace from one’s hands, Nj. 101; hafa bætr, to get compensation, Grág. i. 188; hafa innstæðuna eina, id.; hafa af e-m, to have the best of one, cheat one.
    IV. to carry, wear, of clothes, ornaments, weapons:
    1. of clothes, [cp. Lat. habitus and Icel. höfn = gear]; hafa hatt á höfði, Ld. 28; hafa váskufl yztan klæða, … þú skalt hafa undir ( wear beneath) hin góðu klæði þín, Nj. 32; hann hafði blán kyrtil, … hann hafði svartan kyrtil, Boll. 358; hafa fald á höfði, to wear a hood; hón hafði gaddan rautt á höfði, Orkn. 304; hann hafði um sik breitt belti, he wore a broad belt, Nj. 91; hafa fingr-gull á hendi, 146: to have about one’s person, vefja saman ok hafa í pungi sínum, Edda 27; hlutir sem mönnum var títt at hafa, Fms. xi. 128.
    2. of weapons, to wield, carry; spjót þat er þú hefir í hendi, Boll. 350; hafa kylfu í hendi sér, to have a club in one’s hand, Fms. xi. 129; hafa staf í hendi, to have a stick in the hand, Bárð.; Gunnarr hafði atgeirinn ok sverðit, Kolskeggr hafði saxit, Hjörtr hafði alvæpni, Nj. 93; hann hafdi öxi snaghyrnda, Boll. 358; hann hafði kesjuna fyrir sér, he held the lance in rest, Eg. 532.
    V. here may be added a few special phrases; hafa hendr fyrir sér, to grope, feel with the hands (as in darkness); hafa vit fyrir sér, to act wisely; hafa at sér hendina, to draw one’s hand back, Stj. 198; hafa e-t eptir, to do or repeat a thing after one, Konr.; hafa e-t yfir, to repeat (of a lesson): hafa sik, to betake oneself; hafa sik til annarra landa, Grett. 9 new Ed.; hann vissi varla hvar hann átti at hafa sik, he knew not where ( whither) to betake himself, Bs. i. 807; hefir hann sik aptr á stað til munklífisins, Mar.
    C. Passing into the sense of hefja (see at the beginning); hafa e-t uppi, to heave up, raise; hafa flokk uppi, to raise a party, to rebel, Fb. ii. 89: hafa uppi færi, net, a fisherman’s term, to heave up, take up the net or line, Háv. 46; Skarphéðinn hafði uppi ( heaved up) öxina, Nj. 144: hafa uppi tafl, to play at a game, Vápn. 29; þar vóru mjök töfl uppi höfð ok sagna-skemtan, Þorf. Karl. 406, v. l.: hafa e-n uppi, to hold one up, bring him to light; svá máttu oss skjótast uppi hafa, Fær. 42: metaph. to reveal, vándr riddari hafði allt þegar uppi, Str. 10.
    2. with the notion to begin; Bárðr hafði uppi orð sín ( began his suit) ok bað Sigríðar, Eg. 26, Eb. 142; hafa upp stefnu, to begin the summons, Boll. 350; hafa upp ræður, to begin a discussion; ræður þær er hann hafði uppi haft við Ingigerði, Fms. iv. 144, where the older text in Ó. H. reads umræður þær er hann hafði upp hafit (from hefja), 59; cp. also Vsp., þat langniðja-tal mun uppi hafat (i. e. hafit) meðan öld lifir, 16, (cp. upp-haf, beginning); þó at ek hafa síðarr um-ræðu um hann, better þó at ek hafa (i. e. hefja) síðarr upp ræðu um hann, though I shall below treat of, discuss that, Skálda (Thorodd) 168; er lengi hefir uppi verit haft síðan (of a song), Nj. 135; cp. also phrases such as, hafa á rás, to begin running, take to one’s heels, Fms. iv. 120, ix. 490; næsta morgin hefir út fjörðinn, the next morning a breeze off land arose, Bs. ii. 48: opp. is the phrase, hafa e-t úti, to have done, finished; hafa úti sitt dags-verk, Fms. xi. 431; hafa úti sekt sína, Grett. 149.
    D. Passing into the sense of a lost strong verb, hafa, hóf (see at the beginning), to behave, do, act:
    I. with an adverb, hafa vel, ílla, or the like, to behave, and in some instances to do well or badly, be happy or unhappy,
    α. to behave; en nú vil ek eigi verr hafa en þú, Fms. iv. 342; þeir sögðu at konungr vildi verr hafa en þeir, 313; hefir þú ílla ór (málum or the like understood) haft við mik, Fs. 140; ólikr er Gísli öðrum í þolinmæði, ok hefir hann betr en vér, Gísl. 28.
    β. to do so and so (to be happy, unhappy); verr hafa þeir er trygðum slitu, Mkv. 3; ílla hefir sá er annan svíkr, 18; vel hefir sá er þat líða lætr, 6; vel hefir sá ( he is happy) er eigi bíðr slíkt íllt þessa heims, Fms. v. 145; hvílíkt hefir þú, how dost thou? Mar.; hafa hart, to do badly, to be wretched; at sál Þorgils mætti fyrir þær sakir eigi hart hafa, Sturl. iii. 292, Mar.; Ólafr hafði þá hölzti ílla, O. was very poorly, D. N. ii. 156; þykisk sá bezt hafa ( happiest) er fyrstr kemr heim, Fms. xi. 248; þá hefir hann bazt af hann þegir, i. e. that is the best he can do if he holds his tongue, Hm. 19; þess get ek at sá hafi verr ( he will make a bad bargain) er þik flytr, Nj. 128; úlfgi hefir ok vel, the wolf is in a bad plight, Ls. 39; mun sá betr hafa er eigi tekr við þér, id.; betr hefðir þú, ef …, thou wouldest do better, if …, Akv. 16.
    γ. adding sik; hafa sik vel, to behave well, Fms. x. 415, Stj. 436.
    II. with the prep. at, to do, act, (hence at-höfn, at-hæfi, act, doing); hann lét ekki til búa vígs-málit ok engan hlut at hafa, Nj. 71; en ef þeim þykkir of lítið féit tekit, þá skulu þeir hafa at hit sama, to act in the same way, Grág. ii. 267; hvatki es þeir hafa at, Fms. xi. 132; hann tók af þér konuna, en þú hafðir ekki at, but thou didst not stir, didst take it tamely, Nj. 33; bæði munu menn þetta kalla stórvirki ok íllvirki, en þó má nú ekki at hafa, but there is no help for it, 202; eigi sýnisk mér meðal-atferðar-leysi, at vér höfum eigi at um kvámur hans, i. e. that we submit tamely to his coming, Fs. 32: absol., viltú þess freista, ok vita þá hvat at hafi, wilt thou try and see how it will do? Bjarn. 27; en nú skaltú fara fyrir, ok vita hvat at hafi, Bs. i. 712.
    III. phrases, hafa hátt, to be noisy, talk loud, Fms. i. 66; við skulum ekki hafa hátt ( do not cry loud) hér er maðr á glugganum, a lullaby song; hafa lágt, to keep silent; hafa hægt, to keep quiet; hafa sik á (í) hófi, to compose oneself, Ls. 36; hafa í hótum við e-n, to use threatening ( foul) language, Fb. i. 312; hafa í glett við e-n, to banter one, Fms. viii. 289; hafa íllt at verki, to do a bad deed, Ísl. ii. 184.
    E. Passing into the sense of the verb hæfa (see at the beginning), to aim at, hit, with dat.:
    I. to hit; svá nær hafði hausinum, at …, the shot so nearly hit the head, that …, Fms. ii. 272; þat sama forað, sem henni hafði næst váða, those very precipices from which she had so narrow an escape, Bs. i. 200, Fms. ix. 357; nær hafði nú, at skjótr mundi verða okkarr skilnaðr, Al. 124; nær hafði okkr nú, it struck near us, it was a narrow escape, Fms. viii. 281; kvaðsk svá dreymt hafa ( have dreamed), at þeim mundi nær hafa, ix. 387, v. l.; ok er nær hafði at skipit mundi fljóta, when the ship was on the point of floating, Ld. 58; ok hafði svá nær (it was within a hair’s breadth), at frændr Þorvalds mundu ganga at honum, Nj. 160; ok hafði svá nær at þeir mundi berjask, Íb. 11, cp. Bs. i. 21: the phrase, fjarri hefir, far from it! Edda (in a verse).
    2. to charge; eigi em ek þar fyrir sönnu hafðr, I am not truly aimed at for that, ‘tis a false charge, Eg. 64; þeim manni er fyrir sökum er hafðr, i. e. the culprit, Grág. i. 29; cp. the mod. phrase, hafa á e-u, to make a charge of a thing; það varð ekki á því haft, they could not make a case for a charge of it.
    II. metaph. to be the ground or reason for, (hence til-hæfa, reason, fact, foundation); til þess ætla vitrir menn þat haft at Ísland sé Tile (i. e. Thule) kallað, at …, learned men suppose that is the reason that Iceland is called Thule, that …, Landn. (pref.); mikit mun til haft, er einmæli er um (there must be some reason for it, because all people say so), Þorgils segir, eigi er fyrir haft ( there is no ground whatever for it), at ek mæla betr fyrir griðum en aðrir menn, Ísl. ii. 379; vér hyggjum þat til þess haft vera, at þar hafi menn sésk, we believe the substance of the story is that men have been seen there, Fms. xi. 158; hvat er til þess haft um þat (what is the truth of the matter?), hefir sundr-þykki orðit með ykkr? Boll. 364: in the saying, hefir hverr til síns ágætis nokkut, every one gets his reputation for something, Nj. 115.
    2. to happen, coincide; hefir svá til, at hann var þar sjálfr, Fms. xi. 138, v. l.
    β. the phrase, hafa mikit (lítið) til síns máls, to have much ( little) reason for one’s tale, i. e. to be much, little, in the right, Fms. vii. 221, xi. 138 (v. l.), Nj. 88: um þenna hefir svá stórum, it matters so much with this man, (v. l. for mun stórum skipta), Fms. xi. 311.
    F. REFLEX. to keep, dwell, abide, but only of a temporary shelter or abode, cp. Lat. habitare, (cp. also höfn, a haven); hann hefsk á náttartíma niðri í vötnum, at night-time he keeps down in the water, Stj. 77: to live, þeir höfðusk mjök í kaupferðum, they spent much of their life in travelling, Hkr. i. 276; hann hafðisk löngum í bænum, Bs. i. 353.
    β. with prep. við; hér mun ek við hafask ( I will stay here) en þú far til konungs, Fb. ii. 125; hafðisk hann við á skógum eðr í öðrum fylgsnum, 302; því at hann hafðisk þá á skipum við, Fms. viii. 44; hvílsk heldr ok hafsk við í því landi, rest and stay in that land, Stj. 162; Ásgeirr hafðisk við uppi í dalnum, Sd. 154; hafask lind fyrir, to cover oneself with a shield (?), Vsp. 50; hafask hlífar fyrir, to be mailed in armour, Hkm. 11.
    2. hafask at, to do, behave (cp. D. above); vóru þeir þá svá móðir, at þeir máttu ekki at hafask, Fms. ii. 149; en síðan skulut þér at hafa slíkt sem ek kann fyrir segja, i. 158; þat eitt munu við at hafask, at ek mun betr göra en þú, Nj. 19; Lambi sá hvat Steinarr hafðisk at, Eg. 747.
    3. hafask vel, to do well, thrive; vaxa ok vel hafask, to wax and do well, Hm. 142; nú er þat bæn mín, at þér hafisk við vel, that you bear yourself well up, Fms. ix. 497; Jungfrúin hafðisk vel við í ferðinni, x. 86; at fé hans mundi eigi hafask at betr at meðal-vetri, Grág. ii. 326.
    4. recipr., hafask orð við, to speak to one another; ok er þat ósiðlegt, at menn hafisk eigi orð við, Fs. 14; þar til er þeir hafask réttar tölur við, N. G. L. i. 182.
    II. part. hafandi is used in the sense of having conceived, being with child; þá verit hann varr við at hón var hafandi, 656 B. 14; hón skyldi verða hafandi at Guðs syni, id.; generally, allt þat er hafanda var lét burð sinn ok ærðisk, Fms. vii. 187; svá sem hón verðr at honum hafandi, Stj. 178; (hence barns-hafandi, being with child.)
    G. The word hafa is in the Icel., as in other Teut. languages, used as an auxiliary verb with a part. pass. of another verb, whereby a compound preterite and pluperfect are formed as follows:
    I. in transitive verbs with acc. the participle also was put in acc., agreeing in gender, number, and case with the objective noun or pronoun; this seems to have been a fixed rule in the earliest time, and is used so in all old poems down at least to the middle of the 11th century, to the time of Sighvat (circ. A. D. 990–1040), who constantly used the old form,—átt is an apostrophe for átta in the verse Ó. H. 81:
    1. references from poets, Gm. 5, 12, 16; þá er forðum mik fædda höfðu, Vsp. 2; hverr hefði lopt lævi blandit eðr ætt jötuns Óðs mey gefna, 29; þær’s í árdaga áttar höfðu, 60: ek hafða fengna konungs reiði, Ad. 3; en Grjótbjörn um gnegðan hefir, 18; mik hefir marr miklu ræntan, Stor. 10; þó hefir Míms-vinr mér um fengnar bölva bætr, 22: gaupur er Haraldr hafi sveltar, Hornklofi: Loka mær hefir leikinn allvald, Ýt. 7; sá hafði borinn brúna-hörg, 14; jarlar höfðu veginn hann, 15: ek hef orðinn ( found) þann guðföðr (verða is here used as trans.), Hallfred; höfum kera framðan, id.: hann hefir litnar, sénar, hár bárur, Ísl. ii. 223, thus twice in a verse of A. D. 1002; göngu hefik of gengna, Korm. (in a verse); hann hafði farna för, Hkr. i. (Glum Geirason); ek hefi talðar níu orustur, Sighvat; þú hefir vanðan þik, id.; ér hafit rekna þá braut, Ó. H. 63 (Óttar Svarti); hann hefir búnar okkr hendr skrautliga, Sighvat (Ó. H. 13); þeir hafa færð sín höfuð Knúti, id.; hvar hafit ér hugðan mér sess, id.; hafa sér kenndan enn nørðra heims enda, id.; Sighvatr hefir lattan gram, id.; hefir þú hamar um fólginn, Þkv. 7, 8; þú hefir hvatta okkr, Gkv. 6; ek hefi yðr brennda, Am. 39, cp. 56; hefi ek þik minntan, 81; hefir þú hjörtu tuggin, Akv. 36; hefir þú mik dvalðan, Hbl. 51; ek hefi hafðar þrár, I have had throes, Fsm. 51; en ek hann görvan hef-k, svá hefi ek studdan, 12 (verse 13 is corrupt); hann hefir dvalða þik, Hkv. Hjörv. 29; lostna, 30; mik hefir sóttan meiri glæpr, 32; ek hefi brúði kerna, id.; þú hefir etnar úlfa krásir, opt sár sogin, Hkv. 1. 36; sá er opt hefir örnu sadda, 35; hefir þú kannaða koni óneisa, 23; þá er mik svikna höfðut, Skv. 3. 55; hann hafði getna sonu, Bkv. 8; þann sal hafa halir um görvan, Fm. 42; bróður minn hefir þú benjaðan, 25; er hann ráðinn hefir, 37; sjaldan hefir þú gefnar vargi bráðir, Eg. (in a verse).
    2. references from prose; this old form has since been turned into an indecl. neut. sing. part. -it. The old form was first lost in the strong verbs and the weak verbs of the first conjugation: in the earliest prose both forms are used, although the indecl. is more freq. even in the prose writers, as Íb., the Heiðarv. S., the Miracle-book in Bs., Njála, Ó. H., (Thorodd seems only to use the old form,) as may be seen from the following references, Björn hafði særða þrjá menn, Nj. 262; hann mundi hana hafa gipta honum, 47; hann hafði þá leidda saman hestana, 264: ek hefi sendan mann, Ísl. (Heiðarv. S.) ii. 333; ek nefi senda menn, id.: hafa son sinn ór helju heimtan, Bs. (Miracle-book) i. 337; en er þeir höfðu niðr settan sveininn, 349; hann hafði veidda fimm tegu fiska, 350: er þér hefir ílla neisu gorva, Ó. H. 107: þá hefi ek fyrri setta þá í stafrófi, Skálda (Thorodd) 161; þar hefi ek við görva þessa stafi fjóra, id.; hafa hann samsettan, 167: góða fylgd hefir þú mér veitta, Þorst Síðu H. 2: sagði, at Ólafr konungr hafði sendan hann, Bs. i. 11: Þyri, er hertogi hafði festa nauðga, Fms. x. 393 (Ágrip): hefi ek þá svá signaða ok magnaða, v. 236: hefir sólin gengna tvá hluti, en einn úgenginn, K. Þ. K. 92 (Lund’s Syntax, p. 12).
    β. again, neut. indecl., hana hafði átt fyrr Þoróddr, Ísl. ii. 192: hón hafði heimt húskarl sinn …, Ísl. (Heiðarv. S.) ii. 339; hann hefir ekki svá vel gyrt hest minn, 340; hefir þú eigi séð mik, 341; hve hann hafði lokkat hann. id.; gistingar hefi ek yðr fengit, 343: þeir höfðu haft úfrið ok orrostur, Íb. 12; hann hafði tekið lögsögu, 14: stafr er átt hafði Þorlákr, Bs. (Miracle-book) i. 340; er þær höfðu upp tekit ketilinn ok hafit …, 342; göngu es hann hafði gingit, 344; es sleggjuna hafði niðr fellt, 346; sem maðr hefði nýsett (hana) niðr, id.; jartein þá er hann þóttisk fingit hafa, 347; hafði prestrinn fært fram sveininn, 349: hjálm er Hreiðmarr hafði átt, Edda 73: hafa efnt sína heitstrenging, Fms. (Jómsv. S.) xi. 141: slíkan dóm sem hann hafði mér hugat, Ó. H. 176, etc. passim:—at last the inflexion disappeared altogether, and so at the present time the indecl. neut. sing. is used throughout; yet it remains in peculiar instances, e. g. konu hefi eg mér festa, Luke xiv. 20, cp. Vídal. ii. 21. ☞ This use of the inflexive part. pass. may often serve as a test of the age of a poem, e. g. that Sólarljóð was composed at a later date may thus be seen from verses 27, 64, 72, 73, 75, 79; but this test is to be applied with caution, as the MSS. have in some cases changed the true forms (-inn, -ann, and -it, -an being freq. abbreviated in the MSS. so as to render the reading dubious). In many cases the old form is no doubt to be restored, e. g. in vegit to veginn, Fm. 4, 23; búit to búinn, Hkv. Hjörv. 15; borit to borinn, Hkv. 1. 1; beðit to beðinn, Fsm. 48; orðit to orðin, Og. 23; roðit to roðinn, Em. 5; brotið to brotinn, Vkv. 24, etc.: but are we to infer from Ls. 23, 26, 33, that this poem is of a comparatively late age?
    II. the indecl. neut. sing. is, both in the earliest poems and down to the present day, used in the following cases:
    1. with trans. verbs requiring the dat. or gen.; ek hefi fengit e-s, hann hafði fengit konu; hafa hefnt e-s, Fms. xi. 25; sú er hafði beðit fjár, Þkv. 32; stillir hefir stefnt mér, Hkv. Hjörv. 33, and so in endless cases.
    2. in the reflex. part. pass.; þeir (hann) hafa (hefir) látisk, farisk, sagsk, etc.
    3. in part. of intrans. neut. verbs, e. g. þeir þær (hann, hón), hafa (hefir) setið, staðit, gengit, legit, farit, komit, verit, orðit, lifað, dáit, heitið …, also almost in every line both of prose and poetry.
    4. in trans. verbs with a neut. sing. in objective case the difference cannot be seen.
    ☞ The compound preterite is common to both the Romance and Teutonic languages, and seems to be older in the former than in the latter; Grimm suggests that it originated with the French, and thence spread to the Teutons. That it was not natural to the latter is shewn by the facts, that
    α. no traces of it are found in Gothic, nor in the earliest Old High German glossaries to Latin words.
    β. in the earliest Scandinavian poetry we can trace its passage from declinable to indeclinable.
    γ. remains are left in poetry of a primitive uncompounded preterite infinitive, e. g. stóðu = hafa staðit, mundu, skyldu, vildu, etc., see Gramm. p. xxv, col. 2. ☞ We may here note a curious dropping of the verb hefir, at ek em kominn hingat til lands, ok verit áðr ( having been) langa hríð utan-lands, Ó. H. 31, cp. Am. 52; barn at aldri, en vegit slíka hetju sem Þorvaldr var, Glúm. 382. On this interesting matter see Grimm’s remarks in his Gramm. iv. 146 sqq.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > HAFA

  • 6 gleichen

    v/i; gleicht, glich, hat geglichen
    1. (ähnlich sein) be ( oder look) like, resemble (+ Dat s.o., s.th.); sich gleichen be ( oder look) alike, resemble one another; er gleicht seiner Mutter auch he takes after his mother; Ei 1
    2. (nahekommen) come close to; es gleicht einem Wunder it’s a near ( oder it’s like a) miracle
    * * *
    to resemble; to equal
    * * *
    glei|chen ['glaiçn] pret gli\#ch [glɪç] ptp gegli\#chen [gə'glɪçn]

    jdm/einer Sache gléíchen — to be like sb/sth

    sich gléíchen — to be alike or similar

    jdm an Erfahrung/Schönheit gléíchen — to be sb's equal or to equal sb in experience/beauty

    * * *
    < glich, geglichen>
    jdm/etw \gleichen to be [just] like sb/sth
    sich dat \gleichen to be alike [or similar]
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb

    jemandem/einer Sache gleichen — be like or resemble somebody/something; (sehr ähnlich aussehen) closely resemble somebody/something

    sich (Dat.) gleichen — be alike; (sehr ähnlich aussehen) closely resemble each other

    * * *
    gleichen v/i; gleicht, glich, hat geglichen
    1. (ähnlich sein) be ( oder look) like, resemble (+dat sb, sth);
    sich gleichen be ( oder look) alike, resemble one another;
    er gleicht seiner Mutter auch he takes after his mother; Ei 1
    2. (nahekommen) come close to;
    es gleicht einem Wunder it’s a near ( oder it’s like a) miracle
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb

    jemandem/einer Sache gleichen — be like or resemble somebody/something; (sehr ähnlich aussehen) closely resemble somebody/something

    sich (Dat.) gleichen — be alike; (sehr ähnlich aussehen) closely resemble each other

    * * *
    equally adv. v.
    (§ p.,pp.: glich, geglichen)
    = to resemble v.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > gleichen

  • 7 περί

    περί (Hom.+) prep. w. gen. and acc., in our lit. not w. dat. (B-D-F §203; Rob. 617; see the lit. s.v. ἀνά, beg.) lit. ‘round about’
    w. the gen. to denote the object or pers. to which (whom) an activity or esp. inward process refers or relates, about, concerning
    after verbs that denote an oral or written expression or its reception, a mental action, knowing, thinking, recognizing, etc., about, concerning; s. the entries ἀκούω 1c and 3c, ἀναγγέλλω 2 end, ἀπαγγέλλω 1, ἀπολογέομαι, γνωρίζω 1, γογγύζω, γράφω 2c, δηλόω, διαβεβαιόομαι, διαλέγομαι 1, διδάσκω 2d, διηγέομαι, εἶπον 1a, ἐντέλλω, ἐπιστέλλω, κατηχέω, λαλέω 2aγ, λέγω 1bδ; λόγον αἰτεῖν, ἀποδιδόναι, διδόναι, ποιεῖσθαι (s. λόγος 2a); μαρτυρέω 1b, μνημονεύω 1c, ὁμιλέω, πυνθάνομαι, προκαταγγέλλω, προφητεύω, ὑπομιμνῄσκω, χρηματίζομαι; ἀγνοέω 1a, ἀπορέω, ἐπινοέω, ἐπίσταμαι 2, οἶδα 1h, πέπεισμαι (s. πείθω 4), πιστεύω 1aβ. Also used w. the substantives belonging to these verbs or verbs w. similar mngs.: ἀπολογία 2a, γογγυσμός; διήγησις, εὐαγγέλιον, ἦχος 2, πρόφασις, φήμη; s. these entries. γινώσκω J 7:17. συμφωνέω Mt 18:19. τί ὑμῖν δοκεῖ περὶ τοῦ Χριστοῦ; what do you think of the Christ? 22:42.
    after verbs that express considering, asking, examining, charging, judging, censuring, punishing, praising, etc., on account of, because of, for, concerning. S. the entries ἀποστοματίζω, ἀπορέω, διαπορέω, ἐγκαλέω, εἶδον (3: deliberate concerning), ἐκζητέω 1, ἐλέγχω 2 and 3, ἐξετάζω 1 and 2b, ἐπερωτάω 1a, ἐπιζητέω 1b, ἐρωτάω 1, ζητέω 2, κατηγορέω, παραμυθέομαι.—διαλογίζομαι Lk 3:15. κρίνω J 8:26. λιθάζω 10:33. θεὸν αἰνέω Lk 19:37. περὶ οὗ … οἱ κατήγοροι οὐδεμίαν αἰτίαν ἔφερον his accusers brought no charge of this kind Ac 25:18 (BWeiss, Preuschen take περὶ οὗ w. σταθέντες, which immediately follows it, and understand it to mean ‘around him’, ‘near him’ [περί τινος in this sense IG XIV, 2508, 4]).—S. also the entry ζήτημα.
    after verbs that denote emotion. S. the entries ἀγανακτέω, θαυμάζω 1aβ, καυχάομαι, σπλαγχνίζομαι.
    after verbs of caring (for). S. the entries μέλει 1b, μεριμνάω, προβλέπω.
    after other verbs and expressions, mostly with regard to, with reference to, in relation to, w. respect to εὐλογεῖν Hb 11:20. ἀναβαίνειν περὶ τοῦ ζητήματος go up about the question Ac 15:2. ἐντολὰς λαμβάνειν Col 4:10. ἐξουσίαν ἔχειν 1 Cor 7:37 (s. ἐξουσία 1). περὶ πάντων εὐοδοῦσθαι be well off in all respects 3J 2 (περὶ π.=‘in all resp.’: Pla., Gorg. 23, 467d.—Others take it as ‘above all’; cp. Il. 1, 287; 21, 566).
    w. certain verbs and nouns such as ‘ask’, ‘pray’, ‘prayer’, etc., περί introduces the pers. or thing in whose interest the petition is made. Thus it takes the place of ὑπέρ (B-D-F §229, 1; Rob. 618; WSchulze, Zeitschr. für vergl. Sprachforschung 44, 1911, 359: Callim., Epigr. 55, 3.—SIG 1170, 30 περὶ τούτου παρεκάλεσα τὸν θεόν; POxy 1298, 4; 1494, 6; JosAs 28:5 ἐξιλάσομαι αὐτοὺς περὶ ὑμῶν; EpArist 273) for. S. the entries δέομαι b, δέησις, ἐρωτάω 2, παρακαλέω 3. προσεύχεσθαι (Gen 20:7; 1 Km 7:5; 2 Macc 1:6; 15:14) Lk 6:28; Col 1:3 (v.l. ὑπέρ); 4:3; 1 Th 5:25; 2 Th 1:11; 3:1; Hb 13:18. προσευχὴ γίνεται Ac 12:5. Παῦλος ἐσταυρώθη περὶ ὑμῶν; 1 Cor 1:13 v.l. (for ὑπέρ). τὸ αἷμα τὸ περὶ πολλῶν ἐκχυννόμενον Mt 26:28 (cp. Nicol. Dam.: 90 Fgm. 730, 29 p. 415, 29 Jac. περὶ τῶν διαδόχων αὐτοῦ ἅπαν … παθεῖν). ἀγῶνα ἔχω περὶ ὑμῶν Col 2:1 v.l. (for ὑπέρ).
    when used w. ἁμαρτία the word ‘for’ has the sense to take away, to atone for περὶ ἁμαρτίας (Num 8:8) Ro 8:3 (difft. TThornton, JTS 22, ’71, 515–17). Ἰ. Χρ. τοῦ δόντος ἑαυτὸν περὶ τῶν ἁμαρτιῶν ἡμῶν Gal 1:4 v.l. (for ὑπέρ; CBreytenbach, Versöhnung ’89, 197). περὶ ἁμαρτιῶν ἔπαθεν 1 Pt 3:18 (v.l. ἀπέθανεν). Cp. Hb 5:3c. προσφορὰ περὶ ἁμαρτίας 10:18. θυσία περὶ ἁμαρτιῶν vs. 26. εἰσφέρεται τὸ αἷμα περὶ ἁμαρτίας 13:11. τὸ περὶ τῆς ἁμαρτίας (i.e. προσφερόμενον) the sin-offering (Lev 6:23; 14:19) Hb 10:6, 8 (both Ps 39:7).
    περί τινος abs. at the beginning of a sentence concerning, with reference to (GrBar 8:6; Just., A I, 15, 1 al.; SIG 736, 1; PEleph 13, 4f; BGU 246, 13; 17; 1097, 5 [c. 50 A.D.]; 1095, 9 [57 A.D.]) περὶ ὧν (=περὶ τούτων ἃ) ἐγράψατε concerning the things you wrote (to me) 1 Cor 7:1 (s. γράφω 2c). Cp. 8:1; 16:1, 12. In other, seemingly similar, places it is to be connected w. the verb that follows: Mt 22:31; 24:36; Mk 12:26; 13:32; 1 Cor 7:25; 8:4; 12:1; 2 Cor 9:1; 1 Th 4:9; 5:1. (Cp. the formulation of answers by Claudius in PLond 1912; on Paul’s rhetorical use, cp. Demosth. 7, 1; 14; 18; 30; 39; MMitchell NovT 31, ’89, 229–56.)
    w. the art. τὰ περί τινος what concerns someone or someth., his or its circumstances, situation, condition (X., An. 2, 5, 37 ὅπως μάθοι τὰ περὶ Προξένου; Sir 19:30; TestJob 41:3; JosAs 19:2; GrBar 4:12; Just., A I, 33, 5; Tat. 36, 2) τὰ περὶ (τοῦ) Ἰησοῦ the reports about Jesus, concerning his miracles Mk 5:27; of Jesus’ passion experiences Lk 24:19; of the preaching about Jesus Ac 18:25; cp. 28:31. τὰ περὶ ἑαυτοῦ (αὐτοῦ, ἐμοῦ, ἐμαυτοῦ, ἡμῶν, ὑμῶν) Lk 24:27; Ac 23:11, 15; 24:10; 28:15; Eph 6:22; Phil 1:27; 2:19f; Col 4:8.—τὰ περὶ τῆς βασιλείας τοῦ θεοῦ the things concerning the Kgdm. of God Ac 1:3; 19:8 (v.l. without the art.). τὰ περὶ τῆς ὁδοῦ 24:22 (ὁδός 3c).
    w. the acc., gener. in ref. to position rather than mental or emotional considerations as in the use of the gen., about
    of place around, about, near (TestJob 40:6 περί τινα φάτνην; 12 περὶ τὴν οἰκίαν; Ath. 25, 1 ἄγγελοι … περὶ τὸν ἀέρα ἔχοντες καὶ τὴν γῆν)
    α. (all) around ἕως ὅτου σκάψω περὶ αὐτήν until I dig (all) around it Lk 13:8. περιαστράψαι φῶς περὶ ἐμέ Ac 22:6b. αἱ παρθένοι ἑστηκυῖαι περὶ τὴν πύλην who stood about the door Hs 9, 3, 2.
    β. of a part of the body around which someth. goes (Heraclid. Pont. Fgm. 55 W. περὶ τὸ μέτωπον; PsSol 2:20 περὶ τὴν κεφαλήν; TestJob 46:9 περὶ τὸ στῆθος; JosAs 3:9 περὶ τὰς χεῖρας): a belt περὶ τὴν ὀσφύν around the waist Mt 3:4; Mk 1:6 (JosAs 14:16); cp. Rv 15:6. A millstone περίκειται περὶ τὸν τράχηλον Mk 9:42; Lk 17:2 (JosAs 18:5); cp. Mt 18:6.
    γ. of nearby places: αἱ περὶ αὐτὰς πόλεις the towns near them (Sodom and Gomorrah) Jd 7. τὰ περὶ τὸν τόπον the region around the place Ac 28:7 (Diod S 1, 50, 6 τὰ π. τὴν Μέμφιν; Strabo 12, 7, 3). Without the art. περὶ Τύρον καὶ Σιδῶνα the neighborhood of T. and S. Mk 3:8.
    δ. of persons who are standing, sitting, working or staying close to someone ὄχλον περὶ αὐτόν Mt 8:18; cp. Mk 9:14. τοὺς περὶ αὐτὸν κύκλῳ καθημένους Mk 3:34; cp. vs. 32. οἱ περὶ αὐτόν those about him, his followers Mk 4:10; Lk 22:49. The central person in the group can be included: οἱ περὶ Παῦλον Paul and his companions Ac 13:13; 21:8 v.l. οἱ περὶ τὸν Πέτρον Peter and those with him short ending of Mark; GHb 356, 38f= ISm 3:2; cp. GHb 22, 39 (Pla., Thu., X.; Diod S 11, 40, 3; 11, 61, 3 οἱ περὶ τὸν Κίμωνα=Cimon and his men; ins, pap; 2 Macc 1:33; 8:30; 4 Macc 2:19; JosAs 26:5; Jos., Bell. 5, 10, Ant. 18, 354 al.; Tat. 36, 1 al.; B-D-F §228; Rob. 620). οἱ περὶ τὸν κεντυρίωνα the centurion and his men GPt 11:45. πρὸς τὰς περὶ Μάρθαν καὶ Μαριάμ J 11:19 v.l. prob. means only the two sisters to Martha and Mary (cp. Phalaris, Ep. 136; Polyb. 4, 36, 6; 21, 11, 2; Diod S 1, 16, 1; 1, 37, 3; 16, 85, 2 οἱ περὶ Χάρητα καὶ Λυσικλέα=Chares and Lysicles [are made generals]; Plut., Tib. Gracch. 825 [2, 3] οἱ περὶ Δροῦσον = Δροῦσος, Pyrrh. 395 [20, 1] οἱ περὶ Γάϊον Φαβρίκιον = Γάϊος Φαβρίκιος; Diog. L. 2, 43 οἱ περὶ Αἰσχύλον=Aeschylus; 2, 105; EpArist 51; Philo, Vi. Cont. 15; Jos., Ant. 13, 187; 15, 370, C. Ap. 1, 17). οἱ π. τὸν Παῦλον Ac 27:1a v.l.=Παῦλος vs. 1b.
    of time about, near (Hdt., Thu., X. et al.; PGen 17, 10; PGiss 70, 7; Gen 15:12; Ex 11:4) περὶ τρίτην ὥραν (Appian, Bell. Civ. 2, 45 §182; TestAbr A 5 p. 82, 11 [Stone p. 12] and B 6 p. 109, 27 [Stone p. 66]; Jos., Vi. 239; cp. 243; PSI 184, 5 χθὲς περὶ ἕκτην ὥραν) about the third hour Mt 20:3. Likew. w. the hour given vs. 5f, 9; 27:46; Ac 10:3 (ὡσεὶ περὶ ὥραν ἐνάτην; ApcMos 17 περὶ ὥραν, ὅταν), 9; cp. Mk 6:48; Ac 22:6a.
    of being occupied with (Just., D. 2, 5 χρόνον ἐκτρίβειν περὶ ἐκεῖνα τὰ μαθματα; 8, 3 τῆς περὶ τὸ θεῖον ὁρμῆς; Tat. 27, 3; Ath. 17, 3) περισπᾶσθαι (q.v. 2), θορυβάζεσθαι περί τι Lk 10:40f. οἱ π. τὰ τοιαῦτα ἐργάται the workers who were occupied with such things (s. ἐργάτης 1a) Ac 19:25.
    with regard or respect to (Diod S 2, 18, 2 ἡ περὶ αὐτὴν ἀρετή=her valor; Lucian, Vit. Auct. 17 οἱ περὶ μοιχείαν νόμοι; ApcEsdr 1:6 δικάσασθαι … περὶ τὸ γένος τῶν χριστιανῶν; Jos., Ant. 5, 259; Mel., HE 4, 26, 13 σου τὸ σπουδαῖον περὶ τὴν πίστιν) ἀστοχεῖν 1 Ti 6:21; 2 Ti 2:18. ναυαγεῖν 1 Ti 1:19. νοσεῖν have a morbid craving for someth. (s. νοσέω) 6:4. περὶ πάντα in all respects Tit 2:7.—Pol 4:3; παράδοξον περὶ Ἰοῦστον … γέγονος a miracle that took place involving Justus Papias (2:9). On 2 Cl 17:2 s. ἀνάγω 5.—τὰ περὶ ἐμέ my situation, how I am getting along (Menand., Sam. 623 S. [Kö. 278]; UPZ 68, 6 [152 B.C.] τὰ περὶ Ἀπολλώνιον; Just., A I, 54, 2 τὰ περὶ τὸν Χριστόν; Tat. 8, 4 τὰ περὶ σέ; Jos., Ant. 2, 60) Phil 2:23. αἱ π. τὰ λοιπὰ ἐπιθυμίαι desires for other things Mk 4:19.—DELG. M-M. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > περί

  • 8 suerte

    1 luck (fortuna).
    estar de suerte to be in luck
    por suerte luckily
    probar suerte to try one's luck
    ¡qué suerte! that was lucky!
    ¡qué suerte que traje el paraguas! how lucky that I brought my umbrella!
    tener mala suerte to be unlucky
    tener la suerte de espaldas to be having a run of bad luck
    2 chance.
    tocar o caer en suerte a alguien to fall to somebody's lot
    la suerte está echada the die is cast
    3 fate (destino).
    tentar a la suerte to tempt fate
    4 good luck, stroke of luck, piece of luck.
    5 lot.
    6 trick, stunt.
    7 sort.
    Una extraña suerte de plantas A strange sort of plants.
    * * *
    1 (fortuna) luck, fortune
    2 (azar) chance
    3 (destino) destiny, fate
    4 (estado, condición) lot, situation
    5 formal (tipo) sort, kind, type
    6 (en tauromaquia) manoeuvre (US maneuver) in a bullfight
    ¡buena suerte! / ¡suerte! good luck!
    de otra suerte otherwise
    estar de suerte / estar de mala suerte to be in luck / be out of luck
    la suerte está echada the die is cast
    por suerte fortunately
    probar suerte to try one's luck
    ¡que tengas suerte! good luck!
    tener suerte to be lucky
    tener una suerte loca familiar to have the luck of the devil
    tentar la suerte figurado to tempt fate
    traer (buena) suerte / traer mala suerte to be lucky, bring good luck / be unlucky, bring bad luck
    * * *
    noun f.
    1) luck, fortune, chance
    2) fate, lot
    3) kind, sort
    * * *
    1) (=fortuna) luck

    ¡suerte!, ¡buena suerte! — good luck!

    dar suerte — to bring good luck

    día de suerte — lucky day

    mala suerte — bad luck

    ¡siempre tengo tan mala suerte con los hombres! — I'm always so unlucky with men!, I always have such bad luck with men!

    ¡qué mala suerte! — how unlucky!, what bad luck!

    por suerte — luckily, fortunately

    probar suerte — to try one's luck

    tener suerte — to be lucky

    ¡que tengas suerte! — good luck!, the best of luck!

    tuvo la suerte de que el autobús saliera con retraso — he was lucky that the bus left late, luckily for him his bus left late

    tentar a la suerte — to try one's luck

    traer suerte — to be lucky, bring good luck

    trae mala suerte — it's bad luck, it's unlucky

    2) (=destino) fate

    quiso la suerte que pasara por allí un médicoas luck o fate would have it a doctor was passing by

    correr la misma suerte que algn — to suffer the same fate as sb

    mejorar la suerte de algn — to improve sb's lot

    tentar a la suerte — to tempt fate

    3) (=azar) chance

    lo echaron a suertes[con cerillas, papeletas] they drew lots; [con moneda] they tossed (a coin)

    caerle o tocarle en suerte a algn —

    al equipo español le tocó en suerte enfrentarse a Turquía — as chance had it, the Spanish team were drawn to play against Turkey

    ¡vaya marido que me ha tocado en suerte! — what a husband I ended up with!

    4) (=clase) sort, kind
    5) frm (=modo)

    de esta suerte — in this way

    de suerte quein such a way that

    6) (Taur) stage of the bullfight

    suerte de banderillasthe second stage of a bullfight, in which the "banderillas" are stuck into the bull's back

    suerte de capastage of a bullfight where passes are made with the cape

    suerte de varasopening stage of a bullfight where the bull is weakened with the picador's lance

    suerte supremafinal stage of a bullfight

    * * *
    a) ( azar) chance

    me cayó or tocó en suerte — it fell to my lot (frml o hum)

    echar algo a suertes — ( con monedas) to toss for something; ( con pajitas) to draw straws for something

    la suerte está echada — (fr hecha) the die is cast

    b) ( fortuna) luck

    buena/mala suerte — good/bad luck

    tiene la suerte de vivir en una casa grandeshe is lucky o fortunate enough to live in a big house

    número/hombre de suerte — lucky number/man

    por suerte no estaba solaluckily o fortunately I wasn't alone

    traer or dar mala suerte — to bring bad luck

    c) ( destino) fate

    tentar a la suerteto tempt fate o providence

    2) (tipo, clase) sort, kind

    vino toda suerte de genteall sorts o kinds of people came

    de (tal) suerte que — (frml) so that

    * * *
    = fate, fortune, lot, luck, sort, good fortune, fluke, stroke of luck.
    Ex. The future importance of pre-coordinate indexing depends upon the fate of printed indexes.
    Ex. These institutions have become so intertwined that the fortunes of one are inextricably linked to the fortunes of the other -- for good or for ill.
    Ex. This article reports on the 9th weekend school organised by the Branch and Mobile Libraries Group of the Library Association the theme of which was 'Improving your lot'.
    Ex. In such conditions it is a matter of pure luck if the reader hits the bull's eye at the first shot.
    Ex. Italic founts, which lacked small capitals, generally had about the same total number of sorts as roman.
    Ex. There is an element of good fortune involved in being in the right place at the right time and it is essential to take the best advantage of whatever opportunities arise.
    Ex. This correlation between Blacks and low socio-economic status Whites is neither an artifact of methodology nor a sampling fluke.
    Ex. And in his still beating heart, he knew that his recovery was a miracle: a gift from God, a stroke of luck.
    * acabarse la (buena) suerte = run out of + luck, luck + run out.
    * amuleto de la suerte = good luck charm.
    * buena suerte = good luck!, good luck.
    * ¡buena suerte! = break a leg!.
    * dejar Algo a la suerte = leave + Nombre + to chance.
    * dejar a + Posesivo + suerte = strand.
    * desear a Algo o Alguien toda la suerte del mundo = wish + Nombre + every success.
    * desear mucha suerte a Alguien = wish + Nombre + the (very) best of luck.
    * desear suerte = cross + Posesivo + fingers.
    * desear suerte a Alguien = wish + Nombre + luck.
    * de suerte = by a fluke, by a stroke of (good) luck, by chance, by luck.
    * echar a suerte = draw + lots.
    * echar suertes = draw + lots.
    * encontrar suerte = be in for a good thing, come in for + a good thing, be into a good thing.
    * estar de suerte = be in luck.
    * galleta de la suerte = fortune cookie.
    * golpe de mala suerte = stroke of misfortune.
    * golpe de suerte = stroke of luck.
    * la suerte + cambiar = the tide + turn.
    * la suerte estaba echada = the die was cast, the die had been cast.
    * mala suerte = misfortune, mischance, bad luck, tough luck, losing streak.
    * mejorar la suerte = improve + the lot.
    * mejorar + Posesivo + suerte = improve + Posesivo + lot.
    * mucha suerte = best of luck.
    * no estar de suerte = be out of luck.
    * no tener suerte = be out of luck.
    * pero no hubo suerte = but no dice.
    * pero sin suerte = but no dice.
    * persona que le desea suerte a otra = well-wisher.
    * por la mala suerte = by ill luck, by bad luck, by ill fate.
    * por mala suerte = by ill luck, by bad luck, by a stroke of bad luck, by ill fate.
    * por si + tener + suerte = on spec.
    * por suerte = luckily, fortunately, happily.
    * por suerte o por desgracia = for better or (for) worse, by luck or misfortune.
    * probar suerte = have + a go, give + it a shot, give + Nombre + a try, have + a stab at, take + a stab at, make + a stab at, take + Posesivo + chances, try + Posesivo + luck, give + it a whirl, give + it a try, take + the dip, take + a long shot.
    * quedarse sin suerte = run out of + luck, luck + run out.
    * ¡Qué suerte! = What luck!.
    * racha de buena suerte = winning streak.
    * racha de mala suerte = losing streak.
    * sin suerte = but no dice.
    * ¡suerte! = break a leg!.
    * suerte del principiante, la = beginner's luck.
    * la suerte está echada = the die is cast.
    * tener suerte = be lucky, count + Posesivo + blessings, get + lucky, strike + gold, hit + the jackpot, strike + lucky, be in for a good thing, come in for + a good thing, be into a good thing, be in luck.
    * tentar la suerte = dance with + the devil, take + Posesivo + chances.
    * terminarse la (buena) suerte = run out of + luck, luck + run out.
    * * *
    a) ( azar) chance

    me cayó or tocó en suerte — it fell to my lot (frml o hum)

    echar algo a suertes — ( con monedas) to toss for something; ( con pajitas) to draw straws for something

    la suerte está echada — (fr hecha) the die is cast

    b) ( fortuna) luck

    buena/mala suerte — good/bad luck

    tiene la suerte de vivir en una casa grandeshe is lucky o fortunate enough to live in a big house

    número/hombre de suerte — lucky number/man

    por suerte no estaba solaluckily o fortunately I wasn't alone

    traer or dar mala suerte — to bring bad luck

    c) ( destino) fate

    tentar a la suerteto tempt fate o providence

    2) (tipo, clase) sort, kind

    vino toda suerte de genteall sorts o kinds of people came

    de (tal) suerte que — (frml) so that

    * * *
    = fate, fortune, lot, luck, sort, good fortune, fluke, stroke of luck.

    Ex: The future importance of pre-coordinate indexing depends upon the fate of printed indexes.

    Ex: These institutions have become so intertwined that the fortunes of one are inextricably linked to the fortunes of the other -- for good or for ill.
    Ex: This article reports on the 9th weekend school organised by the Branch and Mobile Libraries Group of the Library Association the theme of which was 'Improving your lot'.
    Ex: In such conditions it is a matter of pure luck if the reader hits the bull's eye at the first shot.
    Ex: Italic founts, which lacked small capitals, generally had about the same total number of sorts as roman.
    Ex: There is an element of good fortune involved in being in the right place at the right time and it is essential to take the best advantage of whatever opportunities arise.
    Ex: This correlation between Blacks and low socio-economic status Whites is neither an artifact of methodology nor a sampling fluke.
    Ex: And in his still beating heart, he knew that his recovery was a miracle: a gift from God, a stroke of luck.
    * acabarse la (buena) suerte = run out of + luck, luck + run out.
    * amuleto de la suerte = good luck charm.
    * buena suerte = good luck!, good luck.
    * ¡buena suerte! = break a leg!.
    * dejar Algo a la suerte = leave + Nombre + to chance.
    * dejar a + Posesivo + suerte = strand.
    * desear a Algo o Alguien toda la suerte del mundo = wish + Nombre + every success.
    * desear mucha suerte a Alguien = wish + Nombre + the (very) best of luck.
    * desear suerte = cross + Posesivo + fingers.
    * desear suerte a Alguien = wish + Nombre + luck.
    * de suerte = by a fluke, by a stroke of (good) luck, by chance, by luck.
    * echar a suerte = draw + lots.
    * echar suertes = draw + lots.
    * encontrar suerte = be in for a good thing, come in for + a good thing, be into a good thing.
    * estar de suerte = be in luck.
    * galleta de la suerte = fortune cookie.
    * golpe de mala suerte = stroke of misfortune.
    * golpe de suerte = stroke of luck.
    * la suerte + cambiar = the tide + turn.
    * la suerte estaba echada = the die was cast, the die had been cast.
    * mala suerte = misfortune, mischance, bad luck, tough luck, losing streak.
    * mejorar la suerte = improve + the lot.
    * mejorar + Posesivo + suerte = improve + Posesivo + lot.
    * mucha suerte = best of luck.
    * nadie esta contento con su suerte = the grass is (always) greener on the other side (of the fence).
    * no estar de suerte = be out of luck.
    * no tener suerte = be out of luck.
    * pero no hubo suerte = but no dice.
    * pero sin suerte = but no dice.
    * persona que le desea suerte a otra = well-wisher.
    * por la mala suerte = by ill luck, by bad luck, by ill fate.
    * por mala suerte = by ill luck, by bad luck, by a stroke of bad luck, by ill fate.
    * por si + tener + suerte = on spec.
    * por suerte = luckily, fortunately, happily.
    * por suerte o por desgracia = for better or (for) worse, by luck or misfortune.
    * probar suerte = have + a go, give + it a shot, give + Nombre + a try, have + a stab at, take + a stab at, make + a stab at, take + Posesivo + chances, try + Posesivo + luck, give + it a whirl, give + it a try, take + the dip, take + a long shot.
    * quedarse sin suerte = run out of + luck, luck + run out.
    * ¡Qué suerte! = What luck!.
    * racha de buena suerte = winning streak.
    * racha de mala suerte = losing streak.
    * sin suerte = but no dice.
    * ¡suerte! = break a leg!.
    * suerte del principiante, la = beginner's luck.
    * la suerte está echada = the die is cast.
    * tener suerte = be lucky, count + Posesivo + blessings, get + lucky, strike + gold, hit + the jackpot, strike + lucky, be in for a good thing, come in for + a good thing, be into a good thing, be in luck.
    * tentar la suerte = dance with + the devil, take + Posesivo + chances.
    * terminarse la (buena) suerte = run out of + luck, luck + run out.

    * * *
    1 (azar) chance
    lo deja todo en manos de la suerte he leaves everything to chance
    me cayó or tocó en suerte it fell to my lot ( frmlor hum)
    echar algo a suertes or ( AmL) a la suerte (con una moneda) to toss for sth; (con pajitas) to draw straws for sth
    echar a suertes or ( AmL) echar a la suerte to toss a coin
    la suerte está echada ( fr hecha); the die is cast
    2 (fortuna) luck
    buena/mala suerte good/bad luck
    ha sido una suerte que vinieras it was lucky you came
    ¡qué suerte tienes! you're so lucky!
    tiene la suerte de vivir en una casa grande she is lucky o fortunate enough to live in a big house
    estamos de suerte we're in luck
    número/hombre de suerte lucky number/man
    tienes una suerte loca you're incredibly lucky
    por suerte no estaba sola luckily o fortunately I wasn't alone
    con suerte termino hoy with a bit of luck I'll finish today
    buena suerte, que te salga todo bien good luck, I hope it all works out well for you
    probar suerte to try one's luck
    suerte, valor y al toro the very best of luck to you
    traer or dar mala suerte to bring bad luck
    trae mala suerte pasar por debajo de una escalera it's bad luck to walk under ladders
    3 (destino) fate
    no desafíes a la suerte don't tempt fate o providence
    quiso la suerte que nos volviéramos a encontrar en París as fate would have it we met up again in Paris
    B (tipo, clase) sort, kind
    vino toda suerte de gente all sorts o kinds of people came
    second phase of a bullfight during which the banderillas are stuck in the bull's neck
    suerte de varas or picas
    first phase of a bullfight during which the picador weakens the bull with his lance
    * * *


    suerte sustantivo femenino
    a) ( fortuna) luck;

    buena/mala suerte good/bad luck;

    ha sido una suerte que vinieras it was lucky you came;
    ¡qué mala suerte! how unlucky!;
    ¡qué suerte tienes! you're so lucky!;
    no tengo suerte I'm not a lucky person;
    hombre de suerte lucky man;
    por suerte no estaba sola luckily o fortunately I wasn't alone;
    ¡(que tengas) buena suerte! good luck!;
    probar suerte to try one's luck;
    traer or dar mala suerte to bring bad luck
    b) ( azar) chance;

    ( con pajitas) to draw straws for sth

    suerte sustantivo femenino
    1 (fortuna) luck: es un hombre de suerte, he's a lucky man
    tuviste mala suerte, you were unlucky
    por suerte, fortunately o luckily
    2 (casualidad, azar) chance: depende de la suerte, it depends on chance
    3 (sino, destino) fate, destiny: nadie sabe cuál será su suerte, nobody knows what's going to come of her
    4 frml (tipo, género, clase, especie) sort, type: es una suerte de, it's a kind of
    5 Taur (lance de la lidia) el torero inició la suerte de matar, the bull-fighter got ready to kill the bull
    ♦ Locuciones: la suerte está echada, the die is cast
    echar a suertes, to draw lots
    probar suerte, to try one's luck
    tentar (a) la suerte, to tempt fate
    ' suerte' also found in these entries:
    - afortunada
    - afortunado
    - azar
    - batatazo
    - camelarse
    - cara
    - desafortunada
    - desafortunado
    - desear
    - desgracia
    - desgraciada
    - desgraciado
    - felizmente
    - fortuna
    - golpe
    - increíble
    - informal
    - negra
    - negro
    - pata
    - perseguir
    - qué
    - salar
    - salada
    - salado
    - sombra
    - traer
    - ventura
    - augurio
    - buenaventura
    - dicha
    - leche
    - loco
    - malo
    - perro
    - racha
    - todo
    - be
    - beginner
    - break
    - bugger
    - chance
    - devil
    - die
    - fortunate
    - fortune
    - fortune cookie
    - happily
    - hard luck
    - hopefully
    - horseshoe
    - least
    - lot
    - luck
    - luckily
    - lucky
    - mercy
    - number
    - push
    - run
    - science
    - sheer
    - sink
    - some
    - somebody
    - stack
    - streak
    - stroke
    - tempt
    - tough
    - try
    - unfortunate
    - unlucky
    - wish
    - best
    - fate
    - finger
    - grass
    - hard
    - hold
    - jinx
    - jolly
    - manner
    - sorry
    - strand
    - that
    * * *
    suerte nf
    1. [azar] chance;
    echar o [m5] tirar algo Esp [m5] a suertes o Am [m5] a la suerte to draw lots for sth;
    la suerte está echada the die is cast
    2. [fortuna] luck;
    te deseo buena suerte I wish you good luck;
    es una suerte que estés aquí it's lucky you're here;
    estar de suerte to be in luck;
    ¡qué suerte! that was lucky!;
    ¡qué suerte tuviste! you were so lucky!;
    ¡qué suerte que traje el paraguas! how lucky that I brought my umbrella!;
    por suerte luckily;
    probar suerte to try one's luck;
    tener (buena) suerte to be lucky;
    tiene la suerte de vivir cerca de la playa he's lucky enough to live near the beach;
    tener mala suerte to be unlucky;
    tuve muy mala suerte con las preguntas que me tocaron I was very unlucky with the questions that came up;
    tener la suerte de espaldas to be having a run of bad luck;
    tentar a la suerte to tempt fate;
    tocar o [m5] caer en suerte a alguien to fall to sb's lot;
    me ha tocado o [m5] caído en suerte ser el primero fate decreed that I should be the first one
    la suerte del principiante beginner's luck
    3. [destino] fate;
    abandonaron el barco a su suerte they abandoned the boat to its fate
    4. [clase]
    toda suerte de all manner of;
    conocí a toda suerte de personas I met all sorts of people;
    ser una suerte de… to be a kind o sort of…
    5. [manera] manner, fashion;
    de suerte que in such a way that
    6. Taurom = any of the three stages (“tercios”) of a bullfight
    7. Perú [billete de lotería] lottery ticket
    * * *
    1 luck;
    ¡suerte! good luck!;
    buena suerte good luck;
    mala suerte bad luck;
    tener una suerte loca be o get incredibly lucky;
    probar suerte try one’s luck;
    por suerte luckily
    2 ( azar)
    caer o
    echar a suertes toss for, draw lots for;
    la suerte está echada the die is cast
    3 ( destino)
    dejar a alguien a su suerte leave s.o. to their fate
    toda suerte de all kinds of;
    de suerte que so that
    * * *
    suerte nf
    1) fortuna: luck, fortune
    tener suerte: to be lucky
    por suerte: luckily
    2) destino: fate, destiny, lot
    3) clase, género: sort, kind
    toda suerte de cosas: all kinds of things
    * * *
    1. (fortuna) luck
    ¡suerte para tu examen! good luck with your exam!
    ¡qué suerte! how lucky!
    2. (destino) destiny / fate
    dar suerte / traer suerte to bring (good) luck

    Spanish-English dictionary > suerte

  • 9 nothing

    1. pronoun
    (no thing; not anything: There was nothing in the cupboard; I have nothing new to say.) ingenting, ikke noe, intet
    2. noun
    (the number 0; nought: The final score was five - nothing (= 5 - 0).) null
    3. adverb
    (not at all: He's nothing like his father.) slett ikke, ikke det spor
    - come to nothing
    - for nothing
    - have nothing to do with
    - make nothing of
    - mean nothing to
    - next to nothing
    - nothing but
    - nothing doing!
    - there is nothing to it
    - think nothing of
    - to say nothing of
    subst. \/ˈnʌθɪŋ\/
    1) intethet
    2) ubetydelighet, bagatell
    3) ( om person) null
    no nothing ( hverdagslig) ingenting i det hele tatt
    there were no pictures, no lamps, no nothing
    det var ingen bilder der, ingen lamper - ingenting i det hele tatt
    start with nothing begynne med to tomme hender
    sweet nothings små søte ord
    adv. \/ˈnʌθɪŋ\/
    slett ikke, på ingen måte, ikke i det hele tatt, aldeles ikke, ikke det spor, ikke det grann
    differ nothing from ( litterært) på ingen måte skille seg fra
    nothing near eller nothing like ikke tilnærmingsvis, ikke på langt nær
    pron. \/ˈnʌθɪŋ\/
    ingenting, ikke noe, ikke noen ting, intet
    oh, that's nothing
    å, det var ingenting \/ å, det var da så lite
    be nothing in it ikke være noe i det, ikke være noe sant i det
    ikke ha noen betydning ikke være noen kunst
    be nothing to være ingenting mot
    be nothing to somebody ikke gjøre noen noe, ikke ha noe med noen å gjøre, ikke angå noen
    være en bagatell for noen
    come to nothing renne ut i sanden, mislykkes
    for nothing gratis
    uten årsak, om ingenting, for ingenting
    forgjeves, til ingen nytte
    det var til ingen nytte \/ det ble til ingen nytte
    have nothing for it but to ikke vite annen råd enn å, ikke ha noe annet valg enn å
    have nothing on somebody ikke ha noe på noen, ikke ha noe ufordelaktig å si om noen
    have nothing on something ikke være noe mot noe, ikke komme opp mot noe
    have nothing to do with ikke ha noe å gjøre med
    det har ingenting med deg å gjøre, det er ingenting som angår deg
    make nothing of ta (ganske) lett på, bagatellisere
    ikke få noe ut av, ikke utnytte
    no nothing ( hverdagslig) ingen verdens ting, null og niks
    there's no bread here, no eggs, noe butter, no nothing!
    not for nothing ikke for ingenting
    nothing but eller nothing else than eller nothing else but ingenting annet enn, bare
    nothing doing! ( hverdagslig) forsøk deg ikke!, aldri i livet!
    (be) nothing for it but to ikke være noe annet å gjøre enn å
    (be) nothing if not virkelig være
    om det er noe han virkelig er, så er det hårdnakket
    nothing less det minste, ikke mindre, minst
    nothing much ikke så mye, ikke så stort
    nothing short of ingenting mindre enn, rett og slett
    nothing so much as mest av alt
    thank you for nothing! ( ironisk) takk for ingenting!, tusen hjertelig takk!
    there's nothing to it det er ingen kunst, det var ingen kunst det ligger ingenting i det, det ligger ingen sannhet i det
    think nothing of ikke synes om, ikke like, ikke sette pris på
    to say nothing of for ikke å snakke om, for ikke å nevne
    with nothing on uten noenting på seg
    you ain't seen nothing yet ( hverdagslig) og det er\/var bare begynnelsen

    English-Norwegian dictionary > nothing

  • 10 FYRIR

    * * *
    I. with dat.
    1) before, in front of (ok vóru fyrir honum borin merkin);
    fyrir dyrum, before the door;
    2) before one, in one’s presence;
    hón nefndist fyrir þeim Gunnhildr, she told them that her name was G.;
    3) for;
    hann lét ryðja fyrir þeim búðina, he had the booth cleared for them, for their reception;
    4) before one, in one’s way;
    fjörðr varð fyrir þeim, they came to a fjord;
    sitja fyrir e-m, to lie in wait for one;
    5) naut. term. before, off;
    liggja fyrir bryggjum, to lie off the piers;
    fyrir Humru-mynni, off the Humber;
    6) before, at the head of, over;
    vera fyrir liði, to be over the troops;
    vera fyrir máli, to lead the case;
    sitja fyrir svörum, to undertake the defence;
    7) of time, ago;
    fyrir þrem nóttum, three nights ago;
    fyrir stundu, a while ago;
    fyrir löngu, long ago;
    vera fyrir e-u, to forebode (of a dream);
    8) before, above, superior to;
    Hálfdan svarti var fyrir þeim brœðrum, H. was the foremost of the brothers;
    9) denoting disadvantige, harm, suffering;
    þú lætr Egil vefja öll mál fyrir þér, thou lettest E. thwart all thy affairs;
    tók at eyðast fyrir herm lausa-fé, her money began to fail;
    10) denoting obstacle, hindrance;
    mikit gøri þer mér fyrir þessu máli, you make this case hard for me;
    varð honum lítit fyrir því, it was a small matter for him;
    Ásgrími þótti þungt fyrir, A. thought that things looked bad;
    11) because of, for;
    hon undi sér hvergri fyrir verkjum, she had no rest for pains;
    fyrir hræðslu, for fear;
    illa fœrt fyrir ísum, scarcely, passable for ice;
    gáðu þeir eigi fyrir veiðum at fá heyjanna, because of fishing, they neglected to make hay;
    fyrir því at, because, since, as;
    12) against;
    gæt þín vel fyrir konungi ok hans mönnum, guard thee well against the king and his men;
    beiða griða Baldri fyrir alls konar háska, against all kinds of harm;
    13) fyrir sér, of oneself;
    mikill fyrir sér, strong, powerful;
    minnstr fyrir sér, smallest, weakest;
    14) denoting manner or quality, with;
    hvítr fyrir hærum, while with hoary hair;
    II. with acc.
    1) before, in front of;
    halda fyrir augu sér, to hold (one’s hands) before one’s eyes;
    2) before, into the presence of;
    stefna e-m fyrir dómstól, before a court;
    3) over;
    hlaupa fyrir björg, to leap over a precipice;
    kasta fyrir borð, to throw overboard;
    4) in one’s way, crossing one’s way;
    ríða á leið fyrir þá, to ride in their way, so as to meet them;
    5) round, off;
    sigla fyrir nes, to weather a point;
    6) along, all along;
    fyrir endilangan Noreg, all along Norway, from one end to the other;
    draga ör fyrir odd, to draw the arrow past the point;
    7) of time, fyrir dag, before day;
    fyrir e-s minni, before one’s memory;
    8) for, on behalf of;
    vil ek bjóða at fara fyrir þik, I will offer to go for thee, in thy stead;
    lögvörn fyrir mál, a lawful defence for a case;
    9) for, for the benefit of;
    þeir skáru fyrir þá melinn, they cut the lyme-grass for them (the horses);
    10) for, instead of, in place of, as;
    11) for, because of (vilja Gunnar dauðan fyrir höggit);
    fyrir þín orð, for thy words (intercession);
    fyrir sína vinsæld, by reason of his popularity;
    12) denoting value, price;
    fyrir þrjár merkr, for three marks;
    fyrir hvern mun, by all means, at any cost;
    13) in spite of, against (giptast fyrir ráð e-s);
    14) joined with adverbs ending in -an, governing acc. (fyrir austan, vestan, sunnan, norðan, útan innan, framan, handan, ofan, neðan);
    fyrir austan, sunnan fjall, east, south of the fell;
    fyrir neðan brú, below the bridge;
    fyrir handan á, beyond the river;
    fyrir innan garð, inside the fence;
    III. as adverb or ellipt.
    1) ahead, before, opp. to eptir;
    þá var eigi hins verra eptir ván, er slíkt fór fyrir, when this came first, preceded;
    2) first;
    mun ek þar eptir gera sem þér gerit fyrir, I shall do to you according as you do first;
    3) at hand, present, to the fore;
    föng þau, er fyrir vóru, stores that were at hand;
    þar var fyrir fjöldi boðsmanna, a host of guests was already present (before the bride and bridegroom came);
    4) e-m verðr e-t fyrir, one takes a certain step, acts so and so;
    Kolbeini varð ekki fyrir, K. was at a loss what to do;
    e-t mælist vel (illa) fyrir, a thing is well (ill) spoken or reported of (kvæðit mæltist vel fyrir).
    * * *
    prep., in the Editions spelt differently; in MSS. this word is usually abbreviated either  (i. e. firir), or Ꝼ̆, fur͛, fvr͛ (i. e. fyrir); in some MSS. it is idiomatically spelt with i, fir͛, e. g. Arna-Magn. 382 (Bs. i. 263 sqq.); and even in the old Miracle-book Arna-Magn. 645 (Bs. i. 333 sqq.), just as ifir is written for yfir ( over); in a few MSS. it is written as a monosyllable fyr, e. g. D. I. i. 475, Mork. passim; in Kb. (Sæm.-Edda) occurs fyr telia, Vsp. I; fyr norðan, 36; fyr dyrum, Gm. 22; fyr vestan ver, Hkv. 2. 8; in other places as a dissyll. fyrir, e. g. Hm. 56, Gm. 54, Skm. 34, Ls. 15, Am. 64, Hkv. 2. 2, 19 (quoted from Bugge’s edition, see his preface, p. xvi); fyr and fyrir stand to one another in the same relation as ept to eptir, und to undir, of ( super) to yfir: this monosyllabic form is obsolete, save in the compds, where ‘for-’ is more common than ‘fyrir-;’ in some cases both forms are used, e. g. for-dæming and fyrir-dæming; in others only one, but without any fixed rule: again, the forms fyri, fyre, or fire, which are often used in Edd., are just as wrong, as if one were to say epti, undi, yfi; yet this spelling is found now and then in MSS., as, fyre, Ó. H. (facsimile); fire, Grág. Sb. ii. 288 (also facsimile): the particles í and á are sometimes added, í fur, Fms. iv. 137; í fyrir, passim; á fur, Haustl. 1. [Ulf. faur and faura; A. S. fore and for; Engl. for and fore-; Germ. für and vor; Dan. for; Swed. för; Gr. προ-; Lat. pro, prae.]
    WITH DAT., chiefly without the notion of movement.
    A. LOCAL:
    I. before, in front of; fyrir dyrum, before the doors, at the doors, Nj. 14, Vsp. 53, Hm. 69, Edda 130; niðr f. smiðju-dyrum, Eg. 142:—ahead, úti fyrir búðinni, Nj. 181; kómusk sauðirnir upp á fjallit f. þeim, ahead of them, 27; vóru fyrir honum borin merkin, the banner was borne before him, 274; göra orð fyrir sér, to send word before one, Fms. vii. 207, Hkr. iii. 335 (Ó. H. 201, l. c., frá sér):—also denoting direction, niðri í eldinum f. sér, beneath in the fire before them, Nj. 204; þeir sá f. sér bæ mikinn, they saw before them a great building, i. e. they came to a great house, Eg. 546; öðrum f. sér ( in front) en öðrum á bak sér, Grág. i. 5.
    2. before one, before one’s face, in one’s presence; úhelgaða ek Otkel f. búum, before the neighbours, Nj. 87; lýsi ek f. búum fimm, 218; lýsa e-u ( to proclaim) f. e-m, Ld. 8; hann hermdi boð öll f. Gizuri, Nj. 78; hón nefndisk f. þeim Gunnhildr, told them that her name was G., Fms. i. 8; kæra e-t f. e-m, Ó. H. 60; slíkar fortölur hafði hann f. þeim, Nj. 200; the saying, því læra börnin málið að það er f. þeim haft, bairns learn to speak because it is done before them, i. e. because they hear it; hafa gott (íllt) f. e-m, to give a good (bad) example, e. g. in the presence of children; lifa vel f. Guði, to live well before God, 623. 29; stór ábyrgðar-hluti f. Guði, Nj. 199; sem þeir sjá réttast f. Guði, Grág. i. (pref.); fyrir öllum þeim, Hom. 89; á laun f. öðrum mönnum, hidden from other men, unknown to them, Grág. i. 337, Jb. 378; nú skaltú vera vin minn mikill f. húsfreyju minni, i. e. when you talk to my wife, Nj. 265; fyrir Drottni, before the Lord, Merl. 2. 78.
    3. denoting reception of guests, visitors; hann lét ryðja f. þeim búðina, he had the room cleared for them, for their reception, Nj. 228; Valhöll ryðja fyr vegnu fólki, i. e. to clear Valhalla for slain folk, Em. I; ryðja vígvöll f. vegundum, Nj. 212; ljúka upp f. e-m, to open the door for one, Fms. xi. 323, Stj. 5; rýma pallinn f. þeim, Eg. 304; hann lét göra eld f. þeim, he had a fire made for them, 204; þeir görðu eld. f. sér, Fms. xi. 63; … veizlur þar sem fyrir honum var búit, banquets that were ready for him, Eg. 45.
    II. before one, in one’s way; þar er díki varð f. þeim, Eg. 530; á (fjörðr) varð f. þeim, a river, fjord, was before them, i. e. they came to it, 133, 161; at verða eigi f. liði yðru, 51; maðr sá varð f. Vindum, that man was overtaken by the V., Hkr. iii. 363; þeirra manna er f. honum urðu, Eg. 92.
    2. sitja f. e-m, to lie in wait for one, Ld. 218, Nj. 107; lá f. henni í skóginum, Edda (pref.); sitja f. rekum, to sit watching for wrecks, Eg. 136 (fyrir-sát).
    3. ellipt., menn urðu at gæta sín er f. urðu, Nj. 100; Egill var þar f. í runninum, E. was before (them), lay in ambush, Eg. 378; hafði sá bana er f. varð, who was before (the arrow), i. e. he was hit, Nj. 8.
    4. verða f. e-u, to be hit, taken, suffer from a thing; ef hann verðr f. drepi, if he be struck, Grág. ii. 19; verða f. áverka, to be wounded, suffer injury, Ld. 140; verða f. reiði konungs, to fall into disgrace with the king, Eg. 226; verða f. ósköpum, to become the victim of a spell, spell-bound, Fas. i. 130; sitja f. hvers manns ámæli, to be the object of all men’s blame, Nj. 71; vera eigi f. sönnu hafðr, to be unjustly charged with a thing, to be innocent.
    III. a naut. term, before, off; liggja f. bryggjum, to lie off the pier, Ld. 166; skip fljóta f. strengjum, Sks. 116; þeir lágu f. bænum, they lay off the town, Bs. i. 18; liggja úti f. Jótlands-síðu, off Jutland, Eg. 261; hann druknaði f. Jaðri, off the J., Fms. i. II; þeir kómu at honum f. Sjólandi, off Zealand, x. 394; hafa úti leiðangr f. landi, Hkr. i. 301; f. Humru-minni, off the Humber, Orkn. 338, cp. Km. 3, 8, 9, 13, 19, 21; fyrir Nesjum, off the Ness, Vellekla; fyrir Tungum, Sighvat; fyrir Spáni, off Spain, Orkn. 356.
    IV. before, at the head of, denoting leadership; smalamaðr f. búi föður síns, Ver. 26 (of king David); vera f. liði, to be over the troops, Eg. 292, Nj. 7; vera f. máli, to lead the case, Band. 8; vera forstjóri f. búi, to be steward over the household, Eg. 52; ráða f. landi, ríki, etc., to rule, govern, Ó H. 33, Nj. 5; hverr f. eldinum réði, who was the ringleader of the fire, Eg. 239; ráða f. e-u, to rule, manage a thing, passim: the phrase, sitja f. svörum, to respond on one’s behalf, Ölk. 36, Band. 12; hafa svör f. e-m, to be the chief spokesman, Fms. x. 101, Dipl. v. 26.
    V. special usages; friða f. e-m, to make peace for one, Fms. vii. 16, Bs. i. 65; bæta f. e-m, to make things good for one, Hom. 109; túlka, vera túlkr, flytja (etc.) f. e-m, to plead for one, Fms. iii. 33, Nj. 128,—also spilla f. e-m, to disparage one, Eg. 255; haga, ætla f. e-u, to manage, arrange for one, Ld. 208, Sturl. i. 14, Boll. 356; rífka ráð f. e-m, to better one’s condition, Nj. 21; ráða heiman-fylgju ok tilgjöf f. frændkonu sinni, Js. 58; standa f. manni, to stand before, shield a man, stand between him and his enemy, Eg. 357, Grág. ii. 13; vera skjöldr f. e-m, 655 xxxii. 4; hafa kostnað f. e-u, to have the expences for a thing, Ld. 14; vinna f. e-m, to support one by one’s work, Sks. 251; starfa f. fé sínu, to manage one’s money, Ld. 166; hyggja f. e-u, to take heed for a thing, Nj. 109; hyggja f. sér, Fs. 5; hafa forsjá f. e-m, to provide for one, Ld. 186; sjá f. e-u, to see after, Eg. 118, Landn, 152; sjá þú nokkut ráð f. mér, Nj. 20: ironic. to put at rest, Háv. 40: ellipt., sjá vel f., to provide well for, Nj. 102.
    B. TEMP. ago; fyrir þrem nóttum, three nights ago; fyrir stundu, a while ago, Nj. 80; fyrir litlu, a little while ago, Fms. i. 76, Ld. 134; fyrir skömmu, a sbort while ago; fyrir löngu, a long while ago, Nj. 260, Fms. i. 50; fyrir öndverðu, from the beginning, Grág. i. 80, ii. 323, 394, Finnb. 342; fyrir þeim, before they were born, Fms. i. 57.
    2. the phrase, vera f. e-u, to forebode; vera f. stórfundum, Nj. 107, 277; þat hygg ek vera munu f. siða-skipti, Fms. xi. 12; þessi draumr mun vera f. kvámu nökkurs manns, vii. 163; dreyma draum f. e-u, 8; fyrir tiðendum, ii. 65:—spá f. e-m, to ‘spae’ before, prophecy to one, Nj. 171.
    C. METAPH.:
    I. before, above; þóttu þeir þar f. öllum ungum mönnum, Dropl. 7; þykkisk hann mjök f. öðrum mönnum, Ld. 38; ver f. hirðmönnum, be first among my herdsmen, Eg. 65; Hálfdan svarti var f. þeim bræðrum, H. was the foremost of the brothers, Fms. i. 4; þorgrímr var f. sonum Önundar, Grett. 87; var Haraldr mest f. þeim at virðingu, Fms. i. 47.
    II. denoting help, assistance; haun skal rétta vættið f. þeim, Grág. i. 45 (vide above A. IV and V).
    2. the following seem to be Latinisms, láta lífit f. heilagri Kristni, to give up one’s life for holy Christianity, = Lat. pro, Fms. vii. 172; ganga undir píslir fyrir Guðs nafni, Blas. 38; gjalda önd mína f. önd þinni, Johann. 17; gefa gjöf f. sál sinni ( pro animâ suâ), H. E. i. 466; fyrir mér ok minni sál, Dipl. iv. 8; færa Guði fórnir f. e-m, 656 A; heita f. e-m, biðja f. e-m, to make a vow, pray for one (orare pro), Fms. iii. 48, Bs. i. 70; biðja f. mönnum, to intercede for, 19, Fms. xi. 287: even with a double construction, biðja f. stað sinn (acc., which is vernacular) ok heilagri kirkju (dat., which is a Latinism), x. 127.
    III. denoting disadvantage, harm, suffering; þú lætr Egil vefja öll mál fyrir þér, thou lettest Egil thwart all thy affairs, Eg. 249; únýtir hann þá málit fyrir sér, then he ruins his own case, Grág. i. 36, Dropl. 14, 16; Manverjar rufu safnaðinn f. Þorkatli, the Manxmen broke up the assembly, i. e. forsook Thorkel, Fms. ix. 422; kom upp grátr f. henni, she burst into tears, 477; taka fé f. öðrum, to take another’s money, N. G. L. i. 20; knörr þann er konungr lét taka fyrir Þórólfi, Landn. 56; ef hross verðr tekit f. honum, if a horse of his be taken, Grág. i. 436; hann tók upp fé fyrir öllum, he seized property for them all, Ó. H. 60; e-t ferr ílla f. e-m, a thing turns out ill for one; svá fór f. Ólófu, so it came to pass for O., Vígl. 18; loka dyrr f. e-m, to lock the door in one’s face, Edda 21: þeir hafa eigi þessa menn f. yðr drepit, heldr f. yðrar sakir þessi víg vegit, i. e. they have not harmed you, but rather done you a service in slaying those men, Fbr. 33; tók at eyðask f. henni lausa-fé, her money began to fail, Nj. 29; rak á f. þeim storma ok stríðviðri, they were overtaken by gales and bad weather, Vígl. 27; Víglundr rak út knöttinn f. Jökli, V. drove the ball for J., i. e. so that he had to run after it, 24; sá er skar tygil f. Þóri, he who cut Thor’s line, Bragi; sverð brast f. mér, my sword broke, Korm. 98 (in a verse); brjóta e-t f. e-m, to break a thing for one, Bs. i. 15 (in a verse); Valgarðr braut krossa fyrir Merði ok öll heilög tákn, Nj. 167; árin brotnaði f. honum, his oar broke; allar kýrnar drápust fyrir honum, all his cows died.
    2. denoting difficulty, hindrance; sitja f. sæmd e-s, to sit between oneself and one’s honour, i. e. to hinder one’s doing well, Sturl. 87; mikit göri þér mér f. þessu máli, you make this case sore for me, Eb. 124; þér er mikit f. máli, thy case stands ill, Fms. v. 325; ekki er Guði f. því, it is easy for God to do, 656 B. 9; varð honum lítið f. því, it was a small matter for him, he did it easily, Grett. III; mér er minna f. því, it is easier for me, Am. 60; þykkja mikit f. e-u, to be much grieved for a thing, do it unwillingly, Nj. 77; Icel. also say, þykja fyrir (ellipt.), to feel hurt, be displeased:—ellipt., er þeim lítið fyrir at villa járnburð þenna, it is a small matter for them to spoil this ordeal, Ó. H. 140; sem sér muni lítið f. at veiða Gunnar, Nj. 113; fast mun f. vera, it will be fast-fixed before (one), hard to move, Ld. 154; Ásgrími þótti þungt f., A. thought that things looked sad (heavy), Nj. 185; hann var lengi f., he was long about it, Fms. x. 205; hann var lengi f. ok kvað eigi nei við, he was cross and said not downright no, Þorf. Karl. 388.
    IV. in a causal sense, for, because of, Lat. per, pro; sofa ek né mákat fugls jarmi fyrir, I cannot sleep for the shrill cry of birds, Edda 16 (in a verse); hon undi sér hvergi f. verkjum, she had no rest for pains, Bjarn. 69; fyrir gráti, tárum, = Lat. prae lacrymis; fyrir harmi, for sorrow; f. hlátri, for laughter, as in Engl.; þeir æddust f. einni konu, they went mad for the sake of one woman, Sól. 11; ílla fært f. ísum, scarce passable for ice, Fms. xi. 360; hætt var at sitja útar f. Miðgarðs-ormi, Edda 35; hann var lítt gengr f. sárinu, he could hardly walk for the wound, Fbr. 178; fyrir hræðslu, for fear, Hbl. 26; heptisk vegrinn f. þeim meinvættum sem …, Fs. 4; gáðu þeir eigi f. veiðum at fá heyjanna, because of fishing they took no care to make hay, Landn. 30; fyrir riki konungs, for the king’s power, Eg. 67, 117; fyrir ofríki manna, Grág. i. 68; fyrir hví, for why? Eluc. 4; fyrir hví þeir væri þar, Eg. 375; fyrir því, at …, for that, because, Edda 35, Fms. i. 22, vii. 330, Ld. 104; en fyrir því nú at, now since, Skálda 171; nú fyrir því at, id., 169: the phrase, fyrir sökum, for the sake of, because of, passim; vide sök.
    V. by, by the force of; öxlin gékk ór liði fyrir högginu, the shoulder was disjointed by the force of the stroke, Háv. 52.
    2. denoting contest; falla f. e-m, to fall before one, i. e. fighting against one, Fms. i. 7, iv. 9, x. 196; verða halloki f. e-m, to be overcome in fighting one, Ld. 146; látask f. e-m, to perish by one, Eb. 34; hafa bana f. e-m, to be slain by one, Nj. 43; þeir kváðu fá fúnað hafa f. honum, 263; mæddisk hann f. þeim, he lost his breath in fighting them, Eg. 192; láta ríki f. e-m, to lose the kingdom before another, i. e. so that the latter gains it, 264; láta lausar eignir mínar f. þér, 505; láta hlut sinn f. e-m, Fs. 47; standask f. e-m, to stand one’s ground before one, Edda (pref.); hugðisk hann falla mundu f. sjóninni einni saman, that he would sink before his glance, 28, Hým. 12; halda hlut f. e-m, Ld. 54; halda frið ok frelsi f. várum óvinum, Fms. viii. 219; fara mun ek sem ek hefi áðr ætlað f. þínum draum ( thy dream notwithstanding), Ld. 216; þér farit hvárt er þér vilit f. mér, you go wherever you like for me, so far as I am concerted, Fær. 37; halda vöku f. sér, to keep oneself awake, Fms. i. 216.
    β. with verbs, flýja, hlaupa, renna, stökkva f. e-m, to fly, leap, run before one, i. e. to be pursued, Bs. i. 774, Grág. ii. 359; at hann rynni f. þrælum hans, Ld. 64; fyrir þessum úfriði stökk Þangbrandr til Noregs, 180; skyldi hann ganga ór á f. Hofsmönnum, Landn. 178; ganga f. e-u, to give way before, yield to a thing, Fms. i. 305, x. 292; vægja f. e-m, to yield to one, give way, Eg. 21, 187, Nj. 57, Ld. 234.
    VI. against; verja land f. e-m, Eg. 32; verja landit f. Dönum ok öðrum víkingum, Fms. i. 23; til landvarnar f. víkingum, Eg. 260; landvarnar-maðr f. Norðmönnum, Fms. vi. 295; gæta brúarinnar f. bergrisum, Edda 17; gæt þín vel f. konungi ok hans mönnum, guard thee well against the king and his men, Eg. 113; góð aðstoð f. tröllum ok dvergum, Bárð. 163; beiða Baldri griða f. allskonar háska, Edda 36; auðskæðr f. höggum, Eg. 770.
    VII. in the sense of being driven before; fyrir straumi, veðri, vindi, before the stream, wind, weather (forstreymis, forvindis), Grág. ii. 384, Fms. vii. 262; halda f. veðri, to stand before the wind, Róm. 211.
    2. rýrt mun verða f. honum smá-mennit, he will have an easy game with the small people, Nj. 94: ellipt., hafði sá bana er f. varð, 8; sprakk f., 16, 91.
    VIII. fyrir sér, of oneself, esp. of physical power; mikill f. sér, strong, powerful; lítill f. sér, weak, feeble, Nj. 20, Ísl. ii. 368, Eg. 192; þér munuð kalla mik lítinn mann f. mér, Edda 33; minnstr f. sér, smallest, weakest, Eg. 123; gildr maðr f. sér, Ísl. ii. 322, Fms. ii. 145; herðimaðr mikiil f. sér, a hardy man, Nj. 270; hvat ert þú f. þér, what kind of fellow art thou? Clem. 33; vera einn f. sér, to be a strange fellow, Grett. 79 new Ed.; Icel. also say, göra mikið (lítið) f. sér, to make oneself big ( little).
    β. sjóða e-t f. sér, to hesitate, saunter, Nj. 154; mæla f. munni, to talk between one’s teeth, to mutter, Orkn. 248, Nj. 249.
    IX. denoting manner or quality; hvítr f. hærum, white with hoary hairs, Fms. vi. 95, Fas. ii. 540; gráir fyrir járnum, grey with steel, of a host in armour, Mag. 5; hjölt hvít f. silfri, a hilt white with silver = richly silvered, Eb. 226.
    X. as adverb or ellipt.,
    1. ahead, in front, = á undan, Lat. prae, opp. to eptir; þá var eigi hins verra eptir ván, er slíkt fór fyrir, as this came first, preceded, Nj. 34; at einhverr mundi fara heim fyrir, that some one would go home first (to spy), Eg. 580; Egill fór f., E. went in before, id.; at vér ríðim þegar f. í nótt, 283.
    β. first; hann stefndi f. málinu, en hann mælti eptir, one pronounced the words first, but the other repeated after him, Nj. 35; mun ek þar eptir göra sem þér gerit f., I shall do to you according as you do first, 90:—temp., sjau nóttum f., seven nights before, Grág. ii. 217.
    2. to the fore, at hand, present; þar var fyrir fjöldi boðsmanna, a host of guests was already to the fore, i. e. before the bride and bridegroom came, Nj. 11; úvíst er at vita hvar úvinir sitja á fleti fyrir, Hm. 1; skal þá lögmaðr þar f. vera, he shall be there present, Js. 3; heima í túni fyrir, Fær. 50; þar vóru fyrir Hildiríðar-synir, Eg. 98; var honum allt kunnigt fyrir, he knew all about the localities, 583; þeim ómögum, sem f. eru, who are there already, i. e. in his charge, Grág. i. 286: of things, föng þau er f. vóru, stores that were to the fore, at hand, Eg. 134.
    3. fore, opp. to ‘back,’ of clothes; slæður settar f. allt gullknöppum, Eg. 516; bak ok fyrir, back and front, = bak ok brjóst, Mar.
    XI. in the phrase, e-m verðr e-t fyrir, a thing is before one, i. e. one takes that and that step, acts so and so in an emergency; nú verðr öðrum þeirra þat f., at hann kveðr, now if the other part alleges, that …, Grág. i. 362; Kolbeini varð ekki f., K. had no resource, i. e. lost his head, Sturl. iii. 285:—the phrase, e-t mælisk vel (ílla) fyrir, a thing is well ( ill) reported of; víg Gunnars spurðisk ok mæltisk ílla fyrir um allar sveitir, Nj. 117, Sturl. ii. 151; mun þat vel f. mælask, people will like it well, Nj. 29, Þórð. 55 new Ed.; ílla mun þat f. mælask at ganga á sættir við frændr sína, Ld. 238; ok er lokit var, mæltisk kvæðit vel f., the people praised the poem, Fms. vii. 113.
    XII. in special senses, either as prep. or adv. (vide A. V. above); segja leið f. skipi, to pilot a ship, Eg. 359; segja f. skipi, to say a prayer for a new ship or for any ship going to sea, Bs. i. 774, Fms. x. 480; mæla f. e-u, to dictate, Grág. ii. 266; mæla f. minni, to bring out a toast, vide minni; mæla f. sætt, i. 90; skipa, koma e-u f., to arrange, put right; ætla f. e-u, to make allowance for; trúa e-m f. e-u, to entrust one with; það fer mikið f. e-u (impers.), it is of great compass, bulky; hafa f. e-u, to have trouble with a thing; leita f. sér, to enquire; biðjask f., to say one’s prayers, vide biðja; mæla fyrir, segja f., etc., to order, Nj. 103, Js. 3: of a spell or solemn speaking, hann mælti svá f., at …, Landn. 34; spyrjask f., to enquire, Hkr. ii. 333; búask f., to prepare, make arrangement, Landn. 35, Sks. 551; skipask f., to draw up, Nj. 197; leggjask f., to lie down in despair, Bs. i. 194; spá fyrir, to ‘spae’ before, foretell; þeir menn er spá f. úorðna hluti, Fms. i. 96; segja f., to foretell, 76, Bb. 332; Njáll hefir ok sagt f. um æfi hans, Nj. 102; vita e-t f., to ‘wit’ beforehand, know the future, 98; sjá e-t f., to foresee, 162; ef þat er ætlat f., fore-ordained, id.
    WITH ACC., mostly with the notion of movement.
    A. LOCAL:
    I. before, in front of; fyrir dyrrin, Nj. 198; láta síga brýnn f. brár, Hkv. Hjörv. 19; halda f. augu sér, to hold (one’s hands) before one’s eyes, Nj. 132; leggja sverði fyrir brjóst e-m, to thrust a sword into his breast, 162, Fs. 39.
    2. before one, before a court; stefna e-m f. dómstól, Fms. xi. 444; ganga, koma f. e-n, to go, come before one, Fms. i. 15, Eg. 426, Nj. 6, 129, passim; fyrir augu e-s, before one’s eyes, Stj. 611.
    3. before, so as to shield; hann kom skildinum f. sik, he put the shield before him, Nj. 97, 115; halda skildi f. e-n, a duelling term, since the seconder had to hold one’s shield, Ísl. ii. 257.
    4. joined to adverbs such as fram, aptr, út, inn, ofan, niðr, austr, vestr, suðr, norðr, all denoting direction; fram f., forward; aptr f., backward, etc.; hann reiddi öxina fram f. sik, a stroke forward with the axe, Fms. vii. 91; hann hljóp eigi skemra aptr en fram fyrir sik, Nj. 29; þótti honum hann skjóta brandinum austr til fjallanna f. sik, 195; komask út f. dyrr, to go outside the door, Eg. 206:—draga ofan f. brekku, to drag over the hill, Ld. 220; hrinda f. mel ofan, to thrust one over the gravel bank, Eg. 748; hlaupa f. björg, to leap over a precipice, Eb. 62, Landn. 36; elta e-n f. björg, Grág. ii. 34; hlaupa (kasta) f. borð, to leap ( throw) overboard, Fms. i. 178, Hkr. iii. 391, Ld. 226; síga ( to be hauled) niðr f. borgar-vegg, 656 C. 13, Fms. ix. 3; hlaupa niðr f. stafn, Eg. 142; niðr f. skaflinn, Dropl. 25; fyrir brekku, Orkn. 450, Glúm. 395 (in a verse).
    II. in one’s way, crossing one’s way; þeir stefndu f. þá, Fms. ix. 475; ríða á leið f. þá, to ride in their way, so as to meet them, Boll. 348; hlaupa ofan f. þá, Nj. 153; vóru allt komin f. hann bréf, letters were come before him, in his way, Fms. vii. 207; þeir felldu brota f. hann, viz. they felled trees before him, so as to stop him, viii. 60, ix. 357; leggja bann f. skip, to lay an embargo on a ship, Ld. 166.
    III. round, off a point; fyrir nesit, Nj. 44; út f. Holm, out past the Holm, Fms. vii. 356: esp. as a naut. term, off a point on the shore, sigla f. England, Norðyrnbraland, Þrasnes, Spán, to sail by the coast of, stand off England, Northumberland, … Spain, Orkn. 338, 340, 342, 354; fyrir Yrjar, Fms. vii. (in a verse); fyrir Siggju, Aumar, Lista, Edda 91 (in a verse); er hann kom f. Elfina, when be came off the Gotha, Eg. 80; leggja land f. skut, to lay the land clear of the stern, i. e. to pass it, Edda l. c.; göra frið f. land sitt, to pacify the land from one end to another, Ld. 28; fyrir uppsprettu árinnar, to come to ( round) the sources of the river, Fms. iii. 183; fyrir garðs-enda, Grág. ii. 263; girða f. nes, to make a wall across the ness, block it up, cp. Lat. praesepire, praemunire, etc., Grág. ii. 263; so also binda f. op, poka, Lat. praeligare, praestringere; hlaða f. gat, holu, to stop a hole, opening; greri f. stúfinn, the stump (of the arm or leg) was healed, closed, Nj. 275; skjóta slagbrandi f. dyrr, to shoot a bolt before the door, to bar it, Dropl. 29; láta loku (lás) f. hurð, to lock a door, Gísl. 28; setja innsigli f. bréf, to set a seal to a letter, Dipl. i. 3: ellipt., setr hón þar lás fyrir, Ld. 42, Bs. i. 512.
    2. along, all along; f. endilanga Danmörk, f. endilangan Noreg, all along Denmark, Norway, from one end to the other, Fms. iv. 319, xi. 91, Grett. 97:—öx álnar f. munn, an axe with an ell-long edge, Ld. 276; draga ör f. ödd, to draw the arrow past the point, an archer’s term, Fms. ii. 321.
    IV. with verbs, fyrir ván komit, one is come past hope, all hope is gone, Sturl. i. 44, Hrafn. 13, Fms. ii. 131; taka f. munn e-m, to stop one’s mouth; taka f. háls, kverkar, e-m, to seize one by the throat, etc.; taka mál f. munn e-m, ‘verba alicujus praeripere,’ to take the word out of one’s mouth, xi. 12; taka f. hendr e-m, to seize one’s hands, stop one in doing a thing, Eb. 124; mod., taka fram f. hendrnar á e-m.
    B. TEMP.: fyrir dag, before day, Eg. 80; f. miðjan dag, Ld. 14; f. sól, before sunrise, 268; f. sólar-lag, before sunset; f. miðjan aptan, Nj. 192; f. náttmál, 197; f. óttu, Sighvat; f. þinglausnir, Ölk. 37; f. Jól, Nj. 269; f. fardaga, Grág. ii. 341; viku f. sumar, 244; f. mitt sumar, Nj. 138; litlu f. vetr, Eg. 159; f. vetrnætr, Grág. ii. 217; f. e-s minni, before one’s memory, Íb. 16.
    C. METAPH.:
    I. above, before; hann hafdi mest fyrir aðra konunga hraustleikinn, Fms. x. 372.
    II. for, on behalf of; vil ek bjóða at fara f. þik, I will go for thee, in thy stead, Nj. 77; ganga í skuld f. e-n, Grág. i. 283; Egill drakk … ok svá f. Ölvi, Eg. 210; kaupa e-t f. e-n, Nj. 157; gjalda gjöld f. e-n, Grág. i. 173; verja, sækja, sakir f. e-n, Eg. 504; hvárr f. sik, each for oneself, Dipl. v. 26; sættisk á öll mál f. Björn, Nj. 266; tók sættir f. Björn, Eg. 168; svara f. e-t, Fms. xi. 444; hafa til varnir f. sik, láta lýrit, lög-vörn koma f.; færa vörn f. sik, etc.; verja, sækja sakir f. sik, and many similar law phrases, Grág. passim; biðja konu f. e-n, to woo a lady for another, Fms. x. 44; fyrir mik, on my behalf, for my part, Gs. 16; lögvörn f. mál, a lawful defence for a case, Nj. 111; hafa til varnar f. sök, to defend a case, Grág. i. 61; halda skiladómi f. e-t, Dipl. iv. 8; festa lög f. e-t, vide festa.
    III. in a distributive sense; penning f. mann, a penny per man, K. Þ. K. 88; fyrir nef hvert, per nose = per head, Lv. 89, Fms. i. 153, Ó. H. 141; hve f. marga menn, for how many men, Grág. i. 296; fyrir hverja stiku, for each yard, 497.
    IV. for, for the benefit of; brjóta brauð f. hungraða, Hom. 75; þeir skáru f. þá melinn, they cut the straw for them (the horses), Nj. 265; leggja kostnað f. e-n, to defray one’s costs, Grág. i. 341.
    V. for, instead of; hann setti sik f. Guð, Edda (pref.); hafa e-n f. Guð (Lat. pro Deo), Stj. 73, Barl. 131; geta, fá, kveðja mann f. sik, to get a man as one’s delegate or substitute, Grág. i. 48 passim; þeir höfðu vargstakka f. brynjur, Fs. 17; manna-höfuð vóru f. kljána, Nj. 275; gagl f. gás ok grís f. gamalt svín, Ó. H. 86; rif stór f. hlunna, Háv. 48; buðkr er f. húslker er hafðr, Vm. 171; auga f. auga, tönn f. tönn, Exod. xxi. 24; skell f. skillinga, Þkv. 32.
    VI. because of, for; vilja Gunnar dauðan fyrir höggit, Nj. 92, Fms. v. 162; eigi f. sakleysi, not without ground, i. 302; fyrir hvat (why, for what) stefndi Gunnarr þeim til úhelgi? Nj. 101; ok urðu f. þat sekir, Landn. 323; hafa ámæli f. e-t, Nj. 65, passim.
    2. in a good sense, for one’s sake, for one; fyrir þín orð, for thy words, intercession, Ísl. ii. 217; vil ek göra f. þín orð, Ld. 158, Nj. 88; fyrir sína vinsæld, by his popularity, Fms. i. 259: the phrase, fyrir e-s sök, for one’s sake, vide sök: in swearing, a Latinism, fyrir trú mína, by my faith! (so in Old Engl. ‘fore God), Karl. 241; fyrir þitt líf, Stj. 514; ek særi þik f. alla krapta Krists ok manndóm þinn, Nj. 176. VII. for, at, denoting value, price; fyrir þrjár merkr, for three marks, Eg. 714; er sik leysti út f. þrjú hundruð marka, Fms. ix. 421; ganga f. hundrað, to pass or go for a hundred, D. I. i. 316:—also of the thing bought, þú skalt reiða f. hana þrjár merkr, thou shall pay for her three marks, Ld. 30; fyrir þik skulu koma mannhefndir, Nj. 57; bætr f. víg, Ísl. ii. 274; bætr f. mann, Eg. 259, passim; fyrir áverka Þorgeirs kom legorðs-sökin, Nj. 101:—so in the phrase, fyrir hvern mun, by all means, at any cost; fyrir öngan mun, by no means, Fms. i. 9, 157, Gþl. 531:—hafði hverr þeirra mann f. sik, eða tvá …, each slew a man or more for himself, i. e. they sold their lives dearly, Ó. H. 217.
    2. ellipt., í staðinn f., instead of, Grág. i. 61; hér vil ek bjóða f. góð boð, Nj. 77; taka umbun f., Fms. vii. 161; svara slíku f. sem …, Boll. 350; þér skulut öngu f. týna nema lífinu, you shall lose nothing less than your head, Nj. 7.
    VIII. by means of, by, through; fyrir þat sama orð, Stj.; fyrir sína náttúru, Fms. v. 162; fyrir messu-serkinn, iii. 168; fyrir þinn krapt ok frelsis-hönd, Pass. 19. 12; svikin f. orminn, by the serpent, Al. 63,—this use of fyrir seems to be a Latinism, but is very freq. in eccl. writings, esp. after the Reformation, N. T., Pass., Vídal.; fyrir munn Davíðs, through the mouth of David, etc.:—in good old historical writings such instances are few; þeir hlutuðu f. kast ( by dice), Sturl. ii. 159.
    IX. in spite of, against; fyrir vilja sinn, N. G. L. i. 151; fyrir vitorð eðr vilja e-s, against one’s will or knowledge, Grág. ii. 348; kvángask (giptask) f. ráð e-s, i. 177, 178, Þiðr. 190; nú fara menn f. bann ( in spite of an embargo) landa á milli, Gþl. 517; hann gaf henni líf f. framkvæmd farar, i. e. although she had not fulfilled her journey ( her vow), Fms. v. 223; fyrir várt lof, vi. 220; fyrir allt þat, in spite of all that, Grett. 80 new Ed.; fyrir ráð fram, heedlessly; fyrir lög fram, vide fram.
    X. denoting capacity, in the same sense as ‘at,’ C. II, p. 27, col. 1; scarcely found in old writers (who use ‘at’), but freq. in mod. usage, thus, eigi e-n f. vin, to have one for a friend, in old writers ‘at vin;’ hafa e-n f. fífl, fól, to make sport of one.
    2. in old writers some phrases come near to this, e. g. vita f. vist, to know for certain, Dipl. i. 3; vita f. full sannindi, id., ii. 16; hafa f. satt, to take for sooth, believe, Nj. 135; koma f. eitt, to come ( turn) all to one, Lv. 11, Nj. 91, Fms. i. 208; koma f. ekki, to come to naught, be of no avail, Ísl. ii. 215; fyrir hitt mun ganga, it will turn the other way, Nj. 93; fyrir hann er einskis örvænt orðs né verks, from him everything may be expected, Ísl. ii. 326; hafa e-s víti f. varnað, to have another’s faults for warning, Sól. 19.
    XI. joined with adverbs ending in -an, fyrir austan, vestan, sunnan, norðan, útan, innan, framan, handan, ofan, neðan, either with a following acc. denoting. direction, thus, fyrir austan, sunnan … fjall, east, south of the fell, i. e. on the eastern, southern side; fyrir neðan brú, below the bridge; fyrir útan fjall = Lat. ultra; fyrir innan fjall = Lat. infra; fyrir handan á, beyond the river; fyrir innan garð, inside the yard; fyrir ofan garð, above, beyond the yard, etc.; vide these adverbs:—used adverb., fyrir sunnan, in the south; fyrir vestan, in the west; fyrir norðan, in the north; fyrir austan, in the east,—current phrases in Icel. to mark the quarters of the country, cp. the ditty in Esp. Árb. year 1530; but not freq. in old writers, who simply say, norðr, suðr …, cp. Kristni S. ch. 1: absol. and adverb., fyrir ofan, uppermost; fyrir handan, on the other side:—fyrir útan e-t, except, save, Anal. 98, Vkv. 8; fyrir fram, vide fram.
    ☞ For- and fyrir- as prefixes, vide pp. 163–167 and below:
    I. fore-, for-, meaning before, above, in the widest sense, local, temp., and metaph. furthering or the like, for-dyri, for-nes, for-ellri, for-beini, etc.
    β. before, down, for-brekkis, -bergis, -streymis, -vindis, -viðris, etc.
    2. in an intens. sense = before others, very, but not freq.; for-dyld, -góðr, -hagr, -hraustr, -kostuligr, -kuðr, -lítill, -ljótr, -prís, -ríkr, -snjallr.
    II. (cp. fyrir, acc., C. IX), in a neg. or priv. sense; a few words occur even in the earliest poems, laws, and writers, e. g. for-að, -átta, -dæða, -nám, -næmi, -sending, -sköp, -verk, -veðja, -viða, -vitni, -ynja, -yrtir; those words at least seem to be original and vernacular: at a later time more words of the same kind crept in:
    1. as early as writers of the 13th and 14th centuries, e. g. for-boð, -bænir, -djarfa, -dæma (fyrir-dæma), -taka (fyrir-taka), -þóttr; fyrir-bjóða, -fara, -göra, -koma, -kunna, -líta, -muna, -mæla, -vega, -verða.
    2. introduced in some words at the time of the Reformation through Luther’s Bible and German hymns, and still later in many more through Danish, e. g. for-brjóta, -drífa, -láta, -líkast, -merkja, -nema, -sorga, -sóma, -standa, -svara, -þénusta, and several others; many of these, however, are not truly naturalised, being chiefly used in eccl. writings:—it is curious that if the pronoun be placed after the verb (which is the vernacular use in Icel.) the sense is in many cases reversed; thus, fyrir-koma, to destroy, but koma e-u fyrir can only mean to arrange; so also fyrir-mæla, to curse, and mæla fyrir, to speak for; for-bænir, but biðja fyrir e-m, etc.; in the latter case the sense is good and positive, in the former bad and negative; this seems to prove clearly that these compds are due to foreign influence.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > FYRIR

  • 11 Wren, Sir Christopher

    b. 20 October 1632 East Knoyle, Wiltshire, England
    d. 25 February 1723 London, England
    English architect whose background in scientific research and achievement enhanced his handling of many near-intractable architectural problems.
    Born into a High Church and Royalist family, the young Wren early showed outstanding intellectual ability and at Oxford in 1654 was described as "that miracle of a youth". Educated at Westminster School, he went up to Oxford, where he graduated at the age of 19 and obtained his master's degree two years later. From this time onwards his interests were in science, primarily astronomy but also physics, engineering and meteorology. While still at college he developed theories about and experimentally solved some fifty varied problems. At the age of 25 Wren was appointed to the Chair of Astronomy at Gresham College in London, but he soon returned to Oxford as Savilian Professor of Astronomy there. At the same time he became one of the founder members of the Society of Experimental Philosophy at Oxford, which was awarded its Royal Charter soon after the Restoration of 1660; Wren, together with such men as Isaac Newton, Robert Hooke, John Evelyn and Robert Boyle, then found himself a member of the Royal Society.
    Wren's architectural career began with the classical chapel that he built, at the request of his uncle, the Bishop of Ely, for Pembroke College, Cambridge (1663). From this time onwards, until he died at the age of 91, he was fully occupied with a wide and taxing variety of architectural problems which he faced in the execution of all the great building schemes of the day. His scientific background and inventive mind stood him in good stead in solving such difficulties with an often unusual approach and concept. Nowhere was this more apparent than in his rebuilding of fifty-one churches in the City of London after the Great Fire, in the construction of the new St Paul's Cathedral and in the grand layout of the Royal Hospital at Greenwich.
    The first instance of Wren's approach to constructional problems was in his building of the Sheldonian Theatre in Oxford (1664–9). He based his design upon that of the Roman Theatre of Marcellus (13–11 BC), which he had studied from drawings in Serlio's book of architecture. Wren's reputation as an architect was greatly enhanced by his solution to the roofing problem here. The original theatre in Rome, like all Roman-theatres, was a circular building open to the sky; this would be unsuitable in the climate of Oxford and Wren wished to cover the English counterpart without using supporting columns, which would have obscured the view of the stage. He solved this difficulty mathematically, with the aid of his colleague Dr Wallis, the Professor of Geometry, by means of a timber-trussed roof supporting a painted ceiling which represented the open sky.
    The City of London's churches were rebuilt over a period of nearly fifty years; the first to be completed and reopened was St Mary-at-Hill in 1676, and the last St Michael Cornhill in 1722, when Wren was 89. They had to be rebuilt upon the original medieval sites and they illustrate, perhaps more clearly than any other examples of Wren's work, the fertility of his imagination and his ability to solve the most intractable problems of site, limitation of space and variation in style and material. None of the churches is like any other. Of the varied sites, few are level or possess right-angled corners or parallel sides of equal length, and nearly all were hedged in by other, often larger, buildings. Nowhere is his versatility and inventiveness shown more clearly than in his designs for the steeples. There was no English precedent for a classical steeple, though he did draw upon the Dutch examples of the 1630s, because the London examples had been medieval, therefore Roman Catholic and Gothic, churches. Many of Wren's steeples are, therefore, Gothic steeples in classical dress, but many were of the greatest originality and delicate beauty: for example, St Mary-le-Bow in Cheapside; the "wedding cake" St Bride in Fleet Street; and the temple diminuendo concept of Christ Church in Newgate Street.
    In St Paul's Cathedral Wren showed his ingenuity in adapting the incongruous Royal Warrant Design of 1675. Among his gradual and successful amendments were the intriguing upper lighting of his two-storey choir and the supporting of the lantern by a brick cone inserted between the inner and outer dome shells. The layout of the Royal Hospital at Greenwich illustrates Wren's qualities as an overall large-scale planner and designer. His terms of reference insisted upon the incorporation of the earlier existing Queen's House, erected by Inigo Jones, and of John Webb's King Charles II block. The Queen's House, in particular, created a difficult problem as its smaller size rendered it out of scale with the newer structures. Wren's solution was to make it the focal centre of a great vista between the main flanking larger buildings; this was a masterstroke.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Knighted 1673. President, Royal Society 1681–3. Member of Parliament 1685–7 and 1701–2. Surveyor, Greenwich Hospital 1696. Surveyor, Westminster Abbey 1699.
    Surveyor-General 1669–1712.
    Further Reading
    R.Dutton, 1951, The Age of Wren, Batsford.
    M.Briggs, 1953, Wren the Incomparable, Allen \& Unwin. M.Whinney, 1971, Wren, Thames \& Hudson.
    K.Downes, 1971, Christopher Wren, Allen Lane.
    G.Beard, 1982, The Work of Sir Christopher Wren, Bartholomew.

    Biographical history of technology > Wren, Sir Christopher

  • 12 γίνομαι

    γίνομαι (in the form γίγνομαι [s. below] Hom.+; as γίν. since Aristot.+; and s. Kühner-Bl. II p. 391; Schwyzer I 215; KBrugmann4-AThumb, Griech. Gramm. 1913, 126; Mayser p. 165 and lit. there). Impf. ἐγινόμην; fut. γενήσομαι; 2 aor. ἐγενόμην, 3 sg. opt. γένοιτο; very rare v.l. (B-D-F §81, 3) γενάμενος (GJs 6:1; 16;1; 25:1 [s. deStrycker 249]; also found in Ps.-Callisth. 1, 20, 1; 1, 41, 11; ApcEsdr 1:3 p. 24, 7 Tdf.; Mel., P. 49, 346 [Bodm.]). Pass.: fut. ptc. τῶν γενηθησομένων (Eccl 1:11 v.l.); 1 aor. ἐγενήθην (Doric, H. Gk.; Phryn. 108 Lob.; pap fr. III B.C., Mayser I/22 ’38, 157f [w. lit.]; ins [Schweizer 181; Nachmanson 168; Thieme 13]; LXX), impv. γενηθήτω; pf. γεγένημαι (Meisterhans3-Schw.: Att. ins since 376 B.C.; Mayser 391) uncontested use in NT only J 2:9; GJs 24:3 (γεγένν-pap); apolog. On pf. γέγονα s. Meisterhans3-Schw.: since 464 B.C.; Mayser 372; on the aoristic use of γέγονα s. Mlt. 145f; 238; 239; PChantraine, Histoire du parfait grec 1927, 233–45; 3 pl. γέγοναν Ro 16:7 (v.l. γεγόνασιν) and Rv 21:6; s. KBuresch, Γέγοναν: RhM 46, 1891, 193ff; Mlt. 52 n.; ptc. γεγονώς; plpf. 3 sg. ἐγεγόνει (1 Macc. 4:27; 2 Macc. 13:17; J 6:17; Just.), without augment γεγόνει (Ac 4:22; v.l. ἐγεγόνει), s. B-D-F §78; Mlt-H. 190. On the variation γίνομαι and γίγνομαι s. W-S. §5, 31; B-D-F §34, 4; Mlt-H. 108. A verb with numerous nuances relating to being and manner of being. Its contrast to the more static term εἰμί can be seen in Kaibel 595, 5 οὐκ ἤμην καὶ ἐγενόμην=I was not and then I came to be (cp. Ath. 4, 2 in 3 below).
    to come into being through process of birth or natural production, be born, be produced (SIG 1168, 6; Epict. 2, 17, 8; Wsd 7:3; Sir 44:9; Just., A I, 13, 3; Tat. 26, 2) J 8:58; w. ἔκ τινος foll. (Diod S 3, 64, 1; Appian, Basil. 5 §1; Parthenius 1, 4; Athen. 13, 37 p. 576c ἐξ ἑταίρας; PPetr III, 2, 20; PFlor 382, 38 ὁ ἐξ ἐμοῦ γενόμενος υἱός; 1 Esdr 4:16; Tob 8:6; Jos., Ant. 2, 216) Ro 1:3; Gal 4:4 (cp. 1QS 11:21). Also of plants 1 Cor 15:37. Of fruits ἔκ τινος be produced by a tree Mt 21:19 (cp. X., Mem. 3, 6, 13 ὁ ἐκ τ. χώρας γιγνόμενος σῖτος). W. ἀπό τινος foll. Ox 1081 (SJCh), 11 γε̣[ινόμε]νον, 14 γέγ[ονος], 14f γε[ι]νομεν[ον], 19 γέγονος.
    to come into existence, be made, be created, be manufactured, be performed
    gener. ὸ̔ γέγονεν J 1:3c (s. ref. to Vawter, below); w. διά τινος vs. 3a (MTeschendorf, D. Schöpfungsged. im NT: StKr 104, ’32, 337–72). W. χωρίς τινος vs. 3b (IAndrosIsis, Cyrene 15 [103 A.D.] Ἐμοῦ δὲ χωρὶς γείνετʼ οὐδὲν πώποτε; Cleanthes, Hymn to Zeus 15 [Stoic. I 537=Coll. Alex. no. 1 p. 227] οὐδέ τι γίγνεται ἔργον σοῦ δίχα; note the related style 1QH 1:20; on the syntax of J 1:3f see BVawter, CBQ 25, ’63, 401–6, who favors a full stop after οὐδὲ ἕν, s. εἷς 2b and lit. cited there on J 1:3). W. ἔκ τινος Hb 11:3. Of cult images διὰ χειρῶν γινόμενοι made w. hands Ac 19:26 (cp. PRyl 231, 3 [40 A.D.] τοὺς ἄρτους γενέσθαι). Of miracles: be done, take place (Tob 11:15; Wsd 19:13 v.l. Swete) Mt 11:20f, 23; Lk 10:13; Ac 8:13. ἐφʼ ὸ̔ν γεγόνει τὸ σημεῖον τοῦτο on whom this miracle had been performed 4:22. W. mention of the author διά τινος (cp. 4 Macc 17:11) 2:43; 4:16, 30; 12:9; 24:2. διὰ τῶν χειρῶν τινος Mk 6:2; Ac 14:3. ὑπό τινος (Herodian 8, 4, 2; OGI 168, 46 [115 B.C.] τὰ γεγονότα ὑπὸ τοῦ πατρὸς φιλάνθρωπα; UPZ III, 3, 7 [116 B.C.]; PTebt 786, 14 [II B.C.]; Wsd 9:2; Jos., Ant. 8, 111; 347; Just., D. 35, 8 τῶν ἀπὸ τοῦ ὀνόματος αὐτοῦ [Jesus] καὶ νῦν γινομένων δυνάμεων) Lk 9:7 v.l.; 13:17; 23:8; Eph 5:12. Of commands, instructions be fulfilled, performed γενηθήτω τὸ θέλημά σου thy will be done (Appian, Liby. 90 §423 τὸ πρόσταγμα δεῖ γενέσθαι; Syntipas p. 25, 3 γενέσθω τὸ αἴτημα) Mt 6:10; 26:42; Lk 11:2; cp. 22:42. γέγονεν ὸ̔ ἐπέταξας your order has been carried out 14:22. γενέσθαι τὸ αἴτημα αὐτῶν that their demand should be granted 23:24. Of institutions: be established, the Sabbath for the sake of humans Mk 2:27 (Crates, Ep. 24 οὐ γεγόνασιν οἱ ἄνθρωποι τ. ἵππων χάριν, ἀλλʼ οἱ ἵπποι τ. ἀνθρώπων).
    w. mention of the special nature of an undertaking: ἵνα οὕτως γένηται ἐν ἐμοί in order to have such action taken in my case 1 Cor 9:15. ἐν τῷ ξηρῷ τί γένηται; what will be done when it (the wood) is dry? Lk 23:31.
    come into being as an event or phenomenon from a point of origin, arise, come about, develop (Alcaeus 23 Diehl2 [320 L-P.] καί κʼ οὐδὲν ἐκ δένος γένοιτο=nothing could originate from nothing; Ath. 4:2 τὸ ὸ̓ν οὐ γίνεται ἀλλὰ τὸ μὴ ὸ̓ν)
    of events or phenomena in nature (Sir 40:10; Ex 10:22; Job 40:23; Jos., Ant. 9, 36): lightning, thunder (X., An. 3, 1, 11) J 12:29; Rv 8:5; 11:19; calm (on the sea) Mt 8:26; Mk 4:39; Lk 8:24; storm Mk 4:37; a cloud (cp. Jos., Ant. 9, 36) 9:7; Lk 9:34; Hv 4, 3, 7; flood Lk 6:48; earthquake (Parian Marbles [III B.C.]=FGrH: 239B, 24) Mt 8:24; 28:2; Ac 16:26; Rv 6:12; 11:13; 16:18; darkness Mt 27:45; Mk 15:33; Lk 23:44; J 6:17; hail, fire Rv 8:7. Of a dawning day ὅτε δὲ ἡμέρα ἐγένετο (cp. περὶ ἀρχομένην ἡμέραν ‘about dawn’ Jos., Vi 15: in a related story of shipwreck) Ac 27:39.
    of other occurrences (Arrian, Anab. 4, 4, 3 τὰ ἱερὰ οὐκ ἐγίγνετο=the sacrifice did not turn out [favorably]; 1 Macc 1:25; 4:58; 9:27; 13:44; Jdth 7:29; 14:19 al.): complaining Ac 6:1; persecution, oppression Mt 13:21; 24:21; Mk 4:17; 13:19; Ac 11:19; discussion J 3:25; Ac 15:7; tumult Mt 26:5; 27:24; GJs 21:1 and 25:1; a sound Ac 2:2, 6; weeping 20:37; clamor 23:9; Mt 25:6; AcPl Ha 4, 6; famine Lk 4:25; 15:14; Ac 11:28; ὁρμή (q.v.) 14:5; war Rv 12:7; sharp contention Ac 15:39; tear (in a garment) Mt 9:16; Mk 2:21; Lk 6:49; silence (s. σιγή) Ac 21:40; Rv 8:1; στάσις (q.v. 2) Lk 23:19; Ac 15:2; 23:7, 10; concourse 21:30; confusion 19:23; shout, loud voice 2:6; 19:34; Rv 11:15; dispute Lk 22:24; envy, strife 1 Ti 6:4; astonishment AcPl Ha 4, 25; joy 6, 3; prayer 6, 7; offering 6, 37.
    of the various divisions of a day (Jdth 13:1; 1 Macc 5:30; 4 Macc 3:8 al.) γενομένης ἡμέρας when day came (Jos., Ant. 10, 202, Vi. 405) Lk 4:42; Ac 12:18; 16:35; 23:12; cp. Lk 6:13; 22:66; Ac 27:29, 33, 39. Difft. Mk 6:21 γενομένης ἡμέρας εὐκαίρου when a convenient/opportune day arrived. ὀψέ (cp. Gen 29:25; 1 Km 25:37) 11:19. ὀψίας γενομένης Mt 8:16; 14:15, 23; 16:2; 26:20; 27:57; Mk 1:32; 6:47; 14:17; 15:42; cp. J 6:16. πρωί̈ας Mt 27:1; J 21:4. νύξ Ac 27:27. ὥρας πολλῆς γενομένης when it had grown late Mk 6:35; cp. 15:33; Lk 22:14; Ac 26:4.
    to occur as process or result, happen, turn out, take place (Dicaearch., Fgm. 102 W.: a campaign ‘takes place’; Diod S 32 Fgm. 9c τὰς εἰς τ. πατέρα γεγενημένας ἁμαρτίας=the misdeeds ‘perpetrated’ against his father; 2 Macc 1:32; 13:17; 3 Macc 1:11; 4:12; 5:17 al.)
    gener. τοῦτο ὅλον γέγονεν all this took place w. ἵνα foll. Mt 1:22; 26:56. ἕως ἂν πάντα γένηται until all has taken place (=is past) 5:18. πάντα τὰ γενόμενα everything that had happened (cp. Appian, Bell. Civ. 2, 121 §508 τὰ γενόμενα; 1 Esdr 1:10; Jdth 15:1; 1 Macc 4:20; 2 Macc 10:21; 3 Macc 1:17) 18:31; cp. 21:21; 24:6, 20, 34; 26:54; 27:54; 28:11; Mk 5:14. ἴδωμεν τὸ ῥῆμα τοῦτο τὸ γεγονός let us see this thing that has taken place Lk 2:15 (TestAbr A 15 p. 96, 15 [Stone p. 40]) θανάτου γενομένου since a death has occurred, i.e. since he has died Hb 9:15. τούτου γενομένου after this had happened (Jos., Ant. 9, 56; 129) Ac 28:9. τὸ γεγονός what had happened (Diod S 12, 49, 4; Appian, Bell. Civ. 2, 18 §496; Jos., Ant. 14, 292) Lk 8:34; 24:12. τὰ γεγονότα AcPl Ha 11, 1.—μὴ γένοιτο strong negation, in Paul only after rhet. questions (cp. TestJob 38:1; JosAs 25:8; Epict., index p. 540e; Lucian, Dial. Deor. 1, 2, Dial. Meretr. 13, 4; Achilles Tat. 5, 18, 4; Aristaen., Ep. 1, 27) by no means, far from it, God forbid (Goodsp., Probs., 88; AMalherbe, HTR 73, ’80, 231–41) Lk 20:16; Ro 3:4, 6, 31; 6:2, 15; 7:7, 13; 9:14; 11:1, 11; 1 Cor 6:15; Gal 2:17; 3:21. In more extensive phrasing (the LXX has exx. only of this usage: Gen 44:17; 3 Km 20:3 al.; cp. Josh 22:29; Demosth. 10, 27; Alciphron 2, 5, 3 al.; Ael. Aristid. 23, 80 K.=42 p. 795 D.; 30 p. 578 D.; 54 p. 679 ὸ̔ μὴ γένοιτο) Gal 6:14; w. ἵνα foll. AcPl Ha 7, 40. τί γέγονεν ὅτι (cp. Eccl 7:10) why is it that J 14:22.—Of festivals: be held, take place, come (X., Hell. 7, 4, 28 τὰ Ὀλύμπια; 4, 5, 1; 4 Km 23:22f; 2 Macc 6:7) feast of dedication J 10:22; passover Mt 26:2; sabbath Mk 6:2; wedding J 2:1.—Abs. impv. (put twice for emphasis as Lucian, Pisc. 1 βάλλε, βάλλε; Philostrat., Ep. 35, 1 λάβε λάβε; Procop. Soph., Ep. 45) γενηθήτω γενηθήτω so let it be as a closing formula 1 Cor 16:24 v.l. (cp. Herodas 4, 85, where the sacristan closes his prayer to Asclepius with the words: ὧδε ταῦτʼ εἴη=so may it be).—On γένοιτο ἀμήν GJs 6:2 s. ἀμήν 1a.
    w. dat. of pers. affected
    α. w. inf. foll. (UPZ 24, 29 al.; 1 Macc 13:5; Jos., Ant. 6, 232) ὅπως μὴ γένηται αὐτῷ χρονοτριβῆσαι so that he would not have to lose time Ac 20:16.
    β. w. adv. or adv. phrase added (1 Esdr 6:33) κατὰ τὴν πίστιν ὑμῶν γενηθήτω ὑμῖν according to your faith let it be done to you, i.e. you believe, and you won’t be disappointed Mt 9:29; cp. 8:13. γένοιτό μοι κατὰ τὸ ῥῆμά σου may that happen to me as you have said Lk 1:38. πῶς ἐγένετο τῷ δαιμονιζομένῳ what had happened to the possessed man Mk 5:16. ἵνα εὖ σοι γένηται that it may be well w. you Eph 6:3 (Dt 5:16; cp. Epict. 2, 5, 29 εὖ σοι γένοιτο; Aelian, VH 9, 36). γενηθήτω σοι ὡς θέλεις let it be done for you as you desire, i.e. your wish is granted Mt 15:28.
    γ. w. nom. of thing (1 Macc 4:25; Sir 51:17; Ar. 15:5) γίνεταί τινί τι someth. happens to or befalls a person Mk 9:21. ἵνα μὴ χεῖρόν σοί τι γένηται lest someth. worse come upon you J 5:14. τί ἐγένετο αὐτῷ what has happened to him Ac 7:40 (Ex 32:1, 23; AcPl Ha 5, 20). τὸ γεγενημένον αὐτῷ Ac 3:10 D. ἐγίνετο πάσῃ ψυχῄ φόβος fear came upon everyone (cp. Tob 11:18) 2:43. λύπη AcPl Ha 6, 16. Freq. γέγονε ἐμοί τι someth. has come to me= I have someth.: πώρωσις τῷ Ἰσραὴλ γέγονεν a hardening (of heart) has befallen Israel Ro 11:25; σωτηρία τῷ Ἰσραὴλ γεγένηται GJs 19:2; cp. Lk 19:9; διὰ τὴν ὀπτασίαν τὴν γενομένην Παύλῳ AcPl Ha 3, 15; ἐὰν γένηταί τινι ἀνθρώπῳ ἑκατὸν πρόβατα if a man has a hundred sheep Mt 18:12. τοῖς ἔξω ἐν παραβολαῖς τὰ πάντα γίνεται those outside receive everything in parables Mk 4:11. μήποτε γένηται ἀνταπόδομά σοι that you may receive no repayment Lk 14:12; cp. 19:9; J 15:7; 1 Cor 4:5.
    w. gen. of pers. (Diod S 16, 64, 2 τὸν τῆς Ἑλένης γεγενημένον ὅρμον=the necklace that had belonged to Helen): ἐγένετο ἡ βασιλεία τοῦ κόσμου τοῦ κυρίου ἡμῶν the kingdom of the world has come into the possession of our Lord Rv 11:15.
    γίνεταί τι ἐπί τινι someth. happens in the case of or to a person Mk 5:33 v.l.; ἐν v.l. This can also be expressed w. εἴς τινα Ac 28:6 or the double nom. τί ἄρα ὁ Πέτρος ἐγένετο what had become of Peter 12:18 (cp. Jos., Vi. 296 οἱ εἴκοσι χρυσοῖ τὶ γεγόνασιν).
    w. inf. foll., to emphasize the actual occurrence of the action denoted by the verb: ἐὰν γένηται εὑρεῖν αὐτό if it comes about that he finds it= if he actually finds it Mt 18:13 (s. PCatt V, 19f [=Mitt-Wilck. II/2, 372 V] ἐὰν γένηταί με ἀποδημεῖν; PAmh 135, 10; BGU 970, 5). ἐγένετο αὐτὸν παραπορεύεσθαι he happened to be passing Mk 2:23; cp. Lk 6:1, 6. ἐγένετο ἀνεῳχθῆναι τὸν οὐρανόν just then the heaven opened Lk 3:21; cp. 16:22 (ἐν τῷ ἀποθανεῖν P75); Ac 4:5; 9:3, 32, 37, 43; 11:26; 14:1; 16:16; 19:1; 21:1, 5; 22:6, 17; 27:44; 28:8 (UPZ 62, 29 [161 B.C.] γίνεται γὰρ ἐντραπῆναι).
    καὶ ἐγένετο (ἐγένετο δέ) periphrastic like וַיְהִי with וַ foll. to indicate the progress of the narrative; it is followed either by a conjunction like ὅτε, ὡς etc., or a gen. abs., or a prepositional constr., and joined to it is a finite verb w. καί (Jdth 5:22; 10:1; Sus 19 Theod.; 1 Macc 1:1; 5:1; Gen 39:7, 13, 19; 42:35; JosAs 11:1; 22:1; AscIs 3:2) Mt 9:10; Mk 2:15 v.l.; Lk 2:15; 5:1, 12, 17; 8:1, 22; 14:1.—Without the second καί (Jdth 2:4; 12:10; 13:12; 1 Macc 6:8; 7:2 v.l.; 9:23; Sus 28 Theod.; Bel 18 Theod.; TestAbr B 1 p. 105, 1 [Stone p. 58] and 6 p. 109, 27 [Stone p. 66]; TestJob 31:1; JosAs 1:1; 3:1) Mt 7:28; 11:1; 13:53; 19:1; 26:1; Mk 1:9; 4:4; Lk 1:8, 23, 41, 59; 2:1, 6, 46; 6:12 al. At times it is followed by an inf. The phrase is usually omitted in translation; older versions transl. it came to pass.—Mlt. 16f; MJohannessohn, Das bibl. καὶ ἐγένετο u. s. Geschichte: ZVS 53, 1926, 161–212 (LXX); s. MDibelius, Gnomon 3, 1927, 446–50; HPernot, Études sur la langue des Évangiles 1927, 189–99; KBeyer, Semitische Syntax im NT, ’62, 29–62; JReiling, BT 16, ’65, 153–63; EDelebecque, Études grecques sur l’Évangile de Luc ’76, 123–65.
    to experience a change in nature and so indicate entry into a new condition, become someth.
    w. nouns (Lamellae Aur. Orphicae ed. AOlivieri 1915, p. 16, 5 θεὸς ἐγένου ἐξ ἀνθρώπου [IV/III]; Arrian, Anab. 5, 26, 5; Sir 51:2; 1 Esdr 4:26; Wsd 8:2; 4 Macc 16:6; En 103:11; Tat. 19, 2 τοῦ θανάτου καταφρονηταὶ γίνεσθε): ὅπως γένησθε υἱοὶ τοῦ πατρὸς ὑμῶν that you may become sons of your father Mt 5:45; ποιήσω ὑμᾶς γενέσθαι ἁλιεῖς ἀνθρώπων I will turn you into fishers of people Mk 1:17; a traitor Lk 6:16; friends 23:12 (cp. Jos., Ant. 11, 121); children of God J 1:12; children of light 12:36; a Christian Ac 26:29; apostle AcPlCor 2:4; a father Ro 4:18; a fool 1 Cor 3:18; a spectacle 4:9; a man, an adult 13:11 (Tob 1:9); a curse Gal 3:13. οὐχ ἑαυτὸν ἐδόξασεν γενηθῆναι ἀρχιερέα he did not exalt himself to be made high priest Hb 5:5; ἐγένετο ἀντὶ αὐτοῦ Σαμουήλ Samuel became (high priest) in his place GJs 10:2. W. double nom. (Ps.-Apollod., Epit. 3, 15 δράκων λίθος ἐγένετο; Quint. Smyrn. 12, 507; Bel 28; 4 Macc 18:7) οἱ λίθοι ἄρτοι γίνονται the stones turn into loaves Mt 4:3. τὸ αἵμα αὐτοῦ λίθον γεγενημένον GJs 24:3. ὁ λόγος σὰρξ ἐγένετο J 1:14 (the reverse PBerl 13044, col. III, 28ff [UWilcken, SBBerlAk 1923, 161f] τί ποιῶν ἄν τις γένοιτο θεός;). τὸ ὕδωρ γενήσεται πηγή 4:14. ἡ περιτομὴ ἀκροβυστία γέγονεν Ro 2:25. ἐγενόμην ἐγὼ διάκονος I became a courier Col 1:23 (cp. Herodian 2, 6, 8 ἀνὴρ ἔπαρχος γενόμενος).—Also γ. εἴς τι (Menand., Peric. 49f Kö. [169f S.] τὸ κακὸν εἰς ἀγαθὸν ῥέπει γινόμενον; 1 Km 4:9; Jdth 5:18; 1 Macc 2:11, 43; 3:58; En 19:2 al.; B-D-F §145, 1): ἐγένετο εἰς δένδρον it became a tree Lk 13:19; εἰς κεφαλὴν γωνίας Mt 21:42; Mk 12:10; Lk 20:17; Ac 4:11; 1 Pt 2:7 (all in ref. to Ps 117:22); εἰς χαρὰν γ. change (or, turn) into joy J 16:20. εἰς οὐδέν come to nothing Ac 5:36. εἰς παγίδα Ro 11:9 (Ps 68:23); εἰς κενὸν γ. be done in vain 1 Th 3:5. εἰς ἄψινθον Rv 8:11. Cp. AcPl Ha 6, 6. Also w. γίνεσθαι omitted: εἰς κατάκριμα (sc. ἐγένετο τὸ κρίμα) Ro 5:18.
    used w. an adj. to paraphrase the passive (Jdth 11:11; 1 Esdr 7:3; 2 Macc 3:34; Sus 64 Theod.; En 103:9; Ath. 37, 1 πάντων ὑποχειρίων γιγνομένων): ἁπαλὸν γ. become tender Mt 24:32; Mk 13:28; ἀπειθῆ γ. Ac 26:19; ἀποσυνάγωγον γ. be expelled fr. the synagogue J 12:42; ἄφαντον γ. disappear Lk 24:31; σκωληκόβρωτον γ. be eaten by worms Ac 12:23; γνωστόν, φανερὸν γ. become known (Just., A I, 63, 6) Mk 6:14; Ac 1:19; 9:42; 19:17; 1 Cor 3:13; 14:25; Phil 1:13; δόκιμον γ. pass the test Js 1:12; ἑδραῖον γ. 1 Cor 15:58; ἔκδηλον γ. 2 Ti 3:9; AcPlCor 1:16; ἔξυπνον γ. Ac 16:27 (1 Esdr 3:3=Jos., Ant. 11:34); s. ἀπόπληκτος, ἐλεύθερος, ἐμφανής, ἔμφοβος, ἐνεργής, ἔντρομος, καθαρός, μέγας, περιδάκρυτος, περικρατής, πλήρης, πρηνής, τυφλός, ὑγιής, ὑπήκοος, ὑπόδικος, φανερός 1.
    w. ἐν of a state of being (Stoic. III 221, 16; Diod S 20, 62, 4 ἐν ἀνέσει γ.; Plut., Tit. Flam. 378 [16, 1] ἐν ὀργῇ γ.; Lucian, Tim. 28; PPetr II, 20; III, 12 [252 B.C.] ἐν ἐπισχέσει γ.; BGU 5 II, 19 ἐν νόσῳ; POxy 471 IV, 77f; 4 Km 9:20; 1 Macc 1:27 v.l.; Sus 8 Theod.; Jos., Bell. 1, 320, Ant. 16, 372; Mel., P. 18 ἐν πόνοις … ἐν πληγαῖς etc.) ἐν ἀγωνίᾳ Lk 22:44. ἐν ἐκστάσει Ac 22:17. ἐν πνεύματι under the Spirit’s influence Rv 1:10; 4:2; AcPl Ha 6, 28. ἐν ὁμοιώματι ἀνθρώπων be like human beings Phil 2:7. ἐν ἀσθενείᾳ, φόβῳ, τρόμῳ 1 Cor 2:3. ἐν δόξῃ 2 Cor 3:7. ἐν ἑαυτῷ γ. come to one’s senses (Soph., Phil. 950; X., An. 1, 5, 17; Polyb. 1, 49, 8; Chariton 3, 9, 11) Ac 12:11; γ. ἐν Χριστῷ be a Christian Ro 16:7. Cp. 7 below.
    to make a change of location in space, move
    εἴς τι (Hdt. 5, 87 al.; Philo, Op. M. 86; 2 Macc 1:13; also ἐν: Just., A II, 9, 3 ἐγενόμεθα ἐν ἐκείνῳ τῷ τόπω): εἰς Ἱεροσόλυμα γ. (Jos., Ant. 10, 42) Ac 20:16; 21:17; 25:15. εἰς τὸν ἀγρόν Hv 3, 1, 4. Of a voice: ἐγένετο εἰς τὰ ὦτά μου reached my ear Lk 1:44. Fig. (cp. Bar 4:28) of Abraham’s blessing εἰς τὰ ἔθνη come to the Gentiles Gal 3:14; cp. 2 Cor 8:14 (s. περίσσευμα 1, ὑστέρημα 1).
    ἔκ τινος (Job 28:2): γ. ἐκ μέσου be removed, Lat. e medio tolli (cp. Ps.-Aeschin., Ep. 12, 6 ἐκ μέσου γενομένων ἐκείνων; Plut., Timol. 238 [5, 3]; Achilles Tat. 2, 27, 2) 2 Th 2:7 (HFulford, ET 23, 1912, 40f: ‘leave the scene’). Of a voice fr. heaven: ἐκ τ. οὐρανῶν γ. sound forth fr. heaven (2 Macc 2:21; cp. Da 4:31 Theod.) Mk 1:11; Lk 3:22; 9:35; cp. vs. 36.
    ἐπί τι: ἐπὶ τὸ μνημεῖον go to the tomb Lk 24:22; ἐπὶ τοὺς ἀναβαθμούς when he was at the steps Ac 21:35. Of fear that befalls someone (2 Macc 12:22) Lk 1:65; 4:36; Ac 5:5. Of ulcers: break out on someone Rv 16:2 (Ex 9:10f). Of divine commands: go out to someone Lk 3:2. ἐπί is somet. used w. the gen. (Appian, Liby. 93 §440; Alex. Aphr., Mixt. II 2 p. 213, 21) instead of the acc.: γενόμενος ἐπὶ τοῦ τόπου when he had arrived at the place 22:40 (Mitt-Wilck. I/2, 327, 18 ἐπὶ τ. τόπων γινόμενος).—J 6:21.
    w. κατά and gen. of place: τὸ γενόμενον ῥῆμα καθʼ ὅλης τῆς Ἰουδαίας the message that has spread throughout all Judea Ac 10:37. W. acc. of place (X., Cyr. 7, 1, 15; Apollon. Paradox. 3 κατὰ τόπους γ.; Jos., Ant. I, 174; cp. 2 Macc 9:8): γενόμενος κατὰ τὸν τόπον Lk 10:32; γενόμενοι κατὰ τὴν Κνίδον Ac 27:7.
    w. πρός and acc. of the direction and goal (PLond III, 962, 1 p. 210 [III A.D.] γενοῦ πρὸς Ἄταϊν τὸν ποιμένα; PFlor 180, 45) 1 Cor 2:3; 2J 12. Of divine instructions be given to someone (Gen 15:1, 4; Jer 1:2, 11; 13:8; Ezk 6:1; Hos 1:1; cp. ἐπί w. acc.) J 10:35; Ac 7:31 v.l.; 10:13; 13:32.
    w. σύν and the dat. join someone (X., Cyr. 5, 3, 8; 2 Macc 13:13) Lk 2:13.
    w. ἐγγύς (X., An. 1, 8, 8, Cyr. 7, 1, 7; cp. γίν. πλησίον Philo, Mos. 1, 228; Jos., Ant. 4, 40): ἐγγὺς τοῦ πλοίου γίνεσθαι come close to the boat J 6:19. Fig. of the relation of believers to Christ: come near Eph 2:13.
    w. ὧδε come here J 6:25;
    ἔμπροσθέν τινος γ. J 1:15, 30 s. on ἔμπροσθεν 1bζ and ὀπίσω 2b.
    to come into a certain state or possess certain characteristics, to be, prove to be, turn out to be (on relation to the forms of εἰμί [here and in 8–10] s. ALink, StKr 69, 1896, 420ff). Used w. the nom. (Wsd 16:3; Jdth 16:21; Sir 31:22; 1 Macc 3:58) γίνεσθε φρόνιμοι be prudent Mt 10:16. ἄκαρπος γίνεται 13:22; Mk 4:19.—W. other words: vs. 22; 9:50; Lk 1:2; 2:2; 6:36 and very oft. Freq. the dat. of advantage (dat. commodi) is added (1 Macc 10:47; 2 Macc 7:37; 4 Macc 6:28; 12:17): ἀγαπητόν τινι γ. be dear to someone 1 Th 2:8. ἀπρόσκοπον γ. τινι be inoffensive to someone 1 Cor 10:32; γ. τινι μαθητήν J 15:8; μισθαποδότην γ. τινι be a rewarder of someone Hb 11:6; γ. ὁδηγόν τινι Ac 1:16. Cp. παρηγορία, σημεῖον, τύπος.—γ. ὁμοθυμαδόν come together in unanimity or reach unanimity Ac 15:25.—τὶ γίνεταί τινί τι a thing results in someth. for someone τὸ ἀγαθὸν ἐμοὶ ἐγ. θάνατος; Ro 7:13. ἡ ἐξουσία πρόσκομμα τοῖς ἀσθενέσιν 1 Cor 8:9.—γίνομαι ὡς, ὥσπερ, ὡσεί τις (Ps 21:15; 31:9; 37:15; 82:11; 87:5 al.) be, become, show oneself like Mt 6:16; 10:25; 18:3; 28:4; Lk 22:26, 44; 1 Cor 4:13; 9:20f; Gal 4:12. καθὼς ἐγένετο … οὕτως ἔσται as it was … so it will be Lk 17:26, 28. οὐ χρὴ ταῦτα οὕτως γίνεσθαι this should not be so Js 3:10. ὁσίως καὶ δικαίως καὶ ἀμέμπτως ὑμῖν ἐγενήθημεν we proved/showed ourselves … toward you 1 Th 2:10.—In statements pert. to age (Aristoxenus, Fgm. 16 γεγονότα [sc. τὸν Πυθαγόραν] ἐτῶν τεσσαράκοντα; Demetr. of Phaleron [IV–III B.C.], Fgm. 153 Wehrli [’49]; Demetr: 722 Fgm. 1, 1 Jac.; Jos., Ant. 10, 50) ἐτῶν δώδεκα Lk 2:42; cp. 1 Ti 5:9.—Here prob. also belongs ἐγένετο γνώμης he decided Ac 20:3 (cp. Plut., Phoc. 752 [23, 4] ἐλπίδος μεγάλης γ.; Cass. Dio 61, 14 τ. ἐπιθυμίας γ.; Jos., Bell. 6, 287).
    to be present at a given time, be there ([Ps.-]Jos., Ant. 18, 63) Mk 1:4; J 1:6, hence exist (Diod S 3, 52, 4 γέγονε γένη γυναικῶν=there have been nations of women; Appian, Maced. 18 §3 τὸ χρυσίον τὸ γιγνόμενον=the gold that was at hand; Bar 3:26; 2 Macc 10:24) Ro 11:5; 1J 2:18. ἐγένετο there lived Lk 1:5. ἔν τινι 2 Pt 2:1. ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς Rv 16:18 (Da 12:1 Theod.).
    to be closely related to someone or someth., belong to
    gen. of the possessor (Appian, Bell. Civ. 5, 79 §336 a slave γεγένητο Πομπηίου=had belonged to Pompey: B-D-F §162, 7) belong to someone Lk 20:14, 33 (Appian, Bell. Civ. 2, 83 §350 γυνὴ Κράσσου γεγενημένη=who had been the wife of [the younger] Crassus).
    w. dat. of pers. belong to someone (PPetr II, 40b, 7 [277 B.C.]; O. Wilck II, 1530, 2f [120 B.C.] τὸ γινόμενόν μοι=what belongs to me) of a woman ἀνδρὶ ἑτέρῳ Ro 7:3f (cp. Ruth 1:12f; Dt 24:2).
    w. prep. μετά τινος (Josh 2:19) Ac 9:19; 20:18. οἱ μετʼ αὐτοῦ γενόμενοι his intimate friends Mk 16:10. πρός τινα be w. someone 1 Cor 16:10 ( make him [Timothy] feel quite at home with you Mft.) ὑπό τινα be under the authority of someone or someth. (1 Macc 10:38) Gal 4:4.
    Here perh. belongs ἰδίας ἐπιλύσεως οὐ γίνεται it is not a matter of private interpretation 2 Pt 1:20.
    to be in or at a place, be in, be there
    ἔν τινι to designate one’s present or future place of residence (X., An. 4, 3, 29; Appian, Bell. Civ. 5, 4 §15 Ἀντώνιος ἐν Ἐφέσῳ γενόμενος; Aelian, VH 4, 15; Herodian 2, 2, 5; POxy 283, 11; 709, 6 ἐν Μένφει γενόμενος; PTebt 416, 3; BGU 731 II, 6 ἐν οἰκίᾳ μου; Num 11:35; Judg 17:4; 1 Ch 14:17; Jdth 5:7 al. Demetr.: 722 Fgm. 1, 18 Jac.) Mt 26:6; Mk 9:33; Ac 7:38; 13:5; 2 Ti 1:17; Rv 1:9; AcPl Ha 7, 23.
    w. adv.: ἐκεῖ (X., An. 6, 5, 20; 3 Km 8:8 v.l.; Jos., Ant. 10, 180) Ac 19:21. κατὰ μόνας Mk 4:10.—B. 637. DELG s.v. γίγνομαι. M-M. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > γίνομαι

  • 13 Κανά

    Κανά, ἡ (also Κανᾶ, e.g. Tdf.) indecl. Cana, name of a city in Galilee (cp. Jos., Vi. 86), the location of which can no longer be determined. Among the possibilities are the sites now known as Khirbet Qana, c. 14 km. north of Nazareth (RMackowski, ‘Scholars’ Qanah.’ A Re-examination of the Evidence in Favor of Khirbet Qanah: BZ 23, ’79, 278–84; Dalman, Orte3 108–14 [Eng. tr. 112f]); Kafr Kanna, a.k.a. Kefr Kenna, c. 5 km. northeast of Naz. (TSoiron, D. Evangelium u. d. hl. Stätten in Palästina 1929), easily available to ancient pilgrims; and even ˓Ain Qana, 1½ km. north of Naz. near Reina (s. WSanday, Sacred Sites of the Gospels 1903, 24, n.)—the first receives the most scholarly support. Place of Jesus’ first miracle in J 2:1, 11 (lit. in Hdb. exc. after J 2:12; CKopp, The Holy Places of the Gospels, tr. RWalls, ’63, 143–54; RRiesner, Bibel u. Kirche 43, ’88, 69–71); 4:46. Home of Nathanael 21:2; according to many, also of Simon Mt 10:4 (s. Καναναῖος).—Heinz Noetzel, Christus und Dionysus ’60.—EDNT. BHHW II 926. M-M.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > Κανά

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